Morrigan Stark
Arrogant Smirk
Wait what? Didn't he recently say these rumours were not true and he was in?
How can you tell?
It's strange that the show would take out one of the main characters for a whole season. I always thought that was sort of exactly what they they wanted to avoid, what with beefing up other characters roles/storylines in past seasons to give them something to do onscreen instead of taking them out for a year (Theon being tortured for a season; Yara showing up for a scene or 2 last year).
Its like they're sort of making the same mistake of AFfC by hacking out a whole character and their plotline because they sort of screwed up with the pacing.
I love the Greyjoys and would like to see them however I can see why it makes sense to cut them. But I think including Dorne and cutting the whole female heir aspect is such a shame, like a really bad change.
I'd honestly prefer a filler arc as opposed to not having him in season 5 at all.
So, let's see:
- Arianne cut
- Greyjoys cut (sorry guys)
- Bran gets a vacation
- Stoneheart cut
- Jaime's arc change
This season is going to be seriously weird for book readers.
I'd honestly prefer a filler arc as opposed to not having him in season 5 at all.
So, let's see:
- Arianne cut
- Greyjoys cut (sorry guys)
- Bran gets a vacation
- Stoneheart cut
- Jaime's arc change
This season is going to be seriously weird for book readers.
Yeah that's pretty much how I assume it is, which is understandable I think. Obviously, it's a shame to lose a character like that though.I seriously think they did that in order to combine Trystane and Aegon. It makes it easier to understand if there's only one plot floating around in Dorne, as opposed to Arianne's Queenmaker stuff.
She's an awesome character; there's no doubt about it. She would have been great on the show. But if they're trying to streamline things as much as possible from here on out in order to get to the end, I can see why she was cut.
I think it makes Dorne stand out less and just generally less interesting. There's still the stand Sand Snakes I suppose but they might not even amount to much.I seriously think they did that in order to combine Trystane and Aegon. It makes it easier to understand if there's only one plot floating around in Dorne, as opposed to Arianne's Queenmaker stuff.
She's an awesome character; there's no doubt about it. She would have been great on the show. But if they're trying to streamline things as much as possible from here on out in order to get to the end, I can see why she was cut.
You know, I never really thought they'd be able to hold to their claims that things would never get more spread out than they are in season 4, but this kind of does it. Season 4 had about 9 separate plots with King's Landing, Meereen, the Wall, Arya+Hound, Bran, Sansa+Littlefinger, Boltons+Greyjoy siblings, Brienne+Pod, and Stannis. Maybe 10 if you count the Wildling raid stuff as its own plot.
Season five manages to hold steady at 9 as well with King's Landing, Meereen, Braavos, Dorne, Tyrion, Winterfell, the Wall, Sansa, and Brienne. Might even be down to 8 if Brienne is going to the Vale and going to interact heavily with Sansa. That's kind of crazy they managed to get it that streamlined.
The Greyjoy's being cut is the only thing that bothers me. I really thought the only reason Balon lived this long in the show was to move their arc back to this season.
It's a shame if they don't do anything and Theon remains the only Greyjoy with any screen time. At this point, I keep getting the feeling that anything cut form the show won't have meaningful weight on the end of the books. I know that's not a fair assumption but I still expect (for some reason) that at least the ending of both will be similar.
You know, I never really thought they'd be able to hold to their claims that things would never get more spread out than they are in season 4, but this kind of does it. Season 4 had about 9 separate plots with King's Landing, Meereen, the Wall, Arya+Hound, Bran, Sansa+Littlefinger, Boltons+Greyjoy siblings, Brienne+Pod, and Stannis. Maybe 10 if you count the Wildling raid stuff as its own plot.
Season five manages to hold steady at 9 as well with King's Landing, Meereen, Braavos, Dorne, Tyrion, Winterfell, the Wall, Sansa, and Brienne. Might even be down to 8 if Brienne is going to the Vale and going to interact heavily with Sansa. That's kind of crazy they managed to get it that streamlined.
I think like the very end of the show will be the same (Jon Snow and Dany having sex or something) but everything around it will be very altered.
That's what I hope. I honestly want the show to have the same general resolution but with book readers getting a much more details and interesting version. That leads us to the idea that watching the show may spoil book readers but maybe give some people more incentive to see the expanded story. Reading the books make me want to see every family and character have a huge impact on the ending but it's more realistic to think that eventually the ending will boil down to many of the characters we started with having the most direct involvement.I seriously believe that the ending that the show will get will be very light compared to the ending we'll get in the books. It doesn't necessarily mean that a certain plot isn't important, or that it doesn't go anywhere. It just means that maybe it has a different outcome than what was originally theorized. If that's the case, then the show is able to get to that same supposed outcome in a wide variety of ways. The books are limited to what GRRM has already written; the show isn't.
As such, from here on out, they're going to make changes that has the same outcome as the books, but by going about it a different way. They need to cut corners due to screentime limitations and trying to cram so much into one season.
I think it makes Dorne stand out less and just generally less interesting. There's still the stand Sand Snakes I suppose but they might not even amount to much.
mhmm, so with bran out, we will have next to no TWOW material in season 5, I guess some people will be happy about that
Has it been confirmed whether or not Illyrio is in Season 5? There's an article about a return to Pentos and it seems to be Illyrio's House: seriously think they did that in order to combine Trystane and Aegon. It makes it easier to understand if there's only one plot floating around in Dorne, as opposed to Arianne's Queenmaker stuff.
