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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 4 - Sundays on HBO

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shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Great ep, but I was surprised at the lack of Stannis. The next ep is going to be packed. Even if it's extended, there's a whole lot of content to cover: Stannis, Bran, Arya+Hound, Tyrion double kill, Stoneheart? Wow

Next week, make sure to set up camp in the other thread. It's going to be glorious if they deliver on everything. Most eventful ep of the series.


that episode was just about perfect, by far the best battle we have seen in the show. neil marshall really worker wonders with that set. there were some great camera shots using the whole set. and lots of other nice stuff, the giants shooting arrows, the scythe, ghost, mammoths, lots of great deaths and combat. ygrittes death was spot on. I really didnt think they could make me care again.
and delaying stannis was unexpected, damn that episode 10 will be packed.
the lord commander vote will now definitely be in the next season.


Maester Aemon, a hundred year old man, right there with almost 4 minutes of screen time talking about the past, and they had him talk about women....ugh.

Why can't we just for once have two named male characters talking about something else than women! It's like we need some sort of test or criteria to ensure we get some well written male characters on TV.

I could not resist this joke.

What's up with the dragons looking like they are one two headed green dragon? Viserion is a cream and gold wonder!

But I'm looking forward to the next episode, especially whatever they have planned for Arya.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
As far as "episode nine" goes, I wasn't that impressed. It was good, but nothing really particularly amazing happened, ice-cliff scythes aside.

Ygritte's death by that kid had to be the worst part about it, especially as he nods. So bad. Though, I get it's like revenge for his parents.

I'm also quite over those annoying pre-/mid-battle speeches. They're so unbelievable Hollywood/"AAA game."

In any case, I still think all that happened this season around the wall has been pretty dull or uninteresting.

Everything surrounding Tyrion has been good, like in the books, but everything else has been really under-delivering on the show.


Seems like we like this episode much more than the non-spoiler thread. It's because we know the battle did mean something. They have no idea and right now it looks pointless.

I loved most things about this episode. But not having a satisfying conclusion and Stannis really hurt the episode in the eyes of non-book readers.

If this episode had been 10 minutes longer and had the happy feel good ending of Stannis saving the day rather than next week, I don't think there would be many complaints.

I'm worried about next week's episode. Before this episode, I said it would be almost impossible for me to be disappointed. And I wasn't. It's my favorite episode of the season. Next week, I can't see how they're doing to everything without rushing through every scene. The Season 2 finale is my least favorite episode of the series by far for that reason.
I loved the episode, better than Blackwater. It showed that if you actually give scenes at other locations than King's Landing time to breath, even a less exciting storyline like the Wall can be great. Loved the character scenes with Maester Aemon, Sam, Gilly and Jon. Some amazing shots, especially that long panning shot and the giant shooting a guy from the top of the Wall. I know Ygritte was a terrible person but her death was so sad still =(
I actually liked that there was no Stannis at the end, that was one thing I didn't like about Blackwater, the Tywin/Tyrell deus ex machina sweeping in at the last second, too Hollywoodesque. Stannis at the end would have been too similar to that.

I hated that they killed Pyp and Grenn though. Why? Let's kill the only two likable characters at the Wall besides Jon, surely that will make the scenes there better... Poor Pyp got his first kill and then he had to die like that, why? =( I felt the same about Irri and Rakharo, minor characters but they were very likable and added to the show and are still alive in the books. Guess they need money for more pornstars for nude scenes in brothels...

Watching the preview I'm already annoyed at how much of it is devoted to House Lannister again. I am so fucking tired of their repetitive family drama, whereas it's just one storyline in the books and the rest gets equally as much exposure, in the show it's like at least half of every episode has to be about the Lannisters. I'd rather watch the burping whore in Mole's Town than them. Episode 10 will be absolutely packed, why do we need a made up Cersei and Jaime scene? It will probably be 5 minutes Stannis/Mance/Jon, 10 minute Tywin monologue #32, 10 minutes made-up Jaime/Cersei, 10 minutes of Tyrion moping in his cell, 10 minutes Tyrion/Jaime, 10 minutes Tyrion/Shae/Tywin, 3 minutes Dany/dragons, 3 minutes Arya/the Hound, 2 minutes Brienne/Pod, 10 seconds Stoneheart. Should rename it 'The Lannister Show'.


Seems like we like this episode much more than the non-spoiler thread. It's because we know the battle did mean something.

I think its because after episode 8 you're dying to know what happens in kings landing and an episode with 100% wall -even if its an awesome battle- ist just annoying then.
Shiet, where is the Mann?????

