Will there be tears? I'd imagine many viewers will guess he dies one he agrees to fight the Mountain. Makes me wonder how long can a show get away with this type of stuff lol.
I remember reading that chapter thinking Oberyn would win, mostly because they wouldn't screw over Tyrion by having Oberyn lose. And for most of the fight, Oberyn is pretty much jabbing away and wearing down Gregor.
Until the end when he gets in way too close, at which point I was practically screaming at Oberyn to back off and just finish Gregor off and stop goading him. And then of course Oberyn gets his face caved in.
I kind of wonder if they'll actually get all gory with that. Its pretty shocking in the book since its not only Oberyn getting killed right as it looks like he's won, but its a really nasty death. It would be like Bronn getting killed after he's already taken down Ser Vardis.
Although with Qyburn actually being introduced last season I think it's safe to say they will try to stick to that book storyline.
Yeah, the fact that Qyburn is around makes me think they'll do something with Zombie Gregor and he might have some role to play in the books yet too.
This really makes me think Joffrey dying in episode 2 is really going to blow people's minds. No one expects big stuff like that in a second episode.
The show has done a pretty good job making people think all the major stuff happens in episode 9. But with this actually being the last third or so of ASoS, the whole season should basically be a big prolonged Episode 9 level of stuff happening.
The last third or so of A Storm of Swords is truly just one big thing happening after another.