Didn't Linda once say that she would rather have actors who looked just like the book descriptions than ones who could actually act? And she said that she would have rather had a word-for-word accurate season 1 that got cancelled because no one else liked it, than the still extremely faithful season 1 that we got. She has some serious issues.
Yup. One of the worst things about anything getting adapted is that there are fans who feel like they're superior to the fans of the adaption, and thus constantly have to talk shit or spoil things ("that's not how it goes" or "that's now what he/she actually said"). I love the books and can honestly say I'm a hardcore, longstanding fan. But the books are the books, and the show is the show. And while I don't like Weiss/Benoiff it's not like they've said "you know, Ned Stark is awesome. We should keep him alive instead of killing him." The general spirit of the novels lives on in the show.
I like good changes that result in good television. Having Stannis on the front lines at the Blackwater made for good television, even though I couldn't help but wish he had a damn helmet on at least. On the flip side, cutting every noteworthy aspect of Jon's second season arc made for bad television.
Well after this season it'll be interesting to see how the tables turn. Given how much bitching people do about AFFC/ADWD they should be receptive to changes (note: I love both). And even better, if the show surpasses the books then watchers will get to spoil and troll book readers. Karma.