I started to change my mind once I looked at episode titles / casting for this season and saw what / how much material they were pulling from books outside of ASoS. I'm curious how much Dany material from Dance ends up in this season. Are they going to go as far as locking up the two dragons after Drogon kills a kid (which has already been setup this episode and essentially shown in trailers)?I think it's possible if they cut the Iron Isles/Dorne stories, which seems likely. It's not hard to come up with ten episodes worth of material for Tyrion, Arya, Cersei, and Jon; they have strong material that will work on the show. The problem is Dany, who they'd have to heavily restructure to make interesting on television; splitting her ADWD arc into two seasons would be a horrible decision.
Remember, S5 will also feature TWOW material for Bran. They need to quickly get through AFFC/ADWD to catch everyone else up.
I think it's possible if they cut the Iron Isles/Dorne stories, which seems likely. It's not hard to come up with ten episodes worth of material for Tyrion, Arya, Cersei, and Jon; they have strong material that will work on the show. The problem is Dany, who they'd have to heavily restructure to make interesting on television; splitting her ADWD arc into two seasons would be a horrible decision.
Remember, S5 will also feature TWOW material for Bran. They need to quickly get through AFFC/ADWD to catch everyone else up.
I started to change my mind once I looked at episode titles / casting for this season and saw what / how much material they were pulling from books outside of ASoS. I'm curious how much Dany material from Dance ends up in this season. Are they going to go as far as locking up the two dragons after Drogon kills a kid (which has already been setup this episode and essentially shown in trailers)?
Cornballer's watch shall not end until his death.Are you people going to do this BOOK SPOILERSZZZ !!!22124 crap for the entirety of the season?
I just set GAF to auto-subscribe to all threads I post in. It's the first thing I check when I come on GAF. I have both subscribed and have never mixed the two threads up. People are stupid.This. I personally don't post much on GAF, but this revelation that a lot of people don't subscribe to threads is blowing my mind.
Yep. Also, it's not like the Blackfish will ever have kids if the rumours are true.If it is a boy, Edmure grows a head shorter I assume.
You have terrible taste if you thought it was terrible.Yeah. I thought the newest preview chapter was terrible. But probably not fair to judge it out of context.
Or she's Jojen and Meera's mom.The midwife/wet nurse and milk brothers part is totally believable and Wylla being in that position for Lyanna (and in turn providing a cover story for Ned having an infant with him) is what I subscribe to. I like the theory that Ashara isn't actually dead and she's actually Septa Lemore.
Who said he really needs to? They don't really need to make him give up his life to bring back Cat if they don't want to.Reading through the no spoilers thread, it makes me sad seeing how many people seem to like Beric, seeing as he dies anticlimactically off-screen.![]()
Are you people going to do this BOOK SPOILERSZZZ !!!22124 crap for the entirety of the season?
No, just subscribers.For ratings, do they count all the people who watched with the free preview weekend?
If the Lord Commander stuff is next season, then that already takes up at least one episode of Jon's storyline. They've only got 10 episodes, and Jon has a lot of material in Dance; he has the most chapters of any character. That's already a large amount of material for a single season, and they aren't going to make all of Season 5 about Jon. There's just as much stuff happening in King's Landing, Arya training in Braavos, Sam's travels, the events in Meereen, Stannis, Theon and Davos having largely separate storylines in various parts of the North, everything in Dorne, Jaime's entire story, Sansa in the Vale, whatever they do with the Iron Born, etc.
It's way too much stuff for a single season. Jon would probably be about two-thirds of the way through his Dance storyline, with the season also likely ending with Cersei being imprisoned and Jaime reuniting with Brienne. There's just no way to put all of Jon's Dance story into a single season unless they want to cut everyone else's stories at his expense and start giving him the most screen time of every character by a mile.
It seems you're assuming for whatever reason that they're going to do a 1:1 adaptation of that content and that there isn't a lot of stuff unimportant to the story that can will be trimmed if not cut outright. Like I already said, a lot of chapters or even book pages doesn't mean a lot TV time required to cover it. Jon had 13 chapters in Dance, so what? How many chapters a character has is irrelevant to how much TV time they require, what is relevant is the "events" of the character's story and even with 13 chapters it doesn't mean Jon needs a ton of time to cover it, redundancies will be eliminated, walks and traveling from point A to point B will trimmed or cut. As usual the focus will be on the most popular characters while the "supporting cast" will have less. All of what you listed can be handled just fine in one season, hell a fair bit of Theon's story is going to be done this season.
