As pointed out, Lysa would have been on the panel is it were iron clad.
I'm expecting him back either way.
Not sure what "long pig" means, but those are indeed reasonable.
This, however, is "silly crackpot" territory, not remotely on the same level as R+L=J or Alleras = Sarella...
Lysa is a third tier character on the show at best. She was in about 5 scenes total last season. If you are including Lysa in the panel then what about Karl Tanner, Rast and Locke
Rory McCann has 4 seasons on the main cast, Kate Dickie just doesn't compare.
Filming leak:We know that LF filmed scenes in King's Landing for the middle of next season, though. For this to work, he'd have to start in the Vale, interact with Brienne, book it up North, then drop Sansa off and run back down to King's Landing, all in the course of like four or five episodes.
I could of sworn he goes back to KL in book 4 doesn't the last Sansa chapter mention him coming back from a trip it's where he mentions that Cersei is doing an amazing job destabilizing her reign and that Dany is fucking things up in Essos.Hmm. That makes me awfully curious aboutStrange writing choice, too, givenwhat Sansa will get up to in his the books.his total and deliberate abandonment of King's Landing following Joffrey's death
I could of sworn he goes back to KL in book 4 doesn't the last Sansa chapter mention him coming back from a trip it's where he mentions that Cersei is doing an amazing job destabilizing her reign and that Dany is fucking things up in Essos.
I could of sworn he goes back to KL in book 4 doesn't the last Sansa chapter mention him coming back from a trip it's where he mentions that Cersei is doing an amazing job destabilizing her reign and that Dany is fucking things up in Essos.
I could of sworn he goes back to KL in book 4 doesn't the last Sansa chapter mention him coming back from a trip it's where he mentions that Cersei is doing an amazing job destabilizing her reign and that Dany is fucking things up in Essos.
Yeah he talks about how Cersei is ruining shit faster than he thought she would.
Pretty interesting how Littlefinger and Varys's interests align on that one, though it sounds like they wanted different *timing* for the collapse of the KL administration.
I think it was mostly an in-joke about the scrapped time skip.
I fully expect Bronn to die, and I would not be surprised to see Grey Worm go. I doubt we're going to get an out of nowhere death on any really major characters.
It's too bad these two goals don't align with each other alone their a force to be reckoned with but I can't even imagine what would happen if they pooled their resources together.Pretty interesting how Littlefinger and Varys's interests align on that one, though it sounds like they wanted different *timing* for the collapse of the KL administration.
So Lena is pregnant, but hasn't said who the dad is.
I'm not about invading celebrities privacy, but I wonder if she's having a sand snake...
So Lena is pregnant, but hasn't said who the dad is.
I'm not about invading celebrities privacy, but I wonder if she's having a sand snake...
It's interesting that GRRM has recently talked to D&D and is still is thinking that the show will go beyond 7 seasons. Either they really are thinking of going beyond 7 or George is just straight up delusional.
If they do S8 they're going to have to do a bunch of contract renewals that will cost HBO a pretty good chunk of money. But the "7/8/9" stuff definitely sounds different than the delusional "7 seasons and a movie!" talk, especially given that they just had a long discussion about S6.He's correct that the show (like most) is only renewed one or two seasons at a time.
Basically, it makes sense for the showrunners for something so heavily serialized to have a general party line that says "yes we have a plan" - this is useful for communicating with producers and actors (who definitely want to be able to know when their career's going to be freed up for next projects). HBO doesn't want to hear "we don't know when it'll end." Doesn't mean they *won't* wrap it up in 7 seasons, but saying there's a 7-season plan also isn't necessarily the truth so much as it's something that needs to be said.
Yeah I guess Cleganebowl makes more sense on the show than the book. Will be really disappointed if Sandor ever shows up in the book again. Gravediggin' was such a lovely place to leave him.
GRRM only recently stopped talking about how hoped Feast & Dance would be made into 3, 13 episode seasons. Saying he's over optimistic is putting it lightly...
We actually agree on something!? o__o
There's a ton of pictures of them together so........ probably.
How do you all feel about the possible changes made to the Great Northern Conspiracy arc? What with Manderly and Lady Dustin likely being cut, and the speculation that Sansa will be present in Winterfell in some shape or form? What scenes will Roose even have this year if he's not playing host to the Northern lords? There must be something going on, seeing as they're sure to play up the Stannis vs. Roose arc, and Stannis already has plenty of characters to interact with. But what? Thoughts?
All of this is speculation by the way. Nothing has been confirmed/denied.
So I finally read that article mentioned earlier I believe? This one?
I know some people are saying Bronn and I wonder about that, too.
I'm going to assume they will be minor characters, so I'm going over secondaries. "People will be upset" he said, especially book readers. I'm going to assume it's not a POV but if so, then probably Theon?
Yara? 2:1 on her.
