Escape Goat
Did Bulbo make it through the night without a ban? Lets take a moment to remember Mclaren77 and pctx.
I get speculation and kneejerk hyperbole about the long-term implications of fiscal policy. But in regards to the current fiscal cliff? That rich-person-hating, socialist Obama was going to be addressing it even if he lost, as this particular "crisis" has to be addressed before the beginning of next year. Romney wasn't going to be dealing with it regardless.
Did Bulbo make it through the night without a ban? Lets take a moment to remember Mclaren77 and pctx.
Did Bulbo make it through the night without a ban? Lets take a moment to remember Mclaren77 and pctx.
If anything it's been the opposite, she's as liked as she's ever been! And I think any blowback from Benghazi will be gone in 4 years. And overall, she did a solid job as SoS. She probably would have won over McCain in 08 anyway, but having two former POTUS' having your back, plus a broad and fired-up electorate that loves her, and none of the racial excuses that came from the previous eight years, won't hurt. And if they attack her because she's a female, well, that gender gap will only get worse.I really think Hillary would get crushed. She had high unlikable numbers to begin with iirc. That won't change. Doubt she would survive the primaries.
Benghazi is another black eye for her. Be hard to run when that's an easy talking point for the opposition. She's been seemingly out of the campaign picture the last couple months for this reason.
I think the stock market is betting on the continuation of the same dynamics that led to the embarrassing debt ceiling fiasco. Not a bad bet, unfortunately. A Romney victory with an electorate that is demanding compromise would be more conducive to things getting done, because Democrats are simply more likely to compromise. There would be tremendous pressure for them to do so, and I couldn't see Democrats being as spiteful, cynical, and intransigent as Republicans.
Honestly, I'm not sure that turning the process of governing into a constant political campaign (as Obama has all but promised) will work.
Since August 1, my algorithm has run nearly 564,000 simulations and as of midnight cst, it currently projects (95% CFI) Barack Obama to be reelected 44th president of the United States with a popular vote total of 51% while amassing 332 electoral votes.
I'm going to post this here as well.
As a Romney supporter, or rather as a Republican since I have never been that enthused over Romney in the first place, ...
Good lord, Victoria Jackson making Trump look like a level-headed gentleman on twitter. America is DEAD
March 9, 2009 Dow Jones average:
November 7, 2012 Dow Jones average (as of 8:22am pst)
oo where, ive always wanted to try her tears
Biden is such a boss, but 2016 is still Hillary's, if she wants it. And with the chance to be the first ever female POTUS? I think she'll take it.
Get someone like Schweitzer as Veep to open up the map in Montana and it's a wrap.
Just a gentle reminder that my algorithm was on the spot, too...
2016 Can he make it?
Uncle Biden is an Awesome Uncle to have.
Romney might finish with 47%. Poetic justice
I'm going to post this here as well.
As a Romney supporter, or rather as a Republican since I have never been that enthused over Romney in the first place, this election says a great deal to me. I had said all along that this year would be the year that the majority of the population would indicate which direction the country would go in for the foreseable future. The differences between the two sides were even more vast than usual. I feel that this will now become the norm and it will continue to skew more and more to the left on almost all issues - fiscal, social, and even on foreign affairs. The makeup of the country, the electorate as a whole, is changing and morphing to the point where it is going to become harder and harder for conservative Republicans to win as we go forward from here on out.
I'm going to post this here as well.
One of two things will now happen over the next four years, and I'm not sheding any new light on it. I fullly expect Obama to try to push through as many things on his plate as possible, which is what he should at least try to do as president. Either the Republicans will put up even more of a wall to prevent it or they will try to purposely skew more to the center in hopes of showing a growing center and left of center public that they are still an option in 2014 and ultimately 2016.
I think Repubicans can still win, and I believe they will in 2016, but they will no longer be able to run campaigns as they have been doing. They are going to be forced to change, and with Romney likely being the final option of that generation, I expect to see that. They will not be able to run on repealing certain things that Obama has and will likely pass over the next four years. My money is still on Chris Christie for 2016, but it's going to be a whole new ballgame now.
No tears, no crying from me since I predicted an Obama win by a fairly large margin. I'm just saying, as a Republican, I recognize all of this and more people leaning my way need to wake up and realize it as well.
This country, it is a changin'.
I'm going to post this here as well.
As a Romney supporter, or rather as a Republican since I have never been that enthused over Romney in the first place, this election says a great deal to me. I had said all along that this year would be the year that the majority of the population would indicate which direction the country would go in for the foreseable future. The differences between the two sides were even more vast than usual. I feel that this will now become the norm and it will continue to skew more and more to the left on almost all issues - fiscal, social, and even on foreign affairs. The makeup of the country, the electorate as a whole, is changing and morphing to the point where it is going to become harder and harder for conservative Republicans to win as we go forward from here on out.
I'm going to post this here as well.
One of two things will now happen over the next four years, and I'm not sheding any new light on it. I fullly expect Obama to try to push through as many things on his plate as possible, which is what he should at least try to do as president. Either the Republicans will put up even more of a wall to prevent it or they will try to purposely skew more to the center in hopes of showing a growing center and left of center public that they are still an option in 2014 and ultimately 2016.
