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Uncharted |OT|


Spoit said:
Which is kinda disapointing, since it's really the only PS3 title I can remember being extensively advertised on TV (in the US)

I'm sure Resistance had more TV spots than even Gears of War.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
AAK said:
I'm sure Resistance had more TV spots than even Gears of War.
No way. But even if it was comparable, volume of commercials doesn't mean much when Gears had a much more memorable commercial.

inthezone said:
Interesting how it has performed quite well in Europe, as opposed to its not-as-high-as-expected performance in the US.
I expected it. The perception of what's cool is just not quite the same in US and Europe, and I always thought Uncharted pulled towards European sensibilities more.

inthezone said:
I dunno if its the marketing or what but SCEE appears to be better at introducing new IPs like Singstar or Eye Toy software than SCEA. Both titles made no impact on the US yet they are mega-franchises in Europe.
Add Buzz to the list, and yes that's true. SCEA has been pretty dumb when it comes to marketing to non-gamers, SCEE was a whole other story.


Shamefully I owned the game since it came out but never got around to *really* playing it till Sunday. Beat it late last night and I absolutely enjoyed it. Due to my backlog of titles I usually don't "play-over" much .. but I'm thinking of giving this one another run :D


Ephemeris said:
I'm thinking of giving this one another run :D

play it on crushing mode if you didn't have problems beating it on hard, you won't regret it, so challenging and rewarding at the same time.


Ephemeris said:
Shamefully I owned the game since it came out but never got around to *really* playing it till Sunday. Beat it late last night and I absolutely enjoyed it. Due to my backlog of titles I usually don't "play-over" much .. but I'm thinking of giving this one another run :D

Do it, on crushing it's afw.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
I wouldn't suggest playing it on crushing if you only played on Normal. If you want to replay it, do it on Hard for the optimal fun. Crushing can get too frustrating at times.

\/ Lunatic Puma, Itunes has it in Itunes Plus which is 256kbps AAC. Definitely good enough quality.


dresses business casual
Finished this up last night. Really solid title all round though the jet ski up the river part was a bit tedious. I haven't had this much fun in an adventure game since the original Tomb Raider.

Where can I buy the OST? Anyplace sell it on CD or only on iTunes? I don't like iTunes due to it's lower bitrate, but if that's the only place to get it, I'll bite.


Neo Member
I'm on my 3rd replay of Uncharted, still 12 treasures to find. I just got a HDTV so I can really appreciate the beauty of Uncharted now. Nathan, Elena and Sully are such great characters.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Can someone please tell me if that critique of Uncharted being racist (or ethnically incorrect, I guess, as you kill a lot of Hispanic pirates) was serious or just someone's joke? I hope that's not a general and accepted consensus now :\

I mean, you do get to kill shit-ton of mercenary ex-military white guys as well - or at least I always thought they were white, as they looked visibly light skinned compared to many of the pirates (among which there also were caucasian types, like the guy with the grenade launcher and one other type) They looked lighter skinned than main character even. It's like they went extra step to ensure that player would see that...
Marconelly said:
Can someone please tell me if that critique of Uncharted being racist (or ethnically incorrect, I guess, as you kill a lot of Hispanic pirates) was serious or just someone's joke? I hope that's not a general and accepted consensus now.

I mean, you do get to kill shit-ton of mercenary ex-military white guys as well - or at least I always thought they were white, as they looked visibly light skinned compared to many of the pirates (among which there also were caucasian types, like the guy with the grenade launcher and one other type) They looked lighter skinned than main character even. It's like they went extra step to ensure that player would see that...

I am pretty sure most people remembered it was a game and didnt take themselves to seriously.
Its like saying Indiana Jones is a racist because everytime he is grabbing a artifact he steals it from some mayan look alike society.

In the context of the game it makes sense that your fighting native islander's and such.


Marconelly said:
Can someone please tell me if that critique of Uncharted being racist (or ethnically incorrect, I guess, as you kill a lot of Hispanic pirates) was serious or just someone's joke? I hope that's not a general and accepted consensus now :\

I mean, you do get to kill shit-ton of mercenary ex-military white guys as well - or at least I always thought they were white, as they looked visibly light skinned compared to many of the pirates (among which there also were caucasian types, like the guy with the grenade launcher and one other type) They looked lighter skinned than main character even. It's like they went extra step to ensure that player would see that...

