He finally dressed for the weather
Stannis is truly the Mannis, but what would I be if I'm not a pistol-wielding dolphin?
I just had to make that shot of Stan the Man my new avy. Can't wait for Stannis to own Roose.
I can't see how Stannis won't win the upcoming battle...which kind of scares me.
This scares the shit out of me especially in TWOW preview chapter:
Stannis speaks to Theon about all the battles he won including beating the Iron Born at sea and how the Bastard has won no battles. But, as we know every time someone gloats about their prowess or victory seems certain that person is either killed or defeated. The only solace we have is that Stannis hasn't revealed how he will beat the Boltons. Because anytime someone actually reveals their plans we know for certain they will die.
This scares the shit out of me especially in TWOW preview chapter:
Stannis speaks to Theon about all the battles he won including beating the Iron Born at sea and how the Bastard has won no battles. But, as we know every time someone gloats about their prowess or victory seems certain that person is either killed or defeated. The only solace we have is that Stannis hasn't revealed how he will beat the Boltons. Because anytime someone actually reveals their plans we know for certain they will die.
The fact that he doesn't reveal his plans and the Pink Letter is supposed to trick you into thinking he's dead give me hope that this one's headed for a happy ending for now. The Pink Letter loses something if it turns out to be totally legit. Stannis is doomed in the long run, but not yet, I think.
I got relatively high quality grabs of every single shot of the trailer from the 1080p Quicktime off the Apple site.
Here's the album.
Please God don't let Mannis be the character that dies that GRRM says isn't dead in the books yet.
I doubt it. Most likely Stannis won't make it to the end of the series so if he gets killed off in the show, he is likely on his way out in the books as well.Please God don't let Mannis be the character that dies that GRRM says isn't dead in the books yet.
There has been a lot of speculation about Stannis' response to Theon in that chapter.
The ground? said Theon. What ground? Here? This misbegotten tower? This wretched little village? You have no high ground here, no walls to hide beyond, no natural defenses.
Yet. (TWOW, Theon I)
I think Stannis will win the initial battle due to the Freys being led by a hothead/dumbass, and because Stannis is a tactical genius. Whether he leads them onto the brittle ice or does something else...I just don't see how he can lose. My big fear is that it'll be a costly victory; what if his army kills much of the Manderly force by accident for instance. And then there's the issue of the next step: taking Winterfell. That's where I think he'll get fucked...
Jesus, wtf is going on this season? I already hate whenever they deviate too much from the books and this season looks like a whole different thing altogether. Oh well.
There was never any hope of this season hewing close to the books. Feast+Dance is pretty much unadaptable. Honestly, other than Sansa and Jaime, this seems closer to the books than a lot of people were expecting.
There was never any hope of this season hewing close to the books. Feast+Dance is pretty much unadaptable. Honestly, other than Sansa and Jaime, this seems closer to the books than a lot of people were expecting.
Didn't want to quote your big post about winterfell but quick question iksen
The killer who was offing Freys in Winterfell were the two dancers who escaped with Theon right? Did we ever find out who they worked for?
The blood on Little Walder's body is described as been frozen, yet Big Walder is covered in bloodstains. That means he had to have had contact with the body while it was still fresh, since there was a blizzard outside and the blood would have frozen quickly. According to Big Walder, he found the body buried in a snow drift. If his story is to be believed, he would have gone looking only after he had noticed Little Walder's absence. The chances of Big Walder stumbling upon the body after it had been killed and hidden by someone else, yet still fresh enough for him to covered in blood, are tiny if he truly had nothing to do with his cousin's death.
Shaken, Big Walder pins the blame on an easy scapegoat (Manderly) in order to hide what he did. Since his introduction, Big Walder has shown himself to be thoughtful and ambitious. He talks incessantly about how one day he will rule the Twins. By removing Little Walder he's one step closer.
Additionally, Hosteen says Little Walder was butchered like a pig. Sounds like he died messily, which would explain the bloodstains on his killer.
Yeah, doesn't seem remotely possible.The fuck @ Sansa.
Snow's arc as well? I think?
I mean, I wouldn't mind if the changes were actually good, but I just didn't like how they handled some stuff last season.
Will still watch and hopefully enjoy it.
Didn't want to quote your big post about winterfell but quick question iksen
The killer who was offing Freys in Winterfell were the two dancers who escaped with Theon right? Did we ever find out who they worked for?
Just want to point out that this pic of Stannis has by far the most views of any pic in the album. Like 6 times as many views. You guys are funny.
