The necklace thing was kind of blatant, but the guy that put together Olenna, Dontos, Littlefinger and his desire to bring Sansa with him specifically because he cared for Catelyn? Mannnnn.....
Joff wouldn't worry about it, but Tywin doesn't allow mockery of his family. He spent most of a lifetime bringing the family back from the laughingstock his own father made it. Mocking the man that is about to wed his only daughter is a mockery of his daughter, which he wouldn't abide.
Then again, that's book Tywin I'm talking about and not necessarily show Tywin. I'd need to see screenshots to tell for sure who it was supposed to be.
Honestly I suggest running from this thread now. We spoil everything right til the last book, without warning, and not tagged at all.
Remember how Robert made Jaime sit outside the door while he fucked other women? I don't think Joffrey would worry much about offending the Tyrells once he's married into the family. Tywin looked very pleased as Renly was mocked.
Favorite part of the episode was looking at the faces of guests during the War of the Five King re-enactment. Varys was particularly interesting, as he had no reason to be offended.
Joff wouldn't worry about it, but Tywin doesn't allow mockery of his family. He spent most of a lifetime bringing the family back from the laughingstock his own father made it. Mocking the man that is about to wed his only daughter is a mockery of his daughter, which he wouldn't abide.
Then again, that's book Tywin I'm talking about and not necessarily show Tywin. I'd need to see screenshots to tell for sure who it was supposed to be.
Nah, I think it was easy to piece together. There was a huge focus on Olenna during the scene where Joffrey grabs the cup. They hint heavily at her being involved. Plus before the wedding reception began, you hear her sympathize with Sansa over Rob dying at wedding while Olenna was playing with her necklace/hair. They were pretty heavy-handed about it in the doesn't surprise me that she is one of the main theories this early on.
EDIT: BTW, my first post in this thread..I've read through the first three books (read them after season 3) and was too scared to even come in here because of the "unmarked spoilers" warning. I didn't want anything from book 4 or 5 ruined, but I don't really have a place for discussion anymore it seems. I remember there was a marked spoiler thread last season...
Honestly I suggest running from this thread now. We spoil everything right til the last book, without warning, and not tagged at all.