Blackfish? 20:1
So I finally read that article mentioned earlier I believe? This one?
I know some people are saying Bronn and I wonder about that, too.
I'm going to assume they will be minor characters, so I'm going over secondaries. "People will be upset" he said, especially book readers. I'm going to assume it's not a POV but if so, then probably Theon?
Yara? 2:1 on her.
Blackfish? 20:1
How do you all feel about the possible changes made to the Great Northern Conspiracy arc? What with Manderly and Lady Dustin likely being cut, and the speculation that Sansa will be present in Winterfell in some shape or form? What scenes will Roose even have this year if he's not playing host to the Northern lords? There must be something going on, seeing as they're sure to play up the Stannis vs. Roose arc, and Stannis already has plenty of characters to interact with. But what? Thoughts?
All of this is speculation by the way. Nothing has been confirmed/denied.
I held out hope for Manderly much longer than was rational, and now that I've accepted he's gone, I've moved on to clinging to the idea that they've snuck in Umber to provide a pretty much direct proxy for the role. I just don't see how the plot works without someone there to show what the actual opinion is of the northerners, especially since season 2 and 3 already did a pretty poor job of stressing the strength of northern loyalty. Sansa in the North could be interesting — I'm not immediately opposed to it — but it doesn't provide that. I'm not a big believer in the more sweeping versions of the Grand Northern Conspiracy, so I don't really think anything more than a meeting with Davos, followed by going to Winterfell and being generally snarky towards the Boltons/Freys is necessary, but I'd hope to at least see that.
I think the Sansa theory would be difficult to pull off well, just because it's hard to put any character on screen with Ramsay and not have them immediately become a victim, and Sansa is supposed to be escaping victimhood. On the other hand, I think the Theon-Sansa dynamic could be really good in that scenario. Overall, I think I prefer the theories that have had Sansa taking over some aspects of the Stoneheart role, rather than sending her North. I'm not really sure if either is likely to happen though. We know so little about Sansa right now that we're all just sort of stabbing in the dark based on a few words of trailer dialogue.
Anything solid behind Sansa being present at Winterfell or just speculation based on Sansa and Winterfell being the arcs in S5 that we know little about?
I kind of think the Northern plot will remain mostly the same as the books, but with downplayed focus on Roose and the other Northern lords. Emphasis on Stannis/Ramsay/Theon content, Davos probably just stays with Stannis. Looks like no Winterfell battle, so I assume it ends at nearly the same spot as Dance, with Theon showing up at Stannis' camp.
Be interesting to see what they do with Mance (D&D pls use Ciarán Hinds!)
Anything solid behind Sansa being present at Winterfell or just speculation based on Sansa and Winterfell being the arcs in S5 that we know little about?
I kind of think the Northern plot will remain mostly the same as the books, but with downplayed focus on Roose and the other Northern lords. Emphasis on Stannis/Ramsay/Theon content, Davos probably just stays with Stannis. Looks like no Winterfell battle, so I assume it ends at nearly the same spot as Dance, with Theon showing up at Stannis' camp.
Be interesting to see what they do with Mance (D&D pls use Ciarán Hinds!)
I think Yara's actually pretty safe, because if they wanted her dead they'd have done it last season. Theon killing his own sister would've been too powerful a scene to pass over unless they needed her. Some future plot has her protected for now. Same with Blackfish. You don't conspicuously spare his life only to quickly off him later. Bronn best fits the bill of being a character who is both very popular and also completely superfluous to the plot.
Yeah, but Yara's not necessarily getting Asha's plot - there's always the possibility that she'll somehow end up with Victarion's plot going forward (somehow).
People being kept alive in the show means they're being kept alive for *something* but that something might a job performed by a different character in the books. Likewise, people getting killed in the show doesn't necessarily mean they'll die in the books - it may just mean that a bigger character will absorb their storyline. GRRM's happy to have a cast of hundreds but B&W could never get away with that.
As for the Blackfish, yeah. Glad they're skipping the ultra-boring Riverrun stuff from AFFC - just keep him on the loose and the status quo is unharmed.
If Manderly/Davos is cut, who's going to bring Rickon back as Lord of the North?
"Oh, I really need to finish this book" - A thought George had for the first time the other day
We also both basically like A Song of Ice and Fire.
And every time either of us see GRR do anything other than we both have same first thought: "why the heck aren't you writing these damn books right now, dude!".
I don't. That thought hasn't crossed his mind at all.I believe it.
I have so much fun crushing your dreams.
I think Davos and Jorah are the secondary characters I want to see live the most.
I REALLY want to see Jorah finally go back to Bear island and continue his families name.
Plz stop!I don't. That thought hasn't crossed his mind at all.
True, I'm just really skeptical of the Yara = Vic idea. I think Vic is just gone, replaced by Daario's boats.
I can't remember but I thought the show killed Greatjon?Umber?