Hardly a surprise, but this is good news.There goes(F)aegon.
Hardly a surprise, but this is good news.There goes(F)aegon.
Hardly a surprise, but this is good news.
Oh man, that trailers got my hyped. I need a detailed break down STAT.
So unless it's a misdirect it looks like Varysis straight up backing Dany. I've been hoping Aegon will happen, seeing as how he seems to be becoming a major player in the books, but I dunno man. I'm having some doubts but we'll see.
Yeah I like that there weren't many scenes of her (or arya)in this trailer keep us unspoiled!So excited for Sansa's arc
Just noticed something in the trailer. Maybe its my eyes deceiving me but it looks like Bronn might be back and might be in Essos or Dorne or something. Can anyone confirm if they saw that too?
It looks like he's unsheathing a sword after the boat at the beginning and he looks like he's fighting that cloaked individual on the horse in the sand
He's in Dorne
- Offscreen versions of the trailer are up on youtube via Watchers
There's a few different versions up if you search for them. I'm a little surprised that HBO hasn't put up a full version since these are out in the wild. Surely they anticipated this.
EDIT: Watchers has about half of it up. Full vid here. Still offscreen.
EDIT2: Marginally better quality version
those two books have more than enough excitement for 1 season.Whoa, outta nowhere. Doesn't this warrant a new thread? Or should we wait for the official release? I NEED A SHOT BY SHOT ANALYSIS.
I'm still wondering how they are going to maintain the momentum of this show given the source material slows down considerably in AFFC/ADWD. I'm excited though. And Mel gets naked again, thank you R'hllor.
those two books have more than enough excitement for 1 season.
Do we know if Kevan is cut?
Having Varys kill him and Pycelle would be a great ending. 'undoing the queens good work.' heh.
Wait for an official version. No need for a thread until that's up.Whoa, outta nowhere. Doesn't this warrant a new thread? Or should we wait for the official release? I NEED A SHOT BY SHOT ANALYSIS.
So many questions and I can't hear half of what people are saying.
Okay, are Ramsay and Roose in this trailer? If they were, I missed them. I saw Theon.
Whose statue was being destroyed at the end?
Are they finally going to consummate the relationship between Margaery and Tommen?
Are those gold-masked people against Dany?
Who is the bald-headed guy being whipped by the Martell women?
Why is Sansa crying?
The other seasons didn't have much pay off either. The complete ruin of House Lannister and the introduction of the last player, Martell is pretty huge. There will probably be strong hints of a Stark comeback as well with Sansa and Rickon, Fake Arya etc.But the AFFC/ADWD wombo combo ends on some major cliff hangers and half-fought battles. It's a lot of build up with not a lot of payoffs. Even Daznak's Pit, the big action scene, only opens up more issues instead of resolving them. I can see a lot of people being upset if they just end this season with Jon's ambiguous death and Dany flying away to meet the Dothrakis.
And everyone is cut. Just everyone.
Theon's definitely in there somewhere.1. I didn't see them. Heck I didn't even see Theon, maybe I need to look closer.
2. It was a Harpy statue, probably in Mereen.
3. That depends whether or not Ser Pounce cockblocks.
4. I think those are the Sons of the Harpy. Nice demon masks.
5. Hopefully not Darkstar.
6. When does Sansa not cry?
Well... some of these scenes were in the books, I guess?
Characters pretend something is going to happen but it doesn't,the season.
Where is the One True King of Westeros?![]()
I can't see the trailer right now but according to your comments there is no Mannis? Man I swear D&D hate Stan the man.
They didn't show the Boltons either, and they're obviously in it. No way they're cutting Stannis.
That's what we said about episode 9 last year.
They should stop giving Dany all those cheesy lines.
she will either kill robert or have sex with littlefinger. both seems pretty obvious. maybe they just show it in a very controversial way. maybe she rapes robert before she kills him.
I'm forgetting things. Who is Robert, again?
Robert (Robin in show) Arryn, son of Lysa and Jon Arryn.
Why would she need to kill him? Correct me if I'm wrong, as I am someone who didn't read the books, but didn't Little Finger send that kid on his merry way to explore the world or something? lol
If you haven't read the books, I wouldn't advise posting in a thread with unmarked book spoilers.