Eh, it was just some BS that ZeroPunctuation pulled out of their asses because Yahtzee couldn't really find much to rag on Uncharted for. You gotta grab at what you can right?
Holy Hell that was tough. I took me the better part of a week to get through it. Its not impossible but that a bitch. The segment at the church at the end took me a hour of retries before I could drop everyone and get away. I still need 20 treasures, but now I can start an easy game, turn on slow motion and have fun while I search. Next I need to wrap up the last pieces of Ratchet.


Suckin' dicks since '66
BobTheFork said:
Holy Hell that was tough. I took me the better part of a week to get through it. Its not impossible but that a bitch. The segment at the church at the end took me a hour of retries before I could drop everyone and get away. I still need 20 treasures, but now I can start an easy game, turn on slow motion and have fun while I search. Next I need to wrap up the last pieces of Ratchet.

Yeah that shit is brutal man I swear I threw my control a dozen times was really pissed.


Yay, beat this amazing game Thursday night. Now it's on to Hard and then Crushing. Does anybody know of any good sites to help find all the treasures?


The one thing that pisses me off about this game is that it turned out to be a shooter. I thought it was going to be an action adventure game and shooting would just be an addition to the experience. I love the fact that it's a story driven game, but seriously, how many times can they throw groups of 2-3 enemies over and over in the same environment? During the scene where you find your crashed plane it's the worst. You have 3 different stages of "groups" of enemies. The first stage consists of fighting all the people around the airplane (around 6 or so) and then you have to face groups of enemies coming out at around 2 per group until you fight about 6 more guys. Then, you go into the plane and watch the cutscene. After the cutscene is over, you are greeted with another hoard of enemies coming at a pace of about 2 per group. When the 6-8 guys or whatever are dead, you are faced with yet another hoard, this time going back the way you were going the first place. Is it really necessary to just drop these enemies in there like this? It's a good game, but not the adventure that it was advertised as.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Esperado said:
It's a good game, but not the adventure that it was advertised as.
Shooting, traversal and hand to hand fighting were the things they always brought up when describing the game. In that order even. If you were expecting more puzzles instead of action, listening some dev interviews you'd hear they always mentioned puzzles last, it seemed kinda like an afterthought to them, so I don't think they misadvertised it.


I'm not finished the game yet but overall I'm really impressed with the game. I'm a sucker for a game that has a good story with great voice acting and identifiable characters. I can't help but feel the game is somewhat underrated considering some of the reviews I read and in general I'm glad that I bought a PS3 for this game.

My biggest complains are:

- they didn't put enough use/work in around motion control. The majority of the motion control in the game is an afterthought and it didn't need to be.
- for a company that touts the needs for BD disc space why are there only like 8 different enemy types. Even worse when enemies are identifiable by what they're wearing, what weapons they'll be carrying. With a system that basically has limitless disc space this is pretty sad
- disappointing lack of any online potion, coop in this game would have been awesome
- I've encountered a few serious bugs that locked the system up, for a game this big I guess it will happen but not a great first impression


pr0cs said:
My biggest complains are:
- for a company that touts the needs for BD disc space why are there only like 8 different enemy types. Even worse when enemies are identifiable by what they're wearing, what weapons they'll be carrying. With a system that basically has limitless disc space this is pretty sad

http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/854/854122p1.html said:
enemies were originally going to use an extensive wardrobe system to prevent it from seeming like you were seeing the same guy over and over (this died due to time constraints), etc.

System locking up has never happened to me at all with any PS3 game, but welcome to Team Uncharted!


pr0cs said:
- for a company that touts the needs for BD disc space why are there only like 8 different enemy types. Even worse when enemies are identifiable by what they're wearing, what weapons they'll be carrying. With a system that basically has limitless disc space this is pretty sad

Where are you in the game now ? You may not be far along enough yet to count the number of enemy type.


Esperado said:
The one thing that pisses me off about this game is that it turned out to be a shooter. I thought it was going to be an action adventure game and shooting would just be an addition to the experience. I love the fact that it's a story driven game, but seriously, how many times can they throw groups of 2-3 enemies over and over in the same environment? During the scene where you find your crashed plane it's the worst. You have 3 different stages of "groups" of enemies. The first stage consists of fighting all the people around the airplane (around 6 or so) and then you have to face groups of enemies coming out at around 2 per group until you fight about 6 more guys. Then, you go into the plane and watch the cutscene. After the cutscene is over, you are greeted with another hoard of enemies coming at a pace of about 2 per group. When the 6-8 guys or whatever are dead, you are faced with yet another hoard, this time going back the way you were going the first place. Is it really necessary to just drop these enemies in there like this? It's a good game, but not the adventure that it was advertised as.

