Jon hugging Yggrite while the battle is still going on and fellow crows are dying left and right was stupid as fuck
Maester Aemon, a hundred year old man, right there with almost 4 minutes of screen time talking about the past, and they had him talk about women....ugh.
Seems like we like this episode much more than the non-spoiler thread. It's because we know the battle did mean something.
He brings Mel in the books.....Shiet, where is the Mann?????
Didn't expect Pyp and Grenn to die, it was a good touch. And Alisser was boss. Good shit.
I guess they are doing the Stannis part like in the books: Jon is inside Mance's tent thinking how they are going to slice him up and then the coolness begins.
Please don't bring Mel, please don't bring Mel....
Yeah, what the hell?Man, why they gotta kill Grenn and Pyp?![]()
It's funny how many non-readers have no idea who Mance is. Can't blame them. Wasn't show Mance in one episode for like 5 minutes? I can barely remember him myself.
He isn't that hard to remember. It is weird to me that they're confusing other characters with Mance, despite it making no real sense.
He isn't that hard to remember. It is weird to me that they're confusing other characters with Mance, despite it making no real sense.
Yes, Orson Lannister is the reason there was no Mance.They should've spent a bit more time with Mance this season. Fuck, even one scene where he's in a tent playing the lute or whatever, and someone comes in and tells him they lost a bunch of outriders to the Walkers again. Instead we got Orson Lannister.
Yes, Orson Lannister is the reason there was no Mance.
He simmered in the books as well.Not specifically, but you know what I mean. They spent so much screentime expanding upon stuff that's already at the forefront 90% of the time that I find it odd they're fine with letting a plot point (and character) of this magnitude just simmer for two seasons.
He isn't that hard to remember. It is weird to me that they're confusing other characters with Mance, despite it making no real sense.
I cared about him in book 5, because he was finally playing a role in an interesting storyline.Let's face it, does he have more than one scene (or even one scene) where he does or says anything memorable? I can remember the freaking Rattleshirt better than him.
Let's face it, does he have more than one scene (or even one scene) where he does or says anything memorable? I can remember the freaking Rattleshirt better than him.
He brings Mel in the books.....
I really hope they're building Show Stannis up to be more assertive in his own right and less reliant on Mel. Maybe it will take Mel trying to burn Shireen to have Stannis put his foot down and put Mel in her place.I know, that's the problem, show Stannis will fuck up when Mel's around >_<
huh?even as a book-reader, it was hard to muster enthusiasm about this episode
about mid-way through, I was asking myself "why is Jon even at The Wall, again?"
not a fantastic sign
He simmered in the books as well.
OK, we need a .gif of the kid nodding to Jon. That was great. Calling it now, that kids nod will be better than Stannis' nod.
I agree. But I'm not concerned. People know Mance is leading the wildlings. If they don't remember what he looks like, fine. They'll see him next week.Yes, but they're two very different media. It's not hard to imagine most people who only watch the show an hour each week will forget about that one character they saw a while back, even if he's supposed to be important.
Walder Frey will survive all of his descendants' deaths, I'm sure. He's gonna sit in his castle, while his family dies from getting persecuted by all the people his family upset. He'll die of old age or some nasty sickness as last member of his family, the one who led it into ruin.
That said, he's not gonna get killed by Stoneheart. He doesn't travel, he's too old for that.
Did you read the books? Her lines were lifted straight from her death scene in the book.I can't believe they actually had her say her catchphrase on her deathbed. Almost as bad as the cannibal saying "minge." Think those are two of the cringe-worthiest moments of the series for me.
Did you read the books? Her lines were lifted straight from her death scene in the book.
I can't believe they actually had her say her catchphrase on her deathbed. Almost as bad as the cannibal saying "minge." Think those are two of the cringe-worthiest moments of the series for me.
Did he really? I honestly can't recall. I found Abel much more interesting than Mance, and even he didn't have much in the way of compelling dialogue.Mance has a lot of good dialogue in ASOS, almost none of which is in the show. Why cast Hinds if he wasn't going to do anything?
Tyrion's crossbow adventures
Tyrion freezes, unable to kill him. "Dad, I love y-" Bow kid appears and shoots Tywin, nods.
Show writers, you can send the cheques my way.
Did he really? I honestly can't recall. I found Abel much more interesting than Mance, and even he didn't have much in the way of compelling dialogue.
The only redeeming part of bow kid would be if he just randomly shows up to snipe people and then nods from here on out.