what a great fucking episode
I will just have to agree to disagree.
They've done a right shitty job with Dontos' backstory and role - the way he just appeared with a Terminator-esque,
come with me or they'll kill you line was absolutely comical. They've done as little of a job as possible with establishing Petyr Baelish's role in the entire event or foreshadowing his plans for Sansa so the next few parts are going to seem completely and utterly out of place. Penny and Groat with Pretty Pig and Crunch? Their omissions are glaring considering Penny and Pretty Pig play a pretty god damn big role in Tyrion's future!
The number of omissions for the sake of television are disappointing. My wife is a TV only viewer and she had to watch the last 15 minutes three times (and then ask for explanations) to understand what happened. She thought Joffrey was choking
on pie until Cersei yelled her accusation of Tyrion. That's how poorly the scenario was set up. Maybe it's book snobbery but knowing of the various poisons - including the strangler - ahead of time made this scene much more impactful and made far more sense. Now they're going to have to spend a ridiculous amount of time in the "trial" episodes going back and throwing in exposition that should have been there before the wedding.