Ok, here's my prediction for next episode:
- Bran and co will just arrive to the tree and... CUT!
They've already cast some Children of the Forest and Bloodraven for this season, haven't they? They'll arrive at the tree and they'll meet Bloodraven etc., but I'm not sure if much else but "welcome, Bran Stark, I'm the three-eyed crow" or something like that will be said.
- The Hound will fight someone (possibly Brienne), Arya will leave him and find a bravoosi (the possible changes make this scene weird and unclear to me though).
This will be so rushed. Imo, they should've offed The Hound in episode 8 (or even 7) and have Episode 10 be all about Arya looking for a ship to Braavos.
- Dany will receive the news about the kid, lock the dragons, Drogon roasts some Unsullied and escapes (here's your most expensive scene).
Maybe Drogon will kill Grey Worm? That would fit them killing what have been pretty important Essos side characters since Season 2.
- Most of the episode will be Tyrion escape and revenge.
This doesn't need "most of the episode". You open up Tyrion's Epi 10 storyline with him being freed by Jaime and have a few minute talk. Then he'll meet Varys, who'll point the right direction to the tower of the hand. That doesn't have to be a long scene. Then give some 10+ minutes (if even that) for killing Shae & Tywin and then escaping. That's 15 minutes, tops. The major storylines will be Tyrion escaping (+ some other season tie-up in relation to Cersei, Margaery, Martells etc. in King's Landing), the dragons being locked up in Meereen and Stannis the Mannis @ the Wall. I have a feeling they'll give Arya a little more to do in Season 5 by not having her on a shipt to Braavos in this season yet. The Hound will die, Arya will escape and we'll maybe see her looking at the coin she got, giving show viewers the hint that she has made up her mind on what she'll do next /end of Arya Season 4. Then have Season 5 resume when she's in some harbor town trying to find a ship -> find it -> travel to Braavos for a couple of episode (not necessarily on screen) -> have her enter her assassin school by the ~mid point of the season, show some of her early training and have her get her first kill in the Season 5 finale.