In case you didn't see the code, it is in the email tag in my original post. (You can only see it if you quote my post).![]()
I got it.
Thanks for that
In case you didn't see the code, it is in the email tag in my original post. (You can only see it if you quote my post).![]()
As someone who thought the gameplay of UC4 was getting a little stale but was emotionally moved by the epilogue and some parts of the story (that weren't disjointed), does this add anything meaningful to the overall story of Uncharted? And is the gameplay more refined where it's not 90% climbing and 10%killing aimbots?mass murdering
I am enjoying this more than UC4 so far.
I am a bit disappointed that Chloe and Nadine's careers/motivationsapparently both stem from their dads though... we're playing two kick-ass ladies and both are into their fields because of daddy? Bah. Unless one of them is lying/going to subvert this somehow...
Hmm. Chloe's facial expressions seem a bit more exaggerated than everyone else's. Thought it was just gifs catching it in a awkward looking frame but it kind of sticks out haha
Yo can someone just tell me if it is possible to stealth this whole game
That will change the difficulty I play on
Is it weird that I wanna kiss Chloe?
Is it weird that I wanna kiss Chloe?
Another game where the audio is super soft.
I'm usually right there with you when it comes to audio criticism, but I'm not feeling that with this one? I was playing with headphones (+ UC4 preset) yesterday and the dynamic range was so strong that the whiplash from quiet moments to gunshots/explosions/set pieces damn near made me deaf.
The jeep sounds are definitely too soft though, which is weird considering how detailed every aspect of the jeep is.
Is it weird that I wanna kiss Chloe?
I'm getting some weird graphical effects on this game that are pretty distracting
It's almost like when there is a lot of motion on the screen, especially during cut scenes you can kind of see these faint grid lines across faces and other textures.
I've made sure my TV is in game mode but I'm not sure what else to check
Any ideas? I don't think I had this issue in Uncharted 4
Not sure what the issue is, but it did happen to me once during a cinematic scene. I restarted the cinematic scene and it cleared it up.
What are you talking about? Chloe's facial expressions are perfectly subtle and restrained. D:
By ronaldthump:
More in the screenshot thread:
Now things i didn't like:
The open world "lite". I think it's a lazy way to bloat play time. Place objectives all over the map and force the player to drive back and forth. It's the ubisoft take on open world and i hate it. "But it's oh so beautiful!!"
Game definitely gets better as it goes along. Not that I disliked the open world stuff, actually thought it was handled pretty well and didn't overstay it's welcome, but those last few chapters are just really strong.Just finished the game. The last few chapters were batshit insane. Incredible pacing and graphics. It's the perfect length too. Took me around 6 to 7 hours to complete. Thank you Naughty Dog!
I feel like this one has the most cool stuff to climb on in the whole series. I especially enjoyed climbingthe two elephant statues outside the decoy city.
I'm getting some weird graphical effects on this game that are pretty distracting
It's almost like when there is a lot of motion on the screen, especially during cut scenes you can kind of see these faint grid lines across faces and other textures.
I've made sure my TV is in game mode but I'm not sure what else to check
I hated Uncharted 4 (At times) but I am loving this so far. One of my friends was bored by Chapter 2 but i took a completely different route than they did in the PSX demo last year and had some nice stealth kills in buildings and alleys that reminded me tlou. Chapter 2 is essentially the first chapter in the game and has some decent melee encounters, chase sequences and stealth moments. Compare that to uncharted where you spend most of the time climbing in chapter 2 with some really long melee sections and a meh chase sequence.
The chase sequence in Chapter 2 is so much better because of the amazing visuals, the setting, the rain and and lightning. this game basically a better more condensed version of uncharted 4.
LOVED the first big combat encounter in Chapter 3. huge area and lots of guns and enemies to tackle. i ran around running people over in the jeep, then stole a sniper and quickscoped and no scoped fools. would love to replay this on hard and crushing.
One major gripe i have is how they have made a lot of effort making Chloe look dirty, sweaty and dare i say unattractive. i understand the thinking behind it, they dont want to sexualize her after sexualizing her in U2 but they had no problem making Drake look like a super model in U4. One of the artists even commented that they wanted him to look attractive because hes the hero. So while i appreciate the fact that Chloe's hair reacts realistically to sweat, i dont know why they had to start now with a woman. Drake gets banged up in U4 but still has great hair in cutscenes. i dont know, chloe is supposed to be super hot and i see this as them just hiding her hotness after doing a drastic remodeling of her character.
the rest of the graphics are just as impressive as the sweaty hair. the rain and lightning in that level was incredible. the hdr in the first chapter blew me away. chapter 3 somehow looks better than Madacasgar in U4 which released just a year ago. Naughty Dogs probably saw Horizon and said fuck it we need to top them. i am so happy playing this game it takes me back to the U2 days where i didnt want the game to end because it was so exciting.
Jesus Christ I'm only like 20 seconds in and the games visuals are blowing me away.
I don't know if this is a glitch, but I just got 'Uncharted: The Lost Legacy' for FREE on the Playstation Store at the following link. It should be £29.99. It says this, 'If you own the Uncharted 4 Triple Pack Expansion, Uncharted 4 Digital Deluxe Edition or the Explorers Pack youre entitled to download Uncharted: The Lost legacy at no extra cost.' but I have none of those. I just bought the regular edition, physical copy from Amazon when it released.
What gives?!/en...gacy/cid=EP9000-CUSA07875_00-UNCHD4LOSTLEGACY
A friend of mine is in the same situation.. Doesn't remember buying it but has it. Weird.
Chloe's clothes amrite? Dem textures.
i'm in the process of moving so i don't have access to my 4k hdr tv right now... but i do have a ps4 pro. any benefits for me playing on a 1080 monitor in the meantime?
Don't do it, 4KHDR > Everything.
Don't do it, 4KHDR > Everything.
Yeahhhh, UCs implementation is really good. I'd argue UC4 and HZD are best looking HDR picks on PS4. Might be worth the wait... Game is short as is.
Just finished chapter. Can't put this game down it's so engrossing.7
Also, best sweat-soaked hair graphics of 2017.