Isn't his girlfriend that blonde from American Horror Story?
They're in a shitton of pictures as well...
I read the other day that GRRM was forced to finish Dance in the publisher's office after missing the last deadline extension they gave him. Supposedly, it's also why the editing was so poorly done.
Hahahahaha"So with season 5 we're pretty much done with book material, you know that right?"
"Oh" he thought. Then he began to scream.
Isn't his girlfriend that blonde from American Horror Story?
They're in a shitton of pictures as well...
As much as I hate to say it, but I think with Lena Heady having a baby, it'll be Cersei that dies. Even though her first child was ~1 when season one had its premiere, having a second child may cause her to take some time off from acting. I hope it's not the case, but I'd completely understand.
Person of Interest had a similar situation where an actress was having twins and the show had a story line that could remove her from the show, but with the potential of coming back in the future.
Game of Thrones Season 4 Lore - Bastards & Blackfyres (Ellaria Sand)
fAegon Confirmed
That's 3 Blackfyre mentions so far in the histories and lore for S4 right?
My money is on Trystane don't ask me why I just like the thought of Doran raising a Targ bastard under his roof as a sort of a long-term revenge plan against the Lannisters.Yea, this seems to highly suggest fAegon will appear and even more so seems to confirm he really is fake. Afterall, why mention the Blackfyre rebellions at all if it is of no importance to the show's story?
My money is on Trystane don't ask me why I just like the thought of Doran raising a Targ bastard under his roof as a sort of a long-term revenge plan against the Lannisters.
Definitely makes the most sense given the other changes.My money is on Trystane don't ask me why I just like the thought of Doran raising a Targ bastard under his roof as a sort of a long-term revenge plan against the Lannisters.
I have so much fun crushing your dreams.
"So with season 5 we're pretty much done with book material, you know that right?"
"Oh" he thought. Then he began to scream.
As much as I hate to say it, but I think with Lena Heady having a baby, it'll be Cersei that dies. Even though her first child was ~1 when season one had its premiere, having a second child may cause her to take some time off from acting. I hope it's not the case, but I'd completely understand.
Person of Interest had a similar situation where an actress was having twins and the show had a story line that could remove her from the show, but with the potential of coming back in the future.
True, I'm just really skeptical of the Yara = Vic idea. I think Vic is just gone, replaced by Daario's boats.
Eh it's still miles ahead of what most shows are pumping out.After re-watching the season 4 finale and seeing that meh cgi boat sail into the distance, I reckon Vic's arc is probably un-filmable on the shows budget even if they were inclined to do it.
I think if this happens, though, the Greyjoys basically cease to matter altogether outside of whatever Theon does.
What did you think of the season five trailer? At the IMAX screening where I first saw it, everyone cheered at your line, "Who said anything about him?," implying that he may be supporting Daenerys.
Well, one never knows entirely what's going on with Varys, but he seems to be less guarded this season, is all I can say, and more prepared to declare his allegiance to someone. I can say no more than that. You know, but I can't say, unless you want me to get sacked! [Laughs] That's another reason it's best for me to know as little as possible.
Fair enough. But perhaps without giving away any spoilers, we could examine his possible motivations, if he is in fact declaring support for the person everyone thinks he is. Because if he is supporting her, how do you reconcile that with his earlier attempts to thwart her, such as the assassination attempt in season one?
Um, because every individual is allowed to change their mind. And there are more stories in the book that aren't being transferred to the screen, involving searches for an heir, and so it's probably an element of what's best dramatically and also how to accumulate his reasons. I think in times of war, and in terms of politics, people change their minds all the time. And something that seemed like a good idea at the time can be changed in a heartbeat. The order not to kill her came from someone, just as the order to kill her. And maybe that will come out in future episodes, so I don't want to talk too much about it. That's also my evasive way of going, "I don't know!"
"So with season 5 we're pretty much done with book material, you know that right?"
"Oh" he thought. Then he began to scream.
"So with season 5 we're pretty much done with book material, you know that right?"
"Oh" he thought. Then he began to scream.
Yeah, it sounds like D&D were following the books (Varys' motivation) until they decided to do major cuts and then just had Varys change his mind on who he should support.That is not the response of a man who is secretly supporting Trystan/Aegon in Dorne. I mean, Conleth's a good actor, so maybe he was prepared and is playing us, but that really sounds like he's 100% Team Dany for the show.
I actually wouldn't mind if it ended up as 3 factions. Varys supporting Dany, Doran supporting fAgeon and Littlefinger supporting himself.Yeah, it sounds like D&D were following the books (Varys' motivation) until they decided to do major cuts and then just had Varys change his mind on who he should support.
Varys is definitely running a plan A/B/C here.Pretty sure that in the books the way all that goes is that Varys warns Jorah Mormont about the assassination attempt so he can (a) thwart it and (b) gain more of Daenarys's trust, and Mormont admits as much to Dany. Varys, in the books, isn't inherently anti-Daenarys (and, if anything, Aegon is being guided to want to impress Daenarys by conquering Westeros for her - he thinks he's going to marry her).