It's just my opinion, but the topic title really should be the only warning. This is a little silly now.
Or she's Jojen and Meera's mom.
It's not really irrelevant. Characters who have more chapters in the corresponding material have gotten more of the screen time. See Ned in Season 1, Tyrion and Arya in Seasons 2 and 3, etc. See also Bran getting much less screen time in Season 3.
Jon has a lot of material in Dance, and they aren't just going to leave that material out entirely. They haven't been doing things like that to date.
As far as Theon, as far as I'm aware, we're only getting up through his second chapter of Dance. Everything else in his Dance storyline will be left for Season 5, as much of that is wrapped up in Ramsay's wedding and the aftermath of that.
Are you people going to do this BOOK SPOILERSZZZ !!!22124 crap for the entirety of the season?
It's just a little thing we're doing for now, and it isn't wholly necessary - more of a courtesy. We'll see how the thread goes and adjust if we need to. If you find it objectionable or have any another concerns about how the thread is going, please feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it. Thanks.It's just my opinion, but the topic title really should be the only warning. This is a little silly now.
All this discussion reminds me just how many damn storylines are in Feast and Dance and how spread out pretty much all the core characters are. Going to be a damn tough adaption.
Also from the last few pages, I wonder if there's a way to give Beric some closure without preemptively stomping on the Stoneheart plot. It's just kind of clumsily implied that he gave his life (for the final time) to revive Stoneheart in the book.
I expect Tyrion to live a while since his arc definitely isn't complete, but I don't think Tywin will be living for much longer, especially after that scene with him destroying Ned's sword which was pretty symbolic in many ways. He's done a lot and served a purpose, but I see him dying as a way to progress the story even further.
Joffrey obviously is on the list as well of course. Cersei I can't really say but I doubt she'll die.
I just don't see Tywin lasting too long as much as I enjoy him and hate him at the same time. I just have a feeling his death will propel the story even further and create a lot of new stories in the process.
Edit: Then again, I didn't think Robb's story was over or anything like that so who
Clumsy? They said he performed the kiss and died in the process.
Some posters on the No Book Spoilers thread are waaaay too clever. Look at this.
It's just a little thing we're doing for now, and it isn't wholly necessary - more of a courtesy. We'll see how the thread goes and adjust if we need to. If you find it objectionable or have any another concerns about how the thread is going, please feel free to send me a PM and we can discuss it. Thanks.
Who said he really needs to? They don't really need to make him give up his life to bring back Cat if they don't want to.
I guess clumsy isn't the right word, it just felt brief and unsatisfying to me.
Well he is pissing off all his children. And they're not the most stable bunch.
Other posters are suggesting one of his kids will murder him. Those Unsullied are either clever, or know more than they're willing to tell.
And you are assuming or exaggerating how much they can cut and how much time they even have in a season. They are already rushing shit way too quickly and what you're suggesting would mean they would have to crank that rushing into eleven. I mean, it's not like they CAN'T do it, it's more of a they SHOULDN'T do it if they want to have any kind of resemblance of half-decent pacing. These people need time to grow/develop and to react and get to know new people, new circumstances etc. We need to see Tyrion's downfall. The schedule for S5 for Tyrion can't be like:It seems you're assuming for whatever reason that they're going to do a 1:1 adaptation of that content and that there isn't a lot of stuff unimportant to the story that can will be trimmed if not cut outright. Like I already said, a lot of chapters or even book pages doesn't mean a lot TV time required to cover it. Jon had 13 chapters in Dance, so what? How many chapters a character has is irrelevant to how much TV time they require, what is relevant is the "events" of the character's story and even with 13 chapters it doesn't mean Jon needs a ton of time to cover it, redundancies will be eliminated, walks and traveling from point A to point B will trimmed or cut. As usual the focus will be on the most popular characters while the "supporting cast" will have less. All of what you listed can be handled just fine in one season, hell a fair bit of Theon's story is going to be done this season.
