Dani and Missandei - I might take that over the major epic shots as my thing to look forward to.
Hardhome! Dammit I thought that's where we'd see Benjen eventually - my theory about him finding a wildling wife there. Maybe we'll see him this season?! Or maybe my theory is bunk since Jon is going there to wreck shit. Why though? In the books he sends men to save them from the starvation and walkers.
Maybe people loved the battle of the wall so much that they needed a part 2? HBO mandate?
Varys, are you taking over Illyrio completely? I wonder if we'll see him. That said, wiping out Aegon (mkay) and having Varys running the show on that side of the water is okay with me. I love me some Varys and he was invisible in Book 5 except the last scene. The swarmy look on his face when he said "who said anything about a him?" made me smile.
Why is Sansa crying? It almost looks like the traumatic thing that happens to her might not actually have been with/committed by Littlefinger. Or maybe he's consoling her afterwards. (going by the LF rape theory). Maybe someone tries to or does in fact assault her? Some other knight or lord of the Vale?
What's in the snake box?
Was that Maggie in the intro narration?
I didn't see Theon, Ramsay, or Bolton.
God, I'm getting verklempt, my shit is back yo. I missed these freaks - I knew I wouldn't be able to ignore this season as a book reader.
I think it's worth being spoiled to see Tyrion and Dani together, to be honest.