Isn't his girlfriend that blonde from American Horror Story?
They're in a shitton of pictures as well...
Isn't she also broke? An acting break might not be a good idea then.As much as I hate to say it, but I think with Lena Heady having a baby, it'll be Cersei that dies. Even though her first child was ~1 when season one had its premiere, having a second child may cause her to take some time off from acting. I hope it's not the case, but I'd completely understand.
Person of Interest had a similar situation where an actress was having twins and the show had a story line that could remove her from the show, but with the potential of coming back in the future.
I think she may be gay...
wou]ld need a rewatch but always thought that was more them not wanting Robert and especially not wanting Joffey on the thone than actually wanting Viserys or anyone else there. ."Varys changed his mind" is the worst plot thread I can imagine, even moreso than him being a merman.
Even though Aegon being a secret Blackfyre came out of nowhere in the book, Varys supporting him still makes far more sense than him supporting Dany. First of all, what's the deal with that scene with Varys and Illyrio in the show? What exactly were they plotting? Without Aegon, who did they want to put on the throne? Dany was a meek girl with no power at that time. She was basically used as a bargaining chip. I can't imagine they would want Viserys on the throne, nor can I believe they had the foresight to see him getting killed off and Dany rising to power. And if Varys wants Dany, why did he purposefully sabotage her by spilling the beans on Jorah? You could say he had to keep up appearances for Tywin, but it didn't help Dany at all.
"Varys changed his mind" is the worst plot thread I can imagine, even moreso than him being a merman.
So Varys, VARYS, just... changes his mind? Not sure I like that, if true.
Varys = Euron
By the Law of Conservation Of Conspiracies; if Daario doesn't equal Euron, someone else must.
Circumstances have changed, he can decide to support someone else now you know.
Robert died, Stannis was defeated, Jeoffrey is dead, without Faegon on the show who else would Varys support?
Well SOMEONE'S gotta be on the throne. You'd think he'd have a person in mind.wou]ld need a rewatch but always thought that was more them not wanting Robert and especially not wanting Joffey on the thone than actually wanting Viserys or anyone else there. .
The main theory is that if Viserys invades Westeros with the dothraki army, they will cause so much havoc and despair that it would allow Aegon to sweep in and be seen as a savior. Though both Targ children dying also doesn't really hurt the goal of putting Aegon on the throne.why did he even want to kill her in season 1 when he smuggled her and her brother to the dothraki? was that according to plan or did he change his mind back then, too?
I'd believe it.Varys = Euron
That's the problem. Without Faegon, his plans in the show don't make sense. Varys' plan was not to just take Robert off the throne. It was to put someone specific on it.Circumstances have changed, he can decide to support someone else now you know.
Robert died, Stannis was defeated, Jeoffrey is dead, without Faegon on the show who else would Varys support?
Except his goal in the books is clearly to help put Aegon on the throne. In the show currently it's more ambiguous. He says "FOR THE GOOD OF THE REALM" but we'll see. We don't really learn more about Varys' intentions until ADWD anyways. Still, the idea that he just wants a good king, but doesn't have anyone in mind until Dany comes along, is somewhat baffling.Varys obviously changes and adapts his plans often. why did he even have several options (in the books)? to do exactly that, so he can change and adapt.
now if his goal would change, that would be weird, but adapting his different plans to achieve it, is not.
Where do you guys think they'll finish S5 off with?
The main theory is that if Viserys invades Westeros with the dothraki army, they will cause so much havoc and despair that it would allow Aegon to sweep in and be seen as a savior.
Though both Targ children dying also doesn't really hurt the goal of putting Aegon on the throne.
Where do you guys think they'll finish S5 off with?
Don't see walk of shame being that late,I hope Dany gets the episode 9 treatment this season.
Episode 10: walk of shame/ Jon being stabbed/freeing the dragons?
Right, it would have to be several episodes before Kevan.Don't see walk of shame being that late bet this season ends with Daenerys. Seasons 1 and 3 did, so 5 will be Dany.
The more she drank, the more she shat.
In show context, it doesn't really make any sense. Varys basically says they have to kill Dany for the good of the realm in the show. He did tell Jorah though, but could he have known that Jorah would have prevented it? At this point, Dany is really nothing, just a tool to get Viserys a dothraki army. I can't imagine Varys wanting Viserys on the throne, or predicting what Dany would become.why kill dany then? to enrage the dothraki? would it not be more likely they invade westeros with her alive?
why woull they even smuggle them away then?
I really don't see why he would have planned to kill dany from the beginning.
In show context, it doesn't really make any sense. Varys basically says they have to kill Dany for the good of the realm in the show. He did tell Jorah though, but could he have known that Jorah would have prevented it? At this point, Dany is really nothing, just a tool to get Viserys a dothraki army. I can't imagine Varys wanting Viserys on the throne, or predicting what Dany would become.
Honeslty though, in the book it's a bit ambiguous about what he wants for Dany. Does he want to team up Aegon and Dany? Hoping she invades Westeros and sucks at ruling ala their Viserys plan 2.0? FIND OUT IN THE WINDS OF WINTER COMING 2020