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Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Launching August 22, $39.99


Uncharted 2 was a real dream team. Had some of ND's greatest minds spearheading the project together to churn out an out-of-the-blue wonder.


nah she's boring, Drake feels like he settled from my perspective. Chloe was much more interesting a person, the connection felt genuine and honest. Elena just seemed like a nice girl and I only really enjoyed her tagging along in the first game.

UC2 really was well done as Drake was conflicted between liking both girls, but his detachment from Chloe in 4 imo wasn't justified and not as true to the character as it should have been. Chloe loves adventuring and danger just as much as Drake and they have amazing chemistry, for him to just have no conflict about her invitation was unrealistic, especially considering he still desires to go adventuring.

She ain't no queen.

In UC3 it is clear that Chloe wasn't as obsessed with it as Drake.


I feel like this year has potential to be remembered as well as the likes of 2004/1998 if it keeps up like this! Already started with so many hits and more keep coming in the summer/holidays. MARIO might be the next masterpiece this year.


Way too fucking expensive. Should've been $30 tops.

I mean, pretty shitty value proposition considering you get what, 8-10 hours for $40 versus something like The Witcher 3, which had a season pass for $25 and was like 30+ hours of content?

Way too fucking expensive. Should've been $30 tops.

I mean, pretty shitty value proposition considering you get what, 8-10 hours for $40 versus something like The Witcher 3, which had a season pass for $25 and was like 30+ hours of content?

Why are you comparing the content of an open world RPG to the content of an action game? 8-10 hours for 40 dollars is perfectly fine.


Way too fucking expensive. Should've been $30 tops.

I mean, pretty shitty value proposition considering you get what, 8-10 hours for $40 versus something like The Witcher 3, which had a season pass for $25 and was like 30+ hours of content?

Since when is 8-10 hours plus multiplayer for $40 a bad deal? That's well into the $60 range for the last 10+ years.
Way too fucking expensive. Should've been $30 tops.

I mean, pretty shitty value proposition considering you get what, 8-10 hours for $40 versus something like The Witcher 3, which had a season pass for $25 and was like 30+ hours of content?
A $10 difference makes it "way too fucking expensive"? I mean, Amazon Prime/GCU negates most of that difference.


wow, I wasn't hyped for this but this was enough to get me on the train.

I'm hyped. Looking forward to it.

Edit: I thought it was going to be $50, so cheap!


Way too fucking expensive. Should've been $30 tops.

I mean, pretty shitty value proposition considering you get what, 8-10 hours for $40 versus something like The Witcher 3, which had a season pass for $25 and was like 30+ hours of content?

It's hard to compare linear games to open world ones. A lot of open world content is very basic quest design with strong writing to sustain it. Even with the much reduced focus on setpieces in Uncharted 4, there's some stuff you just don't see in open world games, like the clock tower setpiece, the Scotland ending setpiece, or the Madagascar chase. These things take a huge amount of resources, and are definitely worth the trade-off.

The Last Guardian can be completed in not much longer than that and it was definitely worth my pre-order, one of the greatest experiences I've ever had with gaming. I've spent more time thinking about that game than playing longer ones, and, personally, I think that counts a lot. Both TLG and Uncharted games would absolutely not be as good as they are without their strong setpiece direction, and instead mostly driven by fetch quests with dialogue.

Not to say the Witcher expansions are bad, not at all, but they're so different that a comparison based on length alone will not give the shorter ones as much credit as they deserve.

My favorite game is Persona 4, so I'm very much into long games, but you can't possibly look at it and Uncharted 2, to mention a game that came not too far from it, and think that Persona 4 must have cost a lot more just because it's much longer. Detail and variety cost a lot of money, too. If we let ourselves judge a game's value based on quantity alone, we're contributing to a less varied output. It's fine if it's your preference, but at least wait until you have a better idea of the quality of said content before stating that.
Are you really asking that? It has been advertises as an expansion/DLC for a while. It first started as a small DLC a la Left Behind for U4 (with a $15-$20 value based on the Triple Pack/Deluxe prices) and then they decided to add more work into it to make it a standalone title (I assume they decided $40 would be a good price, specially since they are adding U4's MP alongside it for those who don't own or rented U4).
Cool I didn't know any of that. Thanks. I'm.still playing UC1. Lol.


