Just kidding! Nobodys concerned about Quentyn remaining uncast.
Right now, I'm fairly confident none of these character will be in the show.
Lol. I want them to make him awesome only to kill him at the end of the season.
Nooo! I need Manderly.
Manderly will be in, what the hell was the point of this guy if they aren't planning on big daddy popping up down the line?
Right now, I'm fairly confident none of these character will be in the show.
Manderly will be in, what the hell was the point of this guy if they aren't planning on big daddy popping up down the line?
Manderly will be in, what the hell was the point of this guy if they aren't planning on big daddy popping up down the line?
What the hell was the point of spending so much time with the Brotherhood without Banners and showing Dondarion returning to life if they weren't planning on Lady Stoneheart down the line?
The show has a lot of details in its sets, props, and extras, that mean more in the books without ever being brought up on the show.
I'm still in denial over that. I refuse to believe this adaptation will not fucking cover Stoneheart. It would be the greatest crime of our times.
Why do you guys like her so much?
I was personally so relieved when she didn't show up at the end of The Children.
I don't understand the obsession with Stoneheart. Such a cheap reveal... "Look this person you thought was dead is alive again!" Until I see how it plays out in the books, I count it as an uncharacteristically lazy use of a plot device by GRRM.
The fact that it was left out of the show does kind of surprise me though, because they seem to be more about the shock and gore than the more deep character development of the novels.
What the hell was the point of spending so much time with the Brotherhood without Banners and showing Dondarion returning to life if they weren't planning on Lady Stoneheart down the line?
The show has a lot of details in its sets, props, and extras, that mean more in the books without ever being brought up on the show.
well the reveal is cool and all, but the main reason to have stonehart is because she is important to two POV characters
So Jon Snow got a short haircut and now they people are freaking out lol
That article is stupidness personified.
There is no way Jon skips a season, he will die at the end of this for sure (it's the cliffhanger, obviously), but he'll come back the next one.
On that note, it is my hope that when he comes back in the books he does with a smoking eye or something. There must be an epic fight between Lavarm and Lavaeye, goddamnit!
I don't understand the obsession with Stoneheart. Such a cheap reveal... "Look this person you thought was dead is alive again!" Until I see how it plays out in the books, I count it as an uncharacteristically lazy use of a plot device by GRRM.
The fact that it was left out of the show does kind of surprise me though, because they seem to be more about the shock and gore than the more deep character development of the novels.
That's pretty much the reason why everyone is so interested in the character. What does this mean for Jaime? Will Arya or Sansa ever find out? Is she going to get her revenge on Walder Frey himself? Will Jon come into play somehow? And the biggest one: So now anyone can be revived by a Red Priest? There are so many implications for the story going forward. Though D&D could just make everything easier and (Book Diversion Spoilers)I don't understand the obsession with Stoneheart. Such a cheap reveal... "Look this person you thought was dead is alive again!" Until I see how it plays out in the books, I count it as an uncharacteristically lazy use of a plot device by GRRM.
The fact that it was left out of the show does kind of surprise me though, because they seem to be more about the shock and gore than the more deep character development of the novels.
Dondarrion set the stage for Jon to resurrect.
Dondarrion set the stage for Jon to resurrect.
You know, all this time wondering how Jon could come back, it never occurred to me that The Red Woman could, theoretically, just walk over to his body, and say the same words that Thoros said. I don't think that's what WILL happen but it could be much easier that I thought.
For all we know, they're not doing that storyline, either.
Although I hate LSH being cut, the BwB still served a purpose, and Melisandre being there makes it very clear. They wanted to introduce the whole R'hllor resurrection thing because Jon will need it and Melisandre will perform it.What the hell was the point of spending so much time with the Brotherhood without Banners and showing Dondarion returning to life if they weren't planning on Lady Stoneheart down the line?
The show has a lot of details in its sets, props, and extras, that mean more in the books without ever being brought up on the show.
Manderly will be in, what the hell was the point of this guy if they aren't planning on big daddy popping up down the line?
What exactly did they spoil? Just out of curiosity.Fuck IGN and Polygon for spoiling me on the upcoming season. What the hell is the point of articles like that except for spoiling fans of the show? Book readers already know everything that happens and show watchers are just going to get spoiled. Fuck them.
If you haven't read the books, I recommend staying away from news of upcoming seasons. Too risky to know what articles are coming from a perspective of someone who's read the books or not.Fuck IGN and Polygon for spoiling me on the upcoming season. What the hell is the point of articles like that except for spoiling fans of the show? Book readers already know everything that happens and show watchers are just going to get spoiled. Fuck them.
By "cut" you just mean not being present in seasons 3 and 4? Kevan was in the first two seasons.D&D aren't very good at planning ahead. Kevan Lannister was cast but then cut.
D&D aren't very good at planning ahead. Kevan Lannister was cast but then cut.
Be ready for an abundance of "this episode was boring nothing happened."He was rumoured to have be seen on the set of a key scene during Season 5 filming.
Also, this'll be my first time experiencing the hustle and bustle of a new season on GAF. I look forward to sharing it with you all!
Also, this'll be my first time experiencing the hustle and bustle of a new season on GAF. I look forward to sharing it with you all!
I suspect this is how its going to have to be done.I'm still hoping for an extended seventh season split into two parts.
It didn't help Sopranos, though. Average ratings went down after the first break and never recovered.I'm still hoping for an extended seventh season split into two parts. If Sopranos can do it why can't GoT?
I came in about half way through 4. NegativeGAF was pretty strong throughout.
I'm actually looking forward to Theon's stuff this time around.
Well, if there weren't so many negative things last season we wouldn't have been so negative.
Yet last season was the strongest season of the show since the first one. Those long tangents of whining about the most minor of details are just part of the culture I suppose.
Didn't know entire filler plotlines, and hamfisted fanfiction fights, were minor.
What's wrong with wells choreographed fight scenes? It's not like the show is bursting with them.Didn't know entire filler plotlines, and hamfisted fanfiction fights, were minor.
No one cares about Quentyn, but the other guys...
I'm sure the Greyjoys will appear in season 6, if not, the only explanation I see is that they are pulling a Full Metal Alchemist anime and season 6 and 7 will be totally made up based on the previous material, sort of a "what if...?".
Still, they should totally make a prequel season with the War of the Usurper. It's the Golden age (Berserk analogy) of ASOIAF and the characters were absolutely awesome.
Has tyrion even met Dany in the books yet? I don't remember that.