Because you cannot and should not legislate against expressions of people's prejudice.
Did Pctx ever posted again since that famous post? I can't believe GAF has some of these "Obama iz a communis!1!" type of guy here.
Did florida get finished counting?
Now that the aftermath is settled, I'm hopeful that Obama has good old Bill on the phone to try and find out how he greased the wheels for bipartisanship on his 2nd term.
In another note, Karl Rove's meltdown on TV was glorious. I now know what it looks like when someone blows a quarter billion dollars.
plus the long walk Megyn Kelly took to the back room
Fuck my life... America is finished and my country men and women are forever tarnished by their stupidity for this communist piece of shit.
i enjoyed the strut very much
That's funny. I felt sorry for her having to walk back there. I can't wait to hear what Dick Morris has to say. He was predicting an easy Romney win and that obviously didn't happen. I hope Oreilly has him on tonight or tomorrow. lol
The Murphy/West race still hasn't been called, last I saw. It's going to a recount.
Bring it on.
How about you give me clearly unbiased sources of information? Tell me why it is wrong to assume that the buying power of Americans lead to the most prosperous period in our history. More to the point - why should a business hire people when nobody is there to buy anything in the first place? Please explain that, and don't point me to another PDF file.
I see. What was the final verdict on Ohio? Obama had it but then I heard Romney took it or something?i LOL'd
Amazing commentary.
this was a good un.Todd Kincannon ‏@ToddKincannon
Some saying Romney lost bc he's Mormon. Not true, except to the extent that Mormons are nice, decent people & therefore unfit for politics.
Someone light the empty vessel signal.
Well said. This is what any true fiscal conservative should be admitting, yet most Republicans are simply ignoring or blatantly disagreeing with it. And it's starting to piss me off. And judging from the election last night, I'm not alone in that feeling.
This was done in the 1920s when Congress adopted the taxation policies proposed by Andrew Mellon. Revenue increased, GDP expanded, unemployment dropped, and the bulk of the national debt from WWI was retired..
The folly of aggregate demand is that there is never truly a lack of demand. People must have resources with which to purchase what they demand, and these things must first be produced. Production comes before consumption.
High taxation on investment leads to what is known as capital flight. The wealthy are more capable than average investors at shifting their money around to avoid paying high tax rates. This is especially true in a globalized economy where money can easily be sheltered in places such as the Cayman Islands where taxation on productivity is virtually non-existent.
Thus, lower taxes aim to encourage the wealthy to invest their money within the American economy by creating an environment where they see higher profits than they would sheltering their money. This investment naturally creates jobs as businesses expand, leading to higher wages and more taxable income. That's where the buying power comes from -- more people making more money because they have jobs that weren't shipped overseas as the result of capital flight from prohibitive tax rates.
This was done in the 1920s when Congress adopted the taxation policies proposed by Andrew Mellon. Revenue increased, GDP expanded, unemployment dropped, and the bulk of the national debt from WWI was retired. JFK did this in the 1960s by cutting the top rates from 90% to 70%, again increasing economic output. Same thing with Reagan. Same thing with Bush, who tax cuts, as a I pointed out earlier, led to an increase in revenue. Bush was simply a big spender, resulting in heightened deficits.
Lowering taxes combats capital flight. The problem is that there is usually not corresponding cuts in spending, cancelling out the gains in revenue made by bringing capital back into the American economy.
The folly of aggregate demand is that there is never truly a lack of demand. People must have resources with which to purchase what they demand, and these things must first be produced. Production comes before consumption.
November 07, 2012 - 09:26AM ET
U.S. House - District 4 - General
Utah - 488 of 488 Precincts Reporting - 100%
Matheson , Jim (i) Dem 108,075 49%
Love , Mia GOP 105,257 48%
Vein , Jim Lib 5,690 3%
So much for rising star...
High taxation on investment leads to what is known as capital flight. The wealthy are more capable than average investors at shifting their money around to avoid paying high tax rates. This is especially true in a globalized economy where money can easily be sheltered in places such as the Cayman Islands where taxation on productivity is virtually non-existent.
Thus, lower taxes aim to encourage the wealthy to invest their money within the American economy by creating an environment where they see higher profits than they would sheltering their money. This investment naturally creates jobs as businesses expand, leading to higher wages and more taxable income. That's where the buying power comes from -- more people making more money because they have jobs that weren't shipped overseas as the result of capital flight from prohibitive tax rates.
