When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leavesso when is book six coming out, im gonna go fucking insane
so when is book six coming out, im gonna go fucking insane
so when is book six coming out, im gonna go fucking insane
When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves
When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.
Which Martell will take over Quentyn's role in fulfilling the maegi's prophecy? (the sun rising in the west and setting in the east)
The Mad King's son kidnapped the sister of Ned. Ned's brother and father go to King's Landing to complain, Mad King kills them. Ned, Robert and Jon Arryn start a war.#1: Why did Eddard and Robert rebel against the Mad King? I am confident I know most of the details of the rebellion between its beginning and end (I.e. Robert slaying Rhaegar, Tywin betraying the Mad King, Walder Frey showing up "late", Jaime killing the mad king, etc...). I just cant remember why the rebellion started. Should I know why by page 600 of Book 2? Or is it something that will be revealed later?
Lyanna is Ned's kidnapped sister. She died locked in a tower guarded by the majority of the Kingsguard in a puddle of blood. That is all you need to know.##2: Lyanna's death is also making me scratch my head. I feel like I should know the circumstances around her death but I just can't remember if this was addressed in the parts I've read so far. Off the top of my head I know Robert loved Lyanna. I know the reason Cersei really hated Robert and never gave him a trueborn child is because the first night they had sex after marriage Robert had mistakenly called Cersei "Lyanna". I feel awful for being uncertain about the next tidbit but I think Lyanna is Eddard's sister? I cant remember how she died or if it's even important.
It started when Prince Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna, Ned's sister. Ned's older brother Brandon went to King's Landing to fight Rhaegar, and the Mad King imprisoned him. Brandon and Ned's father (who came later to answer for Brandon) were killed by the Mad King, and then the King demanded Ned and Robert's heads. Jon Arryn (Robert and Ned were his wards) rose up in rebellion and the war started.Like the previous times I've posted in this thread, this might not be the right place, but I figure it would be worth a shot.
I think I have missed some critical things while reading the series. I'm about 600 pages into book 2 and really loving it (though my progress has slowed down).
I'm scared if researching this myself in case I stumble across a book 5 spoiler on a Wiki or google in general.
#1: Why did Eddard and Robert rebel against the Mad King? I am confident I know most of the details of the rebellion between its beginning and end (I.e. Robert slaying Rhaegar, Tywin betraying the Mad King, Walder Frey showing up "late", Jaime killing the mad king, etc...). I just cant remember why the rebellion started. Should I know why by page 600 of Book 2? Or is it something that will be revealed later?
Her death isn't explained in great detail. It's purposely vague.#2: Lyanna's death is also making me scratch my head. I feel like I should know the circumstances around her death but I just can't remember if this was addressed in the parts I've read so far. Off the top of my head I know Robert loved Lyanna. I know the reason Cersei really hated Robert and never gave him a trueborn child is because the first night they had sex after marriage Robert had mistakenly called Cersei "Lyanna". I feel awful for being uncertain about the next tidbit but I think Lyanna is Eddard's sister? I cant remember how she died or if it's even important.
Like the previous times I've posted in this thread, this might not be the right place, but I figure it would be worth a shot.
I think I have missed some critical things while reading the series. I'm about 600 pages into book 2 and really loving it (though my progress has slowed down).
I'm scared if researching this myself in case I stumble across a book 5 spoiler on a Wiki or google in general.
#1: Why did Eddard and Robert rebel against the Mad King? I am confident I know most of the details of the rebellion between its beginning and end (I.e. Robert slaying Rhaegar, Tywin betraying the Mad King, Walder Frey showing up "late", Jaime killing the mad king, etc...). I just cant remember why the rebellion started. Should I know why by page 600 of Book 2? Or is it something that will be revealed later?
#2: Lyanna's death is also making me scratch my head. I feel like I should know the circumstances around her death but I just can't remember if this was addressed in the parts I've read so far. Off the top of my head I know Robert loved Lyanna. I know the reason Cersei really hated Robert and never gave him a trueborn child is because the first night they had sex after marriage Robert had mistakenly called Cersei "Lyanna". I feel awful for being uncertain about the next tidbit but I think Lyanna is Eddard's sister? I cant remember how she died or if it's even important.
Thanks PhoenixDark. I mean no offense but I am going to hold off on reading your #2 section and take Joni and Basileus's word that Lyanna's death is purposefully vague in the sections I've read so far.
But still thanks to all of you.
Lyanna begged Ned to promise her something, and when he agreed she died in peace.
There's one thing from PhoenixDark's post you need to know too, since it was mentioned in Ned's last chapter in book 1:
There has been a Red Wedding style purge of my favourite community on this site, please guys, tell me everything is going to be ok.
Tell me season 5 will be brilliant.
Tell me TWOW will be out next week.
Was that part made in the show?
There's one thing from PhoenixDark's post you need to know too, since it was mentioned in Ned's last chapter in book 1:
davos sez twow was delayed til next yearhes lying rite
He probably doesn't know, like the rest of us. Might just have heard the story/non-story where he isn't on his publishers schedule.
It's never coming out :/
davos sez twow was delayed til next yearhes lying rite
I for one am going to enjoy the book readers who were dickheads with spoilers now getting spoiled.
davos sez twow was delayed til next yearhes lying rite
You can't delay something that never had a release date.
What about those who weren't dickheads but were respectful and will still be getting spoiled?
I thought that was already confirmed. Didn't the publisher say it wasn't coming out this year?
What about those who weren't dickheads but were respectful and will still be getting spoiled?
I'm actually not looking forward to her creepy stuff in S5.Sophie Turner is all like "Yeah season 6 is basically 50 Shades of Grey with Littlefinger and Sansa. Please finish your book George."
It's not currently on the publisher's schedule to which George responded that he wasn't going to give them a timeframe and a place on their schedule. The plan seems to be when it's done it's done and he'll hand it off to the publisher.I thought that was already confirmed. Didn't the publisher say it wasn't coming out this year? Yes, we are getting TWOW on TV before we get the book.
What about those who weren't dickheads but were respectful and will still be getting spoiled?
It sucks. :
I really wonder what the chances are of Catelyn's return. I was sure by the end of S4 that we would never see Stoneheart, but now I'm not so convinced.
It also sounds like he said they'll be finished filming the series before ADOS is even started. I really hope D&D don't fuck up the ending. They've cut so much already. We'll have a pretty good idea of things to come after Season 5.davos sez twow was delayed til next yearhes lying rite
Too bad. And I say that as a respectful reader who never spoiled anyone or flaunted my book reading superiority. But I saw so much dumb shit from readers that I'm fine with being punished alongside them. Not that I think the show will spoil everything but still...if Tyrion dies in a later season it's safe to say everyone will know about it, and it will point to him dying in the books. If those rumors about Jon's ending at Hardholme this season are true it suggests the ADWD aftermath at the Wall is going to be really really cold, if you know what I mean.What about those who weren't dickheads but were respectful and will still be getting spoiled?
Dénouement;152933909 said:hihihi Sophie pretty much confirming thatSansa will live to see S6. Many people seemed to think she would be one of the ~shock deaths~ this season.
Gleeson is reeaaaaally enjoying it huh
Fuuuuu the Tyrell cover is now out of stock as well
I'll just wait and hope they restock at some point, even if it means paying full price.
Dénouement;152933909 said:hihihi Sophie pretty much confirming thatSansa will live to see S6. Many people seemed to think she would be one of the ~shock deaths~ this season.
I think entertaining the thought that one of the core major characters is going to die this season that still lives in the books is quite the stretch. Characters like Grey Worm or Bronn getting the axe is more realistic.