Does anyone else notice that around 1:06 it shows Cersei, Margery, Tommen, Olenna, the High Sparrow in some dingy room and the next second it looks like Loras is attacking LF's male whore who he slept with back in Season 3 and then later in the trailer we Margery bursting through a set of doors rather angrily. Could be that Cersei is "taking care of" Loras like in the books because he's getting too close to Tommen by outing him in from of the High Sparrow and his men.
Wish I knew how to take screenshots.
Ah yes forgot that was still on the table.Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're rewriting the allegations against Marg into allegations against Loras, so that Cersei can get out of her marriage agreement with him. Looks like he's on trial here.
I look forward to when Stannis dies just for the reactions from all of his fans.
If he's to die, he'll go out like a badass, that's for sure!I look forward to when Stannis dies just for the reactions from all of his fans.
If he's to die, he'll go like a badass, that's for sure!
ಠ_ಠHe'll take down 10 of Ramsay's dogs.
He'll take down 10 of Ramsay's dogs.
My personal theory on this is:
It all goes pretty well!
1. Davos has already made it to Skagos and back with the huge chunk of time between his last appearance in the book and where the novel ends. The actual story of what happened in Skagos will be told as flashback later. For now, Davos made it back to White Harbor and met with Robett Glover who went to let Manderly know the plan is in motion. Glover is the hooded man Theon runs into, on his way to meet with Manderly at one of his lengthy toilet breaks. That's the reason Manderly is suddenly so cavalier with his life at the end when he taunts the Freys into attacking him. He's already given the order to defect to Stannis to whoever is in charge of his army. As far as he's concerned, he's already won.
2. Stannis beats the Freys using the frozen lake and successfully negotiates with the Manderly forces. They may even have Davos with them, to help that go smoothly. There's definitely a risk that Stannis sees the Manderly banners and gets reckless trying to avenge Davos, but I don't think that's where it's going.
3. Stannis dresses his men up in the Freys' armor, and the Manderly writes back to Winterfell of their victory, telling the Boltons that the battle is won and they're bringing Stannis' magic sword as a trophy.
4. Upon getting the letter, Ramsay writes the Pink Letter to Jon in response, legitimately believing that Stannis is defeated.
5. The Manderly-"Frey" army arrives at Winterfell and presents the sword. The gates are opened, and they sack the castle from inside. Meanwhile, Jon is being stabbed for trying to come help them. The GRRM-esque bitter twist isn't that Stannis loses the battle, but that their too-clever plan inadvertently gets Jon killed through a series of unfoseeable events.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they're rewriting the allegations against Marg into allegations against Loras, so that Cersei can get out of her marriage agreement with him. Looks like he's on trial here.
Isn't Lorasseverely wounded/dead from the siege of Dragonstone?
That's the books, not the show.
Oh, I do think LF plans to raise Sansa Stark quite high (probably in order to marry her) but I don't think his plans are to champion the Starks so much as they're to ruin most or all of the great houses and end up controlling Westeros. He just sees chaos in the South + control in the North as the best way to manage that.Dénouement;155266999 said:idk, I just hope LF suddenly doesn't turn into a champion for the Starks like some people seem to be theorizing (some people think it's him, not Sansa, who will play Manderly's role) and is still up to his own tricks. So I like the idea that he takes advantage of this ~new, determined~ Sansa by using fArya to get her to want to return to Winterfell to take it back.
There is not a remotely logical reason that LF would put his most prized asset in harms way.I think we should wait to see how the show explains it before we criticize.
We don't know if that's how the story plays out at all though. So lets just wait and see.There is not a remotely logical reason that LF would put his most prized asset in harms way.
1) She's already married Sansa being raped makes nullifying the first wedding more difficult, I'd believe
2) She's actually the heir to Winterfell
3) Northern lords won't remember what Sansa looks like?
Every time I think of a character I like that has been cut, and then see the stupid Grey Worm sex scene they keep hyping up, I want to punch myself in the face.
I see Bolton sigil, but what are the others? The one in the middle may be the flaming heart of Stannis, but who is the sword through the emblem?
I'm curious to know what this scene represents. Where are they? Is that Oliver, the gay escort? At first I didn't know who was running at them, but it's clearly Loras in another screen.
Maybe the sparrows are involved with him? He looks relatively haggard. If he was punished by the faith, then it would be a pretty big departure from his book storyline.
Some interesting items on the table. I think we can all see the flaming heart of R'hllor, it's nice that they mention it in other