She's an awesome character; there's no doubt about it. She would have been great on the show. But if they're trying to streamline things as much as possible from here on out in order to get to the end, I can see why she was cut.
I dont think there is any way around it, even if GRRM actually has all the details already planned out, which I doubt very much, what would stop him from just changing it as he actually writes it down? I am not a writer, but I imagine that's how this works. a lot is changed as you write it down.
ADOS at least will be quite different from the show, simply because it's not there yet.
There's a different between cutting and rushing. They rushed Sansa when they basically condensed the entirety of her book 4 plot into a single scene, and even there I would hesitate to call it rushing, just because that has such a negative connotation. Omitting the Greyjoy plot isn't rushing, it's just dealing with the limited bandwidth they have for simultaneous plots in a 10-episode season. It doesn't change the pacing of the other plots. If anything, it preserves their pacing, since they're able to dedicate adequate time to the remaining plots, instead of having to rush through them in a lower number of shorter scenes to make room for the minutes they would be dedicating to Greyjoys.
It's strange that the show would take out one of the main characters for a whole season. I always thought that was sort of exactly what they they wanted to avoid, what with beefing up other characters roles/storylines in past seasons to give them something to do onscreen instead of taking them out for a year (Theon being tortured for a season; Yara showing up for a scene or 2 last year).
Its like they're sort of making the same mistake of AFfC by hacking out a whole character and their plotline because they sort of screwed up with the pacing. Granted, it makes sense that they don't want to have Bran get too far ahead but at the same time, it seems kind of lame to just have him disappear for a whole year instead of doing any Weirwood Internet stuff.
So, let's see:
- Arianne cut
- Greyjoys cut (sorry guys)
- Bran gets a vacation
- Stoneheart cut
- Jaime's arc change
This season is going to be seriously weird for book readers.
mhmm, so with bran out, we will have next to no TWOW material in season 5, I guess some people will be happy about that
...that's REALLY weird.
Especially since it was supposedly confirmed that he was going to be in the season just a few months ago.
This is probably what happened given the conflicting information.It could be a case of the producers deciding late in the game that the season would be better off without the scenes they filmed. That exact situation happened in season 3 with Baelish and Lysa, whose scenes were then rescripted and reshot for season 4.
Just in: Hodor to be in season 5, but not Bran.
Perhaps looking back on Theon season 3 was one of the reasons they decided to leave Bran out of season 5...Mmm, that bugs me too. Like, Theon's endless torture scenes in season 3 were easily the worst parts of that season, and the (unofficial?) explanation given was that "They can't just write out one of the actors for an entire season! That's madness!"
...and yet they're doing just that next year with Bran (and Hodor and Meera).
As you said, it makes sense that they can't get too far ahead with one character before all the others are caught up, and Bran's training may have proven to have been too expensive to film or even not very interesting to film (which I doubt. I for one think it would have been cool to see even tiny bits of Bran's training), but it does make Theon's stuff from season 3 all the more frustrating in retrospect.
Yeah. I'm interested to see how things play out given all these drastic cuts/changes.
Also, do we know if Sam and Gilly are going to Braavos/Old Town this season?
It always find this aspect if the show interesting. Very unlike almost all other TV shows in that they write all the scripts before shooting and then rearrange the episodes a bit after shooting as well.It could be a case of the producers deciding late in the game that the season would be better off without the scenes they filmed. That exact situation happened in season 3 with Baelish and Lysa, whose scenes were then rescripted and reshot for season 4.
Has it been confirmed whether or not Illyrio is in Season 5? There's an article about a return to Pentos and it seems to be Illyrio's House:
If Illyrio is back, wouldn't that complicate things if Trystane=Aegon? Varys will be there as well, so the two can't have conflicting motivations (Dany vs Aegon). But this could mean that Aegon is cut entirely and the two just support Dany, retconning a lot of things from the previous seasons.
Theon's scenes made sense as a way of introducing Ramsay, and the Boltons. The main antagonist of seasons 4,5, and maybe 6. Like Joffery was for 1,2,3 and 4. Daanerys will be 6, 7A, 7B.
I'm waiting for Bran's first grand vision. He see's back in time to when Ned was alive. They close in on his departed father's face and he just says "hodor" before they snap back and you see Hodor is 6 inches from Bran's face talking to him.
For a while now this show has been built around setpiece moments. Considering that Feast and Dance lack heavily in big battles, betrayals, and major character deaths, it shouldn't be a surprise that the D&D want to rush through those books as quickly as possible. Character development has always taken a back seat with the show.
That said, I don't mind that they're cutting Bran's training story. Training isn't usually particularly interesting and easily skipped. I wish Martin didn't waste so much time on Arya's ninja training but I'm sure that'll make the show.
Wait what? lol What gave you this idea?Theon's scenes made sense as a way of introducing Ramsay, and the Boltons. The main antagonist of seasons 4,5, and maybe 6. Like Joffery was for 1,2,3 and 4. Daanerys will be 6, 7A, 7B.
Wait what? lol What gave you this idea?
Fucking what? Here's hoping they at least film his next scenes ASAP so he isn't taller than Hodor the next time he shows up.
Maybe with Bran gone for a year they can work on making Bloodraven actually look interesting instead of a senile Santa who got lost in a cave.