Way too fucking expensive. Should've been $30 tops.

I mean, pretty shitty value proposition considering you get what, 8-10 hours for $40 versus something like The Witcher 3, which had a season pass for $25 and was like 30+ hours of content?

Your comparing it to Witcher 3 & it's expansions to another game. I could easily compare Witcher 3 for $60 to any other game, and say Witcher 3 offers more bang for the buck. Does that mean every other game should cost $40? Nope. Supposedly this game is 6-10 hours, and has the full Uncharted 4 Multiplayer suite, which they might even support with free DLC. For $39.99 that seems like a fair price.
Way too fucking expensive. Should've been $30 tops.

I mean, pretty shitty value proposition considering you get what, 8-10 hours for $40 versus something like The Witcher 3, which had a season pass for $25 and was like 30+ hours of content?

That's not how it works.


Day one.

Wait, no 20% off prime savings on amazon? Or did they just not set up the listing properly yet..


I'd be in the dick
Hmmm wonder if they've improved the pro resolution of 1440p. The motion blur looks smoother.
The PSX trailer showed some checkerboard artifacts in places and the motion blur had a much higher sample rate so both are definitely improved. Wonder if we'll see some of the improvements rolled into Uncharted 4 once this launches.


Felium Defensor
Can't wait to see all the little new techniques/advancements/improvements they'll include with this game over UC4 in a relatively short amount of time. It's gonna be hype.
You see, adventuring and risking life and limb is all great and fun in your twenties and thirties, but you gotta grow up eventually.

Elena is an adult, a down-to-earth human woman, fully realised with quirks and personality that go beyond just 'sexpot vixen'.

Elena is an adventurer too, she was a massive help in our first adventure, grew with our character in the second -

This contrast in personalities is why Drake and Elena work, they complement each other beautifully. When push comes to shove, Elena is ride or die and she proved this UC4.

She's funny, charming, loves adventuring just as much but lives in the real world, oh and she loves PS1 era vidya...


Chloe is great though
This could have been handled better but overall I agree, just felt like Chloe got the shaft in 4 and in UC2, the banter/flirting made it seem like Drake actually liked Chloe more and just cared deeply about Elena and her being hurt.

Still, I'm biased towards Chloe, and in real life, love isn't as simple as "settle down with the more down-to-earth girl" If I shared life/death experiences with my friend, we slept together numerous times, and both have a passion for gunplay and risking our necks for adventure, I don't think it would be realistic for me to turn down an invitation so easily when I'm longing for that life style again. Along with Elena just not being a replacement (banter wise) for Chloe, I just felt it was a missed opportunity for the devs to use. Especially with the idea of Drake "losing" something. He didn't really lose anything and played the gambling game again with his loved ones. It was kinda weak. I know TLOU is the more dark/gritty series, but I was expecting Drake to have some real loss this time because he was pushing the envelope, especially in light of the early marketing themes.

Solid Raiden

Neo Member
I would have bought this at full price but having bought the triple pack is even better.

Bring on my Chloe Uncharted! I missed Bae in 4.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Really glad this got fleshed out into a standalone product.


If you picked up the Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Digital Deluxe Edition, Explorer's Pack, or the Triple Pack, you'll get Uncharted: The Lost Legacy as a digital download at launch. Owners of these products are not eligible for any pre-order bonuses.

well that's honestly kinda crap, they better sell that theme separately then


Day one.

Wait, no 20% off prime savings on amazon? Or did they just not set up the listing properly yet..

It should be available in a day or two. If you already made the pre-order contact amazon so they fix it. Same thing happened with FF XII PS4 and a day or two later it reflected the discount on the pre-order page.


Way too fucking expensive. Should've been $30 tops.

I mean, pretty shitty value proposition considering you get what, 8-10 hours for $40 versus something like The Witcher 3, which had a season pass for $25 and was like 30+ hours of content?

Witcher 3 had exceptional value. There is no beating that. Especially Blood and Wine was ridiculous for it's price. But really, you can hardly compare the games. Production values aren't tied to gamelength.

The Uncharted titles are heavily focused cinematic games with each section featuring consistently high production values and unique assets. Furthermore, 8-10 hours is about the length of each UC game prior to 4. How did you feel about those? (UC4 Mp is included in this one as well). For the AAA tps scene, 40 bucks for 8 hours or more is good.
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