Didn't expect Pyp and Grenn to die, it was a good touch. And Alisser was boss. Good shit.

I guess they are doing the Stannis part like in the books: Jon is inside Mance's tent thinking how they are going to slice him up and then the coolness begins.

Please don't bring Mel, please don't bring Mel....
He brings Mel in the books.....


It's funny how many non-readers have no idea who Mance is. Can't blame them. Wasn't show Mance in one episode for like 5 minutes? I can barely remember him myself.
It's funny how many non-readers have no idea who Mance is. Can't blame them. Wasn't show Mance in one episode for like 5 minutes? I can barely remember him myself.

He isn't that hard to remember. It is weird to me that they're confusing other characters with Mance, despite it making no real sense.


That fight would have been so easy if they had the legend of gin alley.

Pretty good episode all considered, did anyone else wonder why the night watch was using flaming arrows?
Grenn and Pyp, what the fuck. :(

The moment Jon sent Grenn down to fight that giant, I knew he was our replacement Noye. Such a shame, I was half-expecting the cook to take that role. :lol Pyp dying sucked too, though I suppose it did get the point across that Ygritte needed to fucking die.

That giant cleaver hidden in the Wall was fucking brilliant. Awesome touch.


He isn't that hard to remember. It is weird to me that they're confusing other characters with Mance, despite it making no real sense.

It's funny seeing a few people confusing Tormund for Mance considering his introduction scene last season had Jon doing the same thing.
He isn't that hard to remember. It is weird to me that they're confusing other characters with Mance, despite it making no real sense.

They should've spent a bit more time with Mance this season. Fuck, even one scene where he's in a tent playing the lute or whatever, and someone comes in and tells him they lost a bunch of outriders to the Walkers again. Instead we got Orson Lannister.


They should've spent a bit more time with Mance this season. Fuck, even one scene where he's in a tent playing the lute or whatever, and someone comes in and tells him they lost a bunch of outriders to the Walkers again. Instead we got Orson Lannister.
Yes, Orson Lannister is the reason there was no Mance.

I guess I can see why people weren't into the episode because of lack of attachment to the Wall storyline. I myself can say that I didn't start becoming interested in that story until Stannis arrived, and the Wall finally became connected to other events in Westeros.
Yes, Orson Lannister is the reason there was no Mance.

Not specifically, but you know what I mean. They spent so much screentime expanding upon stuff that's already at the forefront 90% of the time that I find it odd they're fine with letting a plot point (and character) of this magnitude just simmer for two seasons.


Not specifically, but you know what I mean. They spent so much screentime expanding upon stuff that's already at the forefront 90% of the time that I find it odd they're fine with letting a plot point (and character) of this magnitude just simmer for two seasons.
He simmered in the books as well.


He isn't that hard to remember. It is weird to me that they're confusing other characters with Mance, despite it making no real sense.

Let's face it, does he have more than one scene (or even one scene) where he does or says anything memorable? I can remember the freaking Rattleshirt better than him.


Let's face it, does he have more than one scene (or even one scene) where he does or says anything memorable? I can remember the freaking Rattleshirt better than him.
I cared about him in book 5, because he was finally playing a role in an interesting storyline.

EDIT: haha oh, you were talking about the show version. Well, I'll say no, that just like book Mance, there's no memorable scene with show Mance.
I know, that's the problem, show Stannis will fuck up when Mel's around >_<
I really hope they're building Show Stannis up to be more assertive in his own right and less reliant on Mel. Maybe it will take Mel trying to burn Shireen to have Stannis put his foot down and put Mel in her place.
He simmered in the books as well.

Yes, but they're two very different media. It's not hard to imagine most people who only watch the show an hour each week will forget about that one character they saw a while back, even if he's supposed to be important.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
OK, we need a .gif of the kid nodding to Jon. That was great. Calling it now, that kids nod will be better than Stannis' nod.



Yes, but they're two very different media. It's not hard to imagine most people who only watch the show an hour each week will forget about that one character they saw a while back, even if he's supposed to be important.
I agree. But I'm not concerned. People know Mance is leading the wildlings. If they don't remember what he looks like, fine. They'll see him next week.
It&#8217;s done, Jon thought, they&#8217;re breaking. The wildings were running, throwing down their weapons, Hornfoot men and cave dwellers and Thenns in bronze scales, they were running. Mance was gone, someone was waving Harma&#8217;s head on a pole, Tormund&#8217;s lines had broken. Only the giants on their mammoths were holding, hairy islands in a red steel sea. Fires were leaping from tent to tent and some of the tall pines were going up as well. And through the smoke another wedge of armored riders came, on barded horses. Leading the charge rode a hooded figure, a long red cape flowing in the wind. The figure lifted her hood and revealed the beautiful face of a woman, framed in crimson hair. With every stride her red mane flew behind her like a firestorm.