This was done in the 1920s when Congress adopted the taxation policies proposed by Andrew Mellon. Revenue increased, GDP expanded, unemployment dropped, and the bulk of the national debt from WWI was retired. JFK did this in the 1960s by cutting the top rates from 90% to 70%, again increasing economic output. Same thing with Reagan. Same thing with Bush, who tax cuts, as a I pointed out earlier, led to an increase in revenue. Bush was simply a big spender, resulting in heightened deficits.
Lowering taxes combats capital flight. The problem is that there is usually not corresponding cuts in spending, cancelling out the gains in revenue made by bringing capital back into the American economy.
Pre said:The folly of aggregate demand is that there is never truly a lack of demand. People must have resources with which to purchase what they demand, and these things must first be produced. Production comes before consumption
Guys. for all the talk about demographics and what not - the GOP will always find a way. Demographic changes dont mean a lick when it comes to economic realities. There is a cliff coming - several actually. Obama has to single handly change the economic structure of this country or we are going bankrupt before midterms. Many Buisnesses are already balking at PPCA and forcing workers into part time work for 30 hours which the limit for two federal laws. Those that dont have the Waiver are gonna start doing this, and the government cant hire everybody now can it?
Folks the Conservitves had lost this election - no this country because they have vice cops as leaders of the platform and not leaders without the woo woo ness of Ron/Rand Paul. Christie may be one to lead them but most Consertives cant stand him on certain things. What i do see however, is that If economic cliff does happen without the fundamental changes to tax, medicare, SS, and so on, your going to see a Facist wing of the GOP come out. You saw it with Akin - Santorm was this close - but watch what happens. I don't put it past Beck or Hannity to go full bore Facist in 18 months. Its almost a enivitablity that some in the Tea Party are not who they say they are and more Ultra-Right than first believed. I dont want it to happen, but the math dont lie. Obama has to change how the American Econamic system works flat out to prevent any sort of cliff.
Obviously a comment about Hitler discounts everything he's learned over decades of researching and teaching economics, especially when he's empirically demonstrating the dynamics of lower taxation.
Read it. You'll learn something.
Minnesota GAF WTF?? You guys actually re-elected Bachmann?
Thus, lower taxes aim to encourage the wealthy to invest their money within the American economy by creating an environment where they see higher profits than they would sheltering their money. This investment naturally creates jobs as businesses expand, leading to higher wages and more taxable income. ...
Minnesota GAF WTF?? You guys actually re-elected Bachmann?
Quite a bit:So how much did this cost the Koch Brothers?
High taxation on investment leads to what is known as capital flight. The wealthy are more capable than average investors at shifting their money around to avoid paying high tax rates. This is especially true in a globalized economy where money can easily be sheltered in places such as the Cayman Islands where taxation on productivity is virtually non-existent.
Thus, lower taxes aim to encourage the wealthy to invest their money within the American economy by creating an environment where they see higher profits than they would sheltering their money. This investment naturally creates jobs as businesses expand, leading to higher wages and more taxable income. That's where the buying power comes from -- more people making more money because they have jobs that weren't shipped overseas as the result of capital flight from prohibitive tax rates.
This was done in the 1920s when Congress adopted the taxation policies proposed by Andrew Mellon. Revenue increased, GDP expanded, unemployment dropped, and the bulk of the national debt from WWI was retired. JFK did this in the 1960s by cutting the top rates from 90% to 70%, again increasing economic output. Same thing with Reagan. Same thing with Bush, who tax cuts, as a I pointed out earlier, led to an increase in revenue. Bush was simply a big spender, resulting in heightened deficits.
Lowering taxes combats capital flight. The problem is that there is usually not corresponding cuts in spending, cancelling out the gains in revenue made by bringing capital back into the American economy.
The folly of aggregate demand is that there is never truly a lack of demand. People must have resources with which to purchase what they demand, and these things must first be produced. Production comes before consumption.
So how much did this cost the Koch Brothers?
GOOD MORNING! Aaaaah, tastes good!
So many great moments last night, but my favorite has to be watching Karl Rove's face melt on FOX News as the poll counters opened the ark in Ohio. So much denial.
Also, Dick Morris LOLZ
How the fuck are they making all this money?Tons, but don't worry - they'll get it all back in a month or two.
How the fuck are they making all this money?