I think Repubicans can still win, and I believe they will in 2016, but they will no longer be able to run campaigns as they have been doing. They are going to be forced to change, and with Romney likely being the final option of that generation, I expect to see that. They will not be able to run on repealing certain things that Obama has and will likely pass over the next four years. My money is still on Chris Christie for 2016, but it's going to be a whole new ballgame now.
No tears, no crying from me since I predicted an Obama win by a fairly large margin. I'm just saying, as a Republican, I recognize all of this and more people leaning my way need to wake up and realize it as well.
This country, it is a changin'.
Nutty thought: If Obama is serious about a Secretary of Business, how about offering it to Romney? Might be the one thing he's actually good at, plus a big bipartisan fig leaf post-election to set the tone. Or maybe I've just been watching too many episodes of The West Wing.
Good lord, Victoria Jackson making Trump look like a level-headed gentleman on twitter. America is DEAD
I'm going to post this here as well.
As a Romney supporter, or rather as a Republican since I have never been that enthused over Romney in the first place, this election says a great deal to me. I had said all along that this year would be the year that the majority of the population would indicate which direction the country would go in for the foreseable future. The differences between the two sides were even more vast than usual. I feel that this will now become the norm and it will continue to skew more and more to the left on almost all issues - fiscal, social, and even on foreign affairs. The makeup of the country, the electorate as a whole, is changing and morphing to the point where it is going to become harder and harder for conservative Republicans to win as we go forward from here on out.
I'm going to post this here as well.
One of two things will now happen over the next four years, and I'm not sheding any new light on it. I fullly expect Obama to try to push through as many things on his plate as possible, which is what he should at least try to do as president. Either the Republicans will put up even more of a wall to prevent it or they will try to purposely skew more to the center in hopes of showing a growing center and left of center public that they are still an option in 2014 and ultimately 2016.
I think Repubicans can still win, and I believe they will in 2016, but they will no longer be able to run campaigns as they have been doing. They are going to be forced to change, and with Romney likely being the final option of that generation, I expect to see that. They will not be able to run on repealing certain things that Obama has and will likely pass over the next four years. My money is still on Chris Christie for 2016, but it's going to be a whole new ballgame now.
No tears, no crying from me since I predicted an Obama win by a fairly large margin. I'm just saying, as a Republican, I recognize all of this and more people leaning my way need to wake up and realize it as well.
This country, it is a changin'.
he got juniored thoughpctx didn't get banned!
Good lord, Victoria Jackson making Trump look like a level-headed gentleman on twitter. America is DEAD
Fun fact: Victoria Jackson is a big Book of Eli fan and friended me on Facebook after it came out and sent me lots of nice messages. Seemed innocent enough at first, I thought it was cool because I only knew her from SNL. Then it soon became apparent what a nutjob she has become since and in the end I had to block her.
I don't think she's as unlikable as the people who don't like her would have you believe. And Benghazi is practically a non-issue now. It certainly won't matter in three years.
I really think Hillary would get crushed. She had high unlikable numbers to begin with iirc. That won't change. Doubt she would survive the primaries.
Benghazi is another black eye for her. Be hard to run when that's an easy talking point for the opposition. She's been seemingly out of the campaign picture the last couple months for this reason.
She might of had a chance if she left Bill. She looks weak, most people would not elect her to be POTUS.
This year would have been perfect for Romney to run on a very center-moderate stance.
Instead he tried too hard to pander to the tea party vote which he would have gotten regardless seeing how they actually despise Obama. And as a result came across as very flop flop on important issues such as women's right.
All things considered I think Romney is a fine guy and would have probably made a fine president if it were up to him, but the far right/tea party influence is just too much. You can't run a party that is centered on winning the irrational vote - common sense will (and will hopefully continue to) prevail.
She might of had a chance if she left Bill. She looks weak, most people would not elect her to be POTUS.
Amazing commentary.
Man so much good stuff happened last night. Is it too early to call this a wave election for the left? Congress notwithstanding.
The GOP will NEVER win another presidential election as long as Fox News,Rush Limbaugh,Trump,etc... are the voices for their party. They're losing TON'S of voters yearly & democrats are gaining TON'S of new voters yearly because of them. The Tea Party for example ultimately did more to help Obama than hurt him.
Obama yesterday got virtually the same amount of votes as John Kerry did in 2004 and won in a landslide!
Man so much good stuff happened last night. Is it too early to call this a wave election for the left? Congress notwithstanding.
This year would have been perfect for Romney to run on a very center-moderate stance.
Instead he tried too hard to pander to the conservative vote which he would have gotten regardless seeing how they actually despise Obama. And as a result came across as very flop flop on important issues such as women's right.
All things considered I think Romney is a fine guy and would have probably made a fine president if it were up to him, but the far right/tea party influence is just too much. You can't run a party that is centered on winning the irrational vote - common sense will (and will hopefully continue to) prevail.
Nah. If anything, Bill makes her more likable as a candidate. Nobody still cares about the Lewinsky crap. She would have won in '08 if Obama hadn't been there.
Man so much good stuff happened last night. Is it too early to call this a wave election for the left? Congress notwithstanding.
He had to pander just to get through the primary.
She might of had a chance if she left Bill. She looks weak, most people would not elect her to be POTUS.