Yeah I was wondering about The Golden Company. They were mentioned twice or so last season, so they must come into play later. It would be strange for them to just join up with Dany considering their history.
Also cutting out Aegon kind of makes the Illyrio/Varys conspiracy make no sense in the show. In the books it's kind of implied that they pushed Viseyrs towards Westeros with the Dothraki army because when he got over there, he would cause so much havoc that it would be easy for Aegon to just come in and be seen as a savior. What was the point of teaming up Viserys with the dothrakis without Aegon? Are we supposed to believe they really wanted Viserys on the throne, or could somehow predict Dany would be a better leader? I know the whole Blackfyre thing is kind of dropped in your laps in the book and maybe the producers thought it would be some weird random plotpoint in the show, but I don't understand what was Illyrio/Varys' initial plan.
It looks like Varys doesn't accompany Tyrion to Meereen from the pit leaks?