New trailer premiered on the Apple conference of all places. Was I crazy or
did I see Brienne in the snow?
New trailer premiered on the Apple conference of all places. Was I crazy ordid I see Brienne in the snow?
New trailer premiered on the Apple conference of all places. Was I crazy ordid I see Brienne in the snow?
They just showed a nice new trailer at the Apple event. Also HBONow $15/mo coming next month, exclusive to AppleTV at launch, first month free, AppleTV dropped to $69.
New trailer premiered on the Apple conference of all places. Was I crazy ordid I see Brienne in the snow?
where trailer
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am PRETTY SURE THAT'SSansa in the Winterfell crypts!!
Yep.BTW, whowas the "we serve the gods and the gods demand justice" guy? The High Sparrow?
Holy Shit!You're right this seems to confirm the rumors that Sansa could be replacing Jeyne Poole. Noooooooooooo! Reek can't get his hands on her!
Yup,if you look closely at a certain part in the trailer you can see guards from the Vale of Arryn riding into what looks like Winterfell with Littlefinger and Sansa at the head.
Holy Shit!You're right this seems to confirm the rumors that Sansa could be replacing Jeyne Poole. Noooooooooooo! Reek can't get his hands on her!
Yup,if you look closely at a certain part in the trailer you can see guards from the Vale of Arryn riding into what looks like Winterfell with Littlefinger and Sansa at the head.
What the fuck, that makes absolutely no sense, come on. Why would she go there?
show != books. Accept it.
That's not really the problem here.
show != books. Accept it.
I think we should wait to see how the show explains it before we criticize.We are talking logic here
she has no business in WF when the Boltons are owning the place.
I think we should wait to see how the show explains it before we criticize.
Holy SHIT I just had an epiphany. She's not replacing. Ready for this?Jeyne Poole
.Barbrey Dustin
I doubt Sansa is actually going to take on Jeyne Poole's role so directly. She'll likely be doing other things in that location. The way they ended the past season made it pretty clear they aren't taking her character arc down a path of disempowerment. Of course they could fuck it all up...
Nah, how does that make sense?Surely, Roose Bolton would know what Lady Dustin looks like and she would have to be much older.
I think we should wait to see how the show explains it before we criticize.
They didn't cast Wyman Manderly, right? How can we have the GNC w/o "the North remembers!", Frey pies, portentous song selection, etc.?Telling you guys, she's gonnalead the Great Northern Conspiracy as someone else, then reveal herself when it's over.
Telling you guys, she's gonnalead the Great Northern Conspiracy as someone else, then reveal herself when it's over.
The trailer was pretty good, well except for Emilia Clarke, but whatever.
Sorry for the double post, but see my post above. They'll cut out the spoiler character in my post, and have Sansa's character do ostensibly the same thing (i.e., coordinate the whole thing amongst the loyal Northern lords).
Who was the?brown haired girl that all the slaves were reaching out to
The other scene that's really weird to me isSelyse face down in the snow. I have no idea wtf is going on there.
The other scene that's really weird to me isSelyse face down in the snow. I have no idea wtf is going on there.
Selyse = Lady Stoneheart
The other scene that's really weird to me isSelyse face down in the snow. I have no idea wtf is going on there.
Everyone = Lady Stoneheart
It is known
Everyone = Lady Stoneheart
It is known