Meh, Stop being so blinded by your hatred of Dany. You're acting as if there's nothing interesting happening in Meereen when there's plenty. Like I said, plenty of people will very likely interested in seeing stuff like Dany struggling with the Sons of the Harpy (they could show their gruesome acts up close), her very own lovable little dragons becoming almost completely uncontrollable, trying to negotiate with the slavers, dealing with treacherous advisors, big wedding proposals to end the upcoming war, war declarations, weddings with dragons crashing the party, the chaos that ensues, Quentyn's stupid mission & death, Barristan being awesome, the aftermath of the wedding with Meereen & Dany's army being without her and then beginning of the war. Huge stuff like that is not only intriquing, it's far from stuff they can or should cut. Stuff like that could easily fill all of S5 and at least the first few episodes of S6 with. They could use 1-2 episodes for every single subject I've described above (and some completely not-in-the-books stuff like in every season so far).]*BOOKS SPOILERS* *BOOKS SPOILERS* *BOOKS SPOILERS* *BOOKS SPOILERS* *BOOKS SPOILERS* *BOOKS SPOILERS*
I think it's possible if they cut the Iron Isles/Dorne stories, which seems likely. It's not hard to come up with ten episodes worth of material for Tyrion, Arya, Cersei, and Jon; they have strong material that will work on the show. The problem is Dany, who they'd have to heavily restructure to make interesting on television; splitting her ADWD arc into two seasons would be a horrible decision.
Remember, S5 will also feature TWOW material for Bran. They need to quickly get through AFFC/ADWD to catch everyone else up.
I was just thinking about this other day regarding the show overtaking the books.
I imagine it would suck quite heavily to have your magnum opus be finished and revealed by someone else.
GRRM signed away everything ;_;
This 4th season will end with Jon being selected Lord Commander. I've already given examples of where they could end Season 5 in a post on the previous page. I'd say us seeing Jon shouting "Open the gates" and then wildlings pouring south of the Wall would be very powerful imagery to end Jon's Season 5 story arc with and a kind of "I wonder how the fuck will they make all that work" intriquing thing that will bring people back for Season 6. Before Jon comes to that decision, they could easily spend most of season 5 with the aftermath of the upcoming attack of the wall, him dealing with Stannis, him scheming sending Mance's child away, actually sending Sam on his way, his interactions with Mance altogether, his interactions with Melissandre etc. etc. Season 6 arc for Jon could then be about how they settle the wildlings in, how he starts to meddle with the kingdoms affairs even though he shouldn't and how there's growing discontent in the NIght's Watch.I'm not just talking about how many chapters I'm talking about the number of pages they take up. Jon's story is simply not going to end next season with him just being elected Lord Commander and so what will they end it with that's compelling?
Yes, and the 9th Episode will spend a whole episode on just Jon and the Attack on the wall, while ignoring everyone else's storylines. And Jon might not even be that big of a part of every episode, so it's not like they will burn through 2 chapters per episode.The first episode of season four pretty much covered (while altering a great deal) two of Jon's ASoS chapters in less than five minutes
A lot don't, but a lot does. For example, introducing Aegon can't be rushed. We can't just see Aegon in S05E02 or E03 and then have Tyrion just figure out who he is in the next episode. It seems unnatural for him to figure it out that quickly and it feels stupid to rush him through his journey with Aegon when it's an important part of giving Tyrion something to live for.the point is a lot of things that entire chapters were dedicated to don't require a lot of screen time to handle, especially when this show, especially beyond season one is not going for a straight up adaptation.
As I said, there's plenty of cliffhangery stuff in ADWD & AFFC. Maybe not quite on the level of Red Wedding or Blackwater, but still big game changing and/or shocking events. A lot will be cut, but they will also add a lot of non-existent stuff that was never in the books and expand certain characters' presence in the show. They also won't have every character in every episode, so that will slow down certain storylines and make it practically impossible to do everything as quickly as you assume they will be done.The thing is AFfC and ADWD are going to be condensed, it simply has to happen because they can't afford to spend two full seasons on them and things that make for good season ending cliffhangers have to actually be season ending cliffhangers and that stuff comes at the end of a season, those books are a pain in the ass thanks to how they were written/edited and they're going to be pretty much recombining them and plenty of stuff is going to be trimmed, cut and altered to do so.
All this talk about whether or not people will remember who Jon Arryn is got me thinking about another scene late in the season; how much backstory do we have on Tyrion's previous marriage? I wonder how they'll do Jaime's confession about it, I freaking loved that scene in the book but show-watchers would probably be confused as hell by it.
Doesn't Tyrion also reveal Cersei sleeping with other people to get back at Jaime? That hasn't happened in the show.
There was a lengthy tent scene in Season 1 where Tyrion told Shae and Bronn the story of his marriage.
In Season 2 he catches Lancel sleeping with Cersei, and forces him to spy for him.
Season 5 could have plenty of great points in the story to end things.
-For Cersei, they could end it with her imprisonment after Season 5 has focused on her growing paranoia & mental breakdown (and fucking up the matters at King's Landing after his son & father's death). Season 6 could be about her being in prison for at least 2-3 episodes, getting to hear she gets out, then the walk of shame be a big event around the middle of the season with Season 6 ending perhaps with the fight to decide her innocence (or not). And let's not forget the Tyrells ara in King's Landing as well and how the religious faction is gaining power. Those could be BIG storylines for season 5 & 6.
-For Jon/the North, Season 5 can handle Stannis being at the wall (just showing his stuff as well has his interactions with Jon), Jon cementing his stature as the Lord Commander, scheming on saving Mance's child & sending Sam off, his interactions with Melissandre and maybe end the season maybe with them taking the wildlings in (after Season 4 ends with the attack on the wall, that would certainly be a SAY WHAT? decision for a lot of viewers that could keep them interested in the storylines of the North and bring them back for season 6 for a kind of "how in hell will that work?" hook). Then season 6 could continue with settling the wildlings in, Jon starting to meddle with the matters of the kingdom and end with the betrayal and Stannis' attack on Winterfell.
-for Dany, most of Season 5 can easily handle subjects like (as in, at least 1-2 episodes introducing the subject and then bringing them up every now and then in future episodes) dealing with the Sons of the Harpy, the prophet lady, the problems with controlling the dragons, dealing with untrustworthy advisors, dealing with the slavers and just everyday problems of an inexperienced queen running things (and yes, Daario would pop up in an episode or three). It could end with the declaration of the war by the slavers (IIRC, they declare the war before Dany accepts the proposal and that is postponed?). This end point would be very similar to how Robb's story ends in Season 1, with him being declared the King in the North and deciding to go to war with the Lannisters (just the whole KING IN THE NORTH declaration was epic as hell, you don't need all seasons to end up in epic bloodshed & war). Season 6 could have a somewhat bombastic beginning with the wedding maybe in the 2nd or 3rd episode, then Quentyn's death in the next episode and then preparations for the war and then the siege itself could be the end game of Season 6 (I've gotten the impression that the Battle of Meereen won't be too quick an affair, so it will probably happen in the span of 2-3 episodes, at least).
-for Tyrion, the first 2 episodes could focus on how low he has fallen (getting to the other side of the sea and living there for a while, getting drunk and abusing whores), then they could spend 4-5 episodes with Tyrion with Griff & Aegon (getting to know them, revealing their identity, manipulating Aegon, Tyrion almost dying) and then the last few episodes could be spent with him being caught by Jorah and then maybe end with being captured by the slavers. In season 6, he could get to Meereen quite quickly in an episode or two, for the wedding in episode 2 or 3. Then use 2-3 episodes on how he gets to Meereen, escaping the slavers. And then the rest will go with him in Meereen (or what the ever hell happens to him).
-for Theon, season 5 could be spend mostly in Winterfell and then it could perhaps end with either his escape from Winterfell or him getting to Stannis, then season 6 could continue from there.
-Martell's have to be introduced. They have plenty of story in AFFC already. We could at first be shown their mellow side, but then season 5 could end with the meaty introduction of their sinister plans for the Lannisters and introduction of Quentyn & his mission to woo Dany & get her dragons on their side.
-Greyjoys need to be given a somewhat bigger role (they'll at least have a big role in at least Dany's storyline, if ADWD is anything to go by, Martin wouldn't spend this much time with them if it wasn't somehow important).
+ there are the characters who aren't seemingly part of anything bigger atm (Arya, Sansa, Brienne, Sam) who all have their more or less lengthy storylines that will take quite a lot of time from 20 episodes even if only gone through superficially & somewhat quickly (Season 5 for Brienne could easily have the tv series show her every couple of episodes (not every episode) and then end with her being caputred & introduced to Cat, with season 6 perhaps showing a bit more than what the books have told and then her going to get Jaime and then end the season or their time in the seeries with whatever happens to both of them, taking some stuff from TWOW).
And so on and so on. There are fucktons of storylines for all characters and while not all of them have some Red Wedding level checkpoints that could end Season 5 extra dramatically, there are still plenty of dramatic stuff. Stuff like declarations of war/deciding to marry the slaver, Cersei going to prison, Jon making earthshattering decisions etc. could be plenty dramatic enough for the average watchers if they all focused on the 9th & 10th episodes. Not everything needs to have fucktons of bloodshed & war, they just need to be somewhat unexpected and/or shocking.
That is to say, it's not only doable, it's pretty much MANDATORY to use at least all of Season 5 and a lot of Season 6 for AFFC & ADWD for most characters, BUT they'll probably have to end Season 6 with stuff from TWOW for pretty much every character (more for some characters than others). Though some, like Bran, might need stuff from later on than other characters (or they could make up a lot stuff for him, perhaps explaining some of the backstory that the show is sorely missing if some of the hints at, say, Jon's parents are true & meaningful for the story, which the show has had zero mentions of).
Anyone saying otherwise has very poor memory of how much happens to everyone in AFFC & ADWD and how many characters there are altogether and how important certain storylines might be and how the show has handled the story so far (i.e. there are a lot of cuts & edits for POV characters stories, sure, but they do still touch most of the major story points for most of the characters and also add quite a lot of new scenes even for non-POV characters).
All this talk about whether or not people will remember who Jon Arryn is got me thinking about another scene late in the season; how much backstory do we have on Tyrion's previous marriage? I wonder how they'll do Jaime's confession about it, I freaking loved that scene in the book but show-watchers would probably be confused as hell by it.
Doesn't Tyrion also reveal Cersei sleeping with other people to get back at Jaime? That hasn't happened in the show.
They did have a Tyrion scene where he explained his previous wife to Bronn and Shae. They would just recap before the episode probably. And yeah, Cersei sleeping around to get what she wanted hasn't occurred yet..there isn't even a Taena Merrywether or Kettleblack.
Honestly the show and books have such differing timelines at this point it's hard to see what exactly they want to do.
I'm pretty sure Cersei's cheating is happening off-screen in the show and will be treated as more of a reveal. That conversation she had with Qyburn was definitely a reference to him getting her birth control, I think.
Meh, Stop being so blinded by your hatred of Dany. You're acting as if there's nothing interesting happening in Meereen when there's plenty. Like I said, plenty of people will very likely interested in seeing stuff like Dany struggling with the Sons of the Harpy (they could show their gruesome acts up close), her very own lovable little dragons becoming almost completely uncontrollable, trying to negotiate with the slavers, dealing with treacherous advisors, big wedding proposals to end the upcoming war, war declarations, weddings with dragons crashing the party, the chaos that ensues, Quentyn's stupid mission & death, Barristan being awesome, the aftermath of the wedding with Meereen & Dany's army being without her and then beginning of the war. Huge stuff like that is not only intriquing, it's far from stuff they can or should cut. Stuff like that could easily fill all of S5 and at least the first few episodes of S6 with. They could use 1-2 episodes for every single subject I've described above (and some completely not-in-the-books stuff like in every season so far).
It's impossible to get through AFFC & ADWD in just one season (+ 1-2 episodes). Or then they'll have to completely rape the story and remove so many awesome storylines & factions from the story that the show really cements its place as a far inferior & downright shitty and not really worth watching rendition of ASOIAF.
And they can't just start cutting the biggest houses in the whole game of thrones out. Martells need to be in. They can't just remove a fucking House who will obviously have a big role in the story soon. If they remove them just because they want to be done with the show ASAP, then they should never have even taken up the task to make ASOIAF into a show.
Surprise last minute Kettleblacks!
Maybe they'll still have him...for all I know.The only thing that's a shame is that we don't have Moon Boy in the show. That added some extra hilarity to Tyrion's line.
lmao. This was posted in the Unsullied thread...idk if it made over here, but it cracked me up.
KFC Capitalizing on Game of Thrones
The only thing that's a shame is that we don't have Moon Boy in the show. That added some extra hilarity to Tyrion's line.
At least you didn't deny it. That's the first step to getting help.Cool
There's a theory out there that Howland Reed took her as a wife and smuggled her back to Greywater Watch and kept her secret there because her family wouldn't approve. The only real evidence of this is that Howland watched her during the tournament at Harrenhal (because he loved her?) and Meera would've been born around that time since she's the same age as Robb and Jon and Ashara had a daughter at that time. It's pretty out there but it's fun.Or that could be that though has there been any hints of it?
It wouldn't be quite as funny but I'm kind of expecting them to throw in Pod's name in the show.The only thing that's a shame is that we don't have Moon Boy in the show. That added some extra hilarity to Tyrion's line.
At least you didn't deny it. That's the first step to getting help.![]()
AngryGoTFan ‏@AngryGoTFan Apr 8
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AngryGoTFan ‏@AngryGoTFan Apr 7