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Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Launching August 22, $39.99

I love Uncharted, but the box arts since 2 are some of the most boring in the industry. Weird coming from fanatic, brightly colored games with personality.


Way too fucking expensive. Should've been $30 tops.

I mean, pretty shitty value proposition considering you get what, 8-10 hours for $40 versus something like The Witcher 3, which had a season pass for $25 and was like 30+ hours of content?
Not really a fair comparison, some want quality over quantity. Not saying Witcher isn't quality btw as I love that game as well, but how many of those 30+ hours are spent riding from quest marker to quest marker, or sitting in a badly designed UI creating potions. Open world games are easier to clutter with stuff that will up the avg completion time, doesn't mean linear games should lower their price. Just wait for a sale.


I've got the digital deluxe edition last year which includes the DLC.

That is at so valuable price!

For NaughtyDog's game I will have no doubt to buy the version with season pass!


When we're talking 8-10 hours I wonder how much of it consists of the walking sections that comprise the only demo we've seen. That matters a ton.


When we're talking 8-10 hours I wonder how much of it consists of the walking sections that comprise the only demo we've seen. That matters a ton.

I'm guessing somewhere between 7 hours and 52 minutes and 9 hours and 52 minutes of the game is not comprised of that demo.


Neo Member
That was an entirely uninteresting trailer. I was expecting to see some gameplay.

They also showed like 9-10 min of it back at PSX in December. Also, it's a follow up to Uncharted 4 running on the same engine. It won't be drastically different from that I imagine.

Probably changes to Chloe's fighting animation and maybe an additional mechanic to make her fighting style feel different from Drake's. But I'm okay with this story beat they showed.

I can see how people would not be completely satisfied with it, but it worked for me.
ND already made it clear in the gameinformer coverage that the mechanics are straight up lifted from U4. So you can expect the gameplay to be extremely similar.


I hope we get a collector's edition for the physical release. I need that steelbook edition.

Really pumped for this! I'm all aboard #teamChloe
Whats this?

Whats the use?

It gives you the single player DLC + multiplayer $$$ to spend on skins, weps, outfits, etc. This thing was supposed to be discontinued a while ago (presumably when ND decided they were going to charge $40 for the SP DLC)


That was an entirely uninteresting trailer. I was expecting to see some gameplay.

It is not really a trailer?

They just release a cutscene from the game to show something new in the announcement of the release date and price. E3 is less than 3 months away, you will get gameplay or a meaty trailer there, dont worry.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Sony needs to stop with all these good games coming out one after another.

Edit: that trailer was so boring without Drake.


Junior Member

Don't complain about the price/value of a game you don't even know the quality* and quantity of yet. Funny thing is you get less of this nonsense with a newly announced $60 game with a pre-rendered announce trailer and several DLC packs laid out ahead.

*Actually, you can be reasonably confident this will be a highly polished, 'AAA+' Naughty Dog game.


Was that really the best trailer they could do? Just some random-ass scene showing the two of them talking about...some relic, I guess?

I know Naughty Dog are all serious now, but, come on, man. This is goddamn UNCHARTED. Give me like one second of action, please.

Indeed. How dare they establish location, set up objectives, establish interpersonal tension and hint at character backstory in a trailer. I need to know if there will be explosions in this Uncharted game.


Yisss. love this series. really interested in how the gameplay is. remember reading it was going to be a little heavier on exploring and puzles.

Think I'm gonna try and go in blind from here.

That pre order bonus is enough for me to bite. havent played them.
That was an entirely uninteresting trailer. I was expecting to see some gameplay.

The cinematic reveal got me real excited when she started talking about gods Ganesha and the broken tusk and Parasurama, pretty much the culture, religion and mythology I come from, so glad to see a full length game actually being set in India! Can't wait for August 22nd!


Here's a video of the dynamic theme that comes with pre-orders:


NO REGRETS now about getting this though the best buy explorer pack or whatever it's called. The uncharted series has great music and you give us......a waterfall!?! Really? Now I don't even care if that theme goes to where everyone can buy it eventually, I won't be getting it.

Come on even Final Fantasy 7 gave us a musical theme and if you buy the Dark Souls III season pass you get epic music in that theme as well. This......is lazy ND. You can do better.


Here's a video of the dynamic theme that comes with pre-orders:


NO REGRETS now about getting this though the best buy explorer pack or whatever it's called. The uncharted series has great music and you give us......a waterfall!?! Really? Now I don't even care if that theme goes to where everyone can buy it eventually, I won't be getting it.

Come on even Final Fantasy 7 gave us a musical theme and if you buy the Dark Souls III season pass you get epic music in that theme as well. This......is lazy ND. You can do better.

I... loved the theme. Judge me!

Endo Punk

In motion it really hits hard how much they changed Chloe's appearance in this game.There is minor resemblance but if I had no idea who Chloe is and you showed me picture of UC2 Chloe and Lost Legacy Chloe side by side I'd say they are 2 completely different characters. Nathan, Sully show resemblance to their past iterations, Elena looks similar but older and far better. That's not me saying UC4 Chloe is inferior because I quite like the change, looks a lot more human now, Yea her eyes were weird in UC2 lol. Wonder if the MP Chloe will be updated come release of Lost Legacy.
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