Perhaps the dumbest question in the history of questions.
Why did the creation of this show hinge upon whether the creators knew who Jon Snow's mother is if Jon Snow is already dead?
Perhaps the dumbest question in the history of questions.
Why did the creation of this show hinge upon whether the creators knew who Jon Snow's mother is if Jon Snow is already dead?
Jons not dead
Jesus Christ, they're dropping like flies every day.
Let's just go back to a black bar thread again.
Is it really hard to click the correct thread though? If that's the issue that happened?
Subscribe to the correct thread and only enter the thread through subscriptions, problem solved.
It can be inferred, but that post struck me a suspect. Plus that dude is full of shit.
Is it really hard to click the correct thread though? If that's the issue that happened?
Subscribe to the correct thread and only enter the thread through subscriptions, problem solved.
Jesus Christ, they're dropping like flies every day.
Let's just go back to a black bar thread again.
I think its still tinfoil territory for the show. Sure, you can take a wild guess based on the very vague things given such as Ned only calling Jon as 'his blood' and little things like that. But all the things that drives that theory was left out of the show, so the only thing thats left is that there is nothing contradicting it.
But yeah, when people makes blatant statements like that, poorly disguised as a question, which stands out like sore thumb to any book reader, then its time to raise the red flags.
You know I just realized that watching Littlefinger kiss Sansa passionately is going to be creepy as fuark.
I'm sorry, but I'm done sympathizing with people going into the wrong thread by mistake. This goes for both book readers and non-book readers. Just subscribe to the fucking thread. It's literally two clicks and you're done.
I had not seen those pictures before. It seems the first and third stills are the courtyard where she constructs the snow castle.
Yup. The seventh episode is called Mockingbird, so I'm guessing that's where Lysa will die.
Don't forget his sex scene with Lysa.
He had a explicit sex scene in the books? Huh. Don't remember that.
Good catch. Will be great for Non-Book readers, when they find out who really murdered Jon Arryn (If they remember him that is)and why.
His wedding night, it wasn't explicit but Sansa hears everything.
I'm sorry, but I'm done sympathizing with people going into the wrong thread by mistake. This goes for both book readers and non-book readers. Just subscribe to the fucking thread. It's literally two clicks and you're done.
They won't.
When did the producers approach GRRM, and was the R+L=J theory already popular on the message boards before this said meeting?
Oh I know, I know. It's like trying to drive other people's cars, but i still feel bad when they crash.
Robert Arryn nuzzling Sansa is going to be creepy/awkward as well.
Haven't they cast the Lords Declarant for this season?
I can honestly see all of Sansa's book material being done by the end of the season.
Maybe? I think it's always safe to assume that TV viewers have forgotten everything.What about the implications of said event?
Will they realise?
Ah yes, that was on the boat right? It's been a while since I read the books, I'm contemplating a reread right now.
What about the implications of said event?
Will they realise?
I'm still rooting for House Tully. They'll make a comeback, I know they will. *Nervous look*
I'm still rooting for House Tully. They'll make a comeback, I know they will. *Nervous look*
I think it's always safe to assume that TV viewers have forgotten everything.
I'm still rooting for House Tully. They'll make a comeback, I know they will. *Nervous look*
I actually think they have a good shot. The Blackfish is still out there, and no way the Freys end the series in control of the Riverlands.
CDKee said:Hey, the Blackfish is still out there somewhere...
Well, the Blackfish is still alive, and so is Edmure.
I hate TV Barristan. Why does he laugh/chuckle when talking to Dany? He's supposed to be a severe and serious man, not a giggly grandpa.
Edmure just got married so he'll carry on the Tully name?
Yes. Roslin is pregnant.