This could've been better than Blackwater, easily, and the battle itself really was. I don't think there's anything out there on TV that could match the action scenes here, at least no until we get TWOW adapted. Phenomenal direction too, with a bonus to the amazing tracking shot.
Still, several portions had some pretty shitty decisions.
I get it, there's no Donal Noye, so they had to replace him with someone we know, but it didn't have to be both Grenn and Pyp. If they had to die, why waste 15-20 minutes with Sam/Gilly crap? They weren't even there.
Maester Aemon, a hundred year old man, right there with almost 4 minutes of screen time talking about the past, and they had him talk about women....ugh.
I won't even begin on pushing Stannis to the last episode in an already short episode that still managed to have bad filler scenes that took almost 15 min. People will completely forget about an already poorly written character when dozens of other shocking moments are shown in the same episode.