That's the main reason why I wish the comparisons to Tomb Raider would stop. Saying that "Uncharted is what Tomb Raider should have become" is nonsense - they're actually very different games in just about every way except for general setting. Uncharted destroys Tomb Raider when it comes to gunplay, and Tomb Raider (I'm referring to Anniversary here) still destroys Uncharted when it comes to platforming and environmental puzzles. They're both very good games, and there's certainly room for both.


noire said:
I saw your pictures in the Ratchet thread, and I wondered the same thing I'm wondering here... why post phone cam pics of an older game that there are a ton of high quality pics of online?

Yeah, these kind of pics are the main ammunition for trolls to use on later dates :lol

The Blu-Ray seems to have been for the HD video extras if for nothing else.

And the beautiful uncompressed audio tracks :D
noire said:
The Blu-Ray seems to have been for the HD video extras if for nothing else.
More like multiple languages. Games fully in Portuguese are a big selling point here.

Though keep in mind that most of these games are still over 9GB if you count only 1 language.
EVERYTIME this thread is bumped I need to go replay a mission or 3. Even though I completely finished the game, there's just so much about it that needs to be seen many times. I wish I knew more people who haven't seen it yet.
This game made me realize how important character development is. They were so damn likeable in every way; charming and the sense of humor. No other game matches the personalities of Uncharted's protagonists, except for the MGS franchise.

Other developers take note.


I finally got round to getting this game and playing over Easter. It is really gorgeous. I loved the quieter moments when you're climbing around the castle by the sea. It felt just like when I wandered around those ruined castles in Cornwall and Wales and almost made up for the fact that I didn't plan anything for this holiday.

You can say that doesn't actually do anything fresh in terms of mechanics, borrowing from here and there, but I've never been through a game with this sort of combination of all these great details. I general I would like more of a choice between shooting and platforming. Nathan doesn't sound like he has a bloodlust and is only trying to survive, so I'd think he can try harder trying to avoid enemies if he could.
In terms of length, I think it's perfect. Of course it would be nice if it was cheaper, but I don't feel ripped off with 8hrs of fun. It isn't an epic like RE4, but to be honest I would be happy with RE4 if it finished at the castle. I don't have that much time any more and it's nice to finish a game and not feel like you've wasted away your youth.

There are plenty of room for improvement here and there and the good thing is that you can tell that most of it had to do with the tight release schedule and will be easily fixable in a sequel. I hope they a make a step up in every way they could for the second installment. I mean, it'll have to stand up to the likes of RE5 by then.

PS Screen tearing here and there through the game, does having the settings on 1080p contribute to that?


started and finished uncharted over easter, just clocked it now. WOW. played it pretty much non stop, only a quick few rounds of wowhawk in between.

what a great game, maybe one of my fav ever since i picked up a SNES controller way back when.

i think what i just played was about as perfect as a blend of cinematic action a video game has ever come close to being. i think kojima would have green eye's playing this game.

And the script ... that was better than 80% of the stuff you see at the movies, yeh it's based on Indiana jones and it's ilk , but that was so many times better than the last national treasure for eg. the penultimate scene _was_ a setting straight outta hollywood. they nailed that.

length wise ... i can't see how anyone could complain, it was wall to wall action , the GOW series pisses me off no end with all the padding it does within it's levels.

i don't think i have a single complaint ... loved the platforming- the animations really sucked you into the environment, the rope swing was a genius play mechanic , kinda like POP's wall running, the gun play was excellent - cover system worked perfectly 97% of the time, even the run (away) 'n gun stuff was great.

i think uncharted is about as perfect a advertisement for video games as you can find ... i mean even if your not a gamer, you could watch someone play this and love every min almost just as much.

my brother brought a ps3 lately, and he's a casual gamer who plays the odd game of fifa and madden with me etc .. tried to get him to sit down and play a one player story mode of somethng and the closest i've gotten is part of GTA vice city and more recently co-op in resistance. i'm going to send him uncharted with "PLAY THIS" stamped on the box.


i'm gonna go see what goodies i've unlocked on my way through.



lambchop said:
started and finished uncharted over easter, just clocked it now. WOW. played it pretty much non stop, only a quick few rounds of wowhawk in between.

what a great game, maybe one of my fav ever since i picked up a SNES controller way back when.

i think what i just played was about as perfect as a blend of cinematic action a video game has ever come close to being. i think kojima would have green eye's playing this game.