Robert, Jon thought for one mad moment, remembering poor Owen, but when the trumpets blew again and the knights charged, the name they cried was "Melisandre! Melisandre! MELISANDRE!"

Jon turned away, and went inside the ten


Walder Frey will survive all of his descendants' deaths, I'm sure. He's gonna sit in his castle, while his family dies from getting persecuted by all the people his family upset. He'll die of old age or some nasty sickness as last member of his family, the one who led it into ruin.
That said, he's not gonna get killed by Stoneheart. He doesn't travel, he's too old for that.

If the fattest guy in Westeros, Wyman Manderly, can travel, so can Walder Frey. Still, they told that Rat King story for a reason so I don't think he'll be dying so cleanly.
I can't believe they actually had her say her catchphrase on her deathbed. Almost as bad as the cannibal saying "minge." Think those are two of the cringe-worthiest moments of the series for me.


It was a pretty well done episode, except for Ygritte's death. Although, like people have said, they've done a poor job of making us care about anything north of Winterfell, so why not have a little fun with it.


I can't believe they actually had her say her catchphrase on her deathbed. Almost as bad as the cannibal saying "minge." Think those are two of the cringe-worthiest moments of the series for me.
Did you read the books? Her lines were lifted straight from her death scene in the book.
I can't believe they actually had her say her catchphrase on her deathbed. Almost as bad as the cannibal saying "minge." Think those are two of the cringe-worthiest moments of the series for me.

I laughed out loud when she did and was so happy. This series can be so dreary at times especially after Oberyn's death so it was nice to see a unintentional comedy moment like that.
They should have gone whole hog for the show and turned Jon into Calculon (Futurama) showing him scream into the sky, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *deep breath* NOOOOOOOOO!!!"


He should have just dropped her and shrugged his shoulders, only thing that could have redeemed their entire relationship.


Mance has a lot of good dialogue in ASOS, almost none of which is in the show. Why cast Hinds if he wasn't going to do anything?
Did he really? I honestly can't recall. I found Abel much more interesting than Mance, and even he didn't have much in the way of compelling dialogue.


I think this is the first time people are mad that they DIDN'T change something from the books!

+I felt the build up to the battle throughout the show was well-done and tonight's payoff worked well because of it. You could tell a real progression of the battle from both attacks, and suspense built quickly with each new encounter. Even though I knew a lot of what was going to happen, the episode had a very tense and exciting atmosphere.
+Marshall did an amazing job visualizing the battle. In the book I admit I was a bit confused about what was going on at times since there were so many elements to it, but I found it to be easier to follow in the show (though they cut out the whole stair thing).
+A lot of great Sam moments. Though I am highly skeptical about his crossbow quickdraw.
+The combat scenes were shot well. The battle between Jon and Styr had a good tempo. Oberyn's got a glass jaw compared to Jon. I did laugh at Tormund's Dark Souls roll though.
+THE SCYTHE. Why is there always a secret weapon no one mentions?

-Man that stupid archer kid. I nominate this for dumbest and most pointless addition, even above Yara vs. dogs.
-The battle just kind of ended. Everything seemed fairly even and sometimes in favor of the wildlings, but then after the scythe everyone was like "YEAH WE WON." What?
-Jon seemed rather eager to commit suicide. Is he going to assassinate him with that hammer? I think the book reasoning was more logical.

Next week may break the internet. We have:

Jon treats with Mance + Stannis
Tyrion's crossbow adventures
Arya/Hound/Brienne story change jamboree
How to Chain Your Dragon with Dany


Tyrion freezes, unable to kill him. "Dad, I love y-" Bow kid appears and shoots Tywin, nods.

Show writers, you can send the cheques my way.

The only redeeming part of bow kid would be if he just randomly shows up to snipe people and then nods from here on out.


Did he really? I honestly can't recall. I found Abel much more interesting than Mance, and even he didn't have much in the way of compelling dialogue.

Mance has more than a few good scenes with Jon in ASOS, from telling him why he left the Watch to explaining his command philosophy, giving more information on the NW, noting he visited Winterfell, etc.

I didn't watch all the episode last night so I'll finish after work today. But I've disliked the general lack of urgency that has been evident in the Wall scenes this season. I guess next week we'll get to see Mance, I wonder if he'll note that they've lost a good deal of their army to white walkers as in the books. The wildlings were desperate in the books, and the Watch were on edge. Obviously the show is its own thing, I just feel some urgency could have been included.
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