So, I was listening to the just released soundtrack, when I thought of how some of the music might be tied to the last scene (namely "The Children" and "Oathkeeper").
This is what I could see happening:
The last scene involves Bran meeting Bloodraven and Leaf, after escaping the Wights. Then, when he enters, we get an uninterrupted long take (which would explain the announced expensive visual effects shot).
We follow Bran's Weirwood pov, flying out of the cave to the Wall and see Jon, staring North, dealing with his new predicament.
We zoom out and move east, past a small stretch of water and lower onto an island. There, we see Rickon and Osha (eating people? This would explain why Osha has been rumored to be in the last episode).
We continue, through the North to the Eyrie, we see Sansa, leaving the castle, looking down at her journey ahead. We fly past her, to the sea. We see a ship looming in the distance. When we get close, we see Arya, standing on the deck, looking out ahead, wherever she is going.
Then, we return to the mainland. Past the Vale, to the Riverlands. The camera slowly drops down into a murky environment. Three frey soldiers hang from trees, a fourth is on his knees. The camera pans around, and reveals: The Brotherhood without Banners. A hooded figure approaches; "She don't speak, but she remembers". The hood lowers, there, we encounter what is left of the mother of all "The Children" we just saw. Cut to black.