And the script ... that was better than 80% of the stuff you see at the movies, yeh it's based on Indiana jones and it's ilk , but that was so many times better than the last national treasure for eg. the penultimate scene _was_ a setting straight outta hollywood. they nailed that.

length wise ... i can't see how anyone could complain, it was wall to wall action , the GOW series pisses me off no end with all the padding it does within it's levels.

i don't think i have a single complaint ... loved the platforming- the animations really sucked you into the environment, the rope swing was a genius play mechanic , kinda like POP's wall running, the gun play was excellent - cover system worked perfectly 97% of the time, even the run (away) 'n gun stuff was great.

i think uncharted is about as perfect a advertisement for video games as you can find ... i mean even if your not a gamer, you could watch someone play this and love every min almost just as much.

my brother brought a ps3 lately, and he's a casual gamer who plays the odd game of fifa and madden with me etc .. tried to get him to sit down and play a one player story mode of somethng and the closest i've gotten is part of GTA vice city and more recently co-op in resistance. i'm going to send him uncharted with "PLAY THIS" stamped on the box.


i'm gonna go see what goodies i've unlocked on my way through.

I can't wait for my PS3 + Uncharted to come. Sounds brilliant in every way!


« generous god »
alterego said:
Finished this and Ratchet recently (two must-have's for every PS3 owner).
A couple of quick phone-cam snaps:

My try with a phone-cam ;)
With a Sony Ericsson K850i picture of my KDSR60XBR2


Suckin' dicks since '66
Ken Masters said:
just ordered a ds3, when it arrives I will be giving Uncharted another run through

my fav. game of 2007

Same here once I get my DS3 as well will be giving multiple games a run through but Uncharted is on the top of the priority list.


It seems like for the last few years, I buy games but never put too much time into gaming anymore... the last game I truly loved was RE4 and even that's a few hours from completion.

I recently got the PS3 as a present along with Uncharted and omG... it rocks.... hard. I played it for 3 hours Friday, 1 hour yesterday, 2 hours today.

Great game so far, great characters, and the story just took a surprising turn. Can't wait for Part 2, if Naughty Dog is even considering developing it.


Ephemeris said:
Shamefully I owned the game since it came out but never got around to *really* playing it till Sunday. Beat it late last night and I absolutely enjoyed it. Due to my backlog of titles I usually don't "play-over" much .. but I'm thinking of giving this one another run :D
I'm feeling pretty bad too, I have yet to beat the game. *blames COD 4* But I'm going to go back to it and finish it. I really have fun with the game when I play it. I gotta get into "adventure" mode and get into the game again. But I love what I've played so far. :D


sspeedy said:
It seems like for the last few years, I buy games but never put too much time into gaming anymore... the last game I truly loved was RE4 and even that's a few hours from completion.

I recently got the PS3 as a present along with Uncharted and omG... it rocks.... hard. I played it for 3 hours Friday, 1 hour yesterday, 2 hours today.

Great game so far, great characters, and the story just took a surprising turn. Can't wait for Part 2, if Naughty Dog is even considering developing it.

They are considering it, maybe even currently working on it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I really want ND to start with a Jak instead... I mean, Uncharteds awesome and all that but I want to try a current gen Jak!


Seiken said:
I really want ND to start with a Jak instead... I mean, Uncharteds awesome and all that but I want to try a current gen Jak!

Its rumored another dev is doing the next Jak game, this rumored dev just finished a game for a certain hand held.

Anyways its just rumor's right now.


Firewire said:
Its rumored another dev is doing the next Jak game, this rumored dev just finished a game for a certain hand held.

Anyways its just rumor's right now.

Ready At Dawn? Didn't someone say they were ready to take on next generation hardware? Maybe this is it. Or it could be High Impact Games. Those are the first two that come to mind. But... Who knows. :D


Basch said:
Ready At Dawn? Didn't someone say they were ready to take on next generation hardware? Maybe this is it. Or it could be High Impact Games. Those are the first two that come to mind. But... Who knows. :D

My mouth is sealed. Its so RAD to be thinking of the next Jak game though!

PS: Nice story up on Rip, why haven't you graced us with it here!


Firewire said:
My mouth is sealed. Its so RAD to be thinking of the next Jak game though!

PS: Nice story up on Rip, why haven't you graced us with it here!

<_< >_> I've been discovered. Hide! Nice tip, by the way. Someone else can start a topic. All the attention is kind of scaring me.


Basch said:
<_< >_> I've been discovered. Hide! Nice tip, by the way. Someone else can start a topic. All the attention is kind of scaring me.

Well it was just rumored, so who knows about Jak.

In deep I trust, I got the low down on that, you did an excellent job with it!
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