Looking at this, there could easily be 3 seasons made out of AFFC and ADWD. A lot of stuff I've completely forgotten about and stuff that didn't grab me when I was reading that would actually make good TV.
They could make Quentyn and his arc into something that would be quite interesting and not something that felt like a bit of filler. And the Greyjoy brothers, who I disliked reading about if I'm being honest, would add more variety to a show that excels at different locals and viewpoints.
That would take them to season 7.
Three seasons of AFfC / ADwD would kill the show. What's Brienne doing during that time? Bran? Davos? It wouldn't work.
Here's a season 5 proposed by someone on westeros.org that I think is quite plausible:
Arya meets Kindly Man
Doran refuses to avenge Oberyn
Illyrio recruits Tyrion to Danys cause
Jon sends Sam & co. away; beheads Janos Slynt
Sansa & Littlefinger lie about Lysas death
Sons of the Harpy attack
Tywins funeral; Jaime refuses to be Hand
Arianne seduces Arys Oakheart (for the first time)
Arya works at HOBAW; learns about Faceless Men
Boltons take over Winterfell; Jeyne begs Theon for help
Brienne & co. follow lead about Hound
Cersei burns Tower of the Hand
Jon argues with Stannis; Stannis burns Mance
Sons of the Harpy attacks escalate
Tyrion boards Shy Maid; meets Griff & Young Griff
Arianne recruits Arys to her plot
Arya buries Needle; becomes Cat
Dany gives Hizdahr 90-day peace challenge
Jaime questions Cerseis behavior; huge fight
Jon advises Stannis; Stannis marches south
Lords Declarant camp outside Eyrie
Sam & co. on ship; Aemon is sick
Tyrion observes Griff & Young Griff
Brienne & co. at Quiet Isle
fall of Astapor; refugees arrive outside Meereen
Jon wins free folks allegiance
Lords Declarant challenge Littlefinger
Manderlys arrive in Winterfell; missing Freys
Sam & co. arrive in Braavos; Pyp abandons them
Small Council; Cersei sends Jaime to Riverrun
Tyrion identifies Jon Conn & Aegon; stone men
Arya saves Sam; Sam punches Pyp
Cersei meets High Sparrow; restores Faith Militant
Dany treats the sick
Frey pies; Arya & Ramsays wedding night
Jaime confronts Lancel en route to Riverrun
Jon receives news of Aryas wedding; Melisandre reveals Mance
The Queenmaker
Tyrion gives Aegon advice; abducted by Jorah
Arya kills Pyp; wakes up blind
Brienne is wounded; taken by Brotherhood
Cersei frames Margaery
Dany agrees to marry Hizdahr
Jaime takes charge at Riverrun
Jon Conn & Aegon meet Golden Company
Jon puts corpses in ice cells
Littlefinger tutors Sansa
Stannis captures AshaYara at Deepwood Motte
Aemon dies; Sam & Gilly have sex
Arianne learns the truth
Brienne meets Lady Stoneheart
Cersei visits Margaery in prison; Cersei arrested
Jaime treats with Blackfish
Jon sends Tormund to round up free folk
Mance & co. arrive in Winterfell
Tyrion & Jorah in Volantis
Aryas blind training
Cersei in prison; writes to Jaime
Dany meets Quentyn; marries Hizdahr
Jaime threatens Edmure; burns Cerseis message
Littlefinger comments on Cerseis downfall
mysterious deaths in Winterfell; Theon in godswood
Stanniss army stuck and starving; Stannis authorizes sacrifice
Tyrion & Jorah on ship; captured by slavers
Arya gets new face; first assassination
Cersei confesses; Walk of Shame
Daznaks Pit
Theon & Jeyne escape Winterfell
Tormund returns; Jon opens the gates
Tyrion & Jorah sold at slave market
Arya becomes acolyte
Doran executes plans
The Dragontamer; dragons loose over Meereen
Jaime reunites with Brienne
Jon Conn & Aegon land in Stormlands
Littlefingers plan to give Sansa the Vale
Pink Letter; Daggers in the Dark
Sam & Gilly arrive in Oldtown; say goodbye
Theon reunites with AshaYara
Tyrion & Jorah escape slaver
No Victarion until he's actually needed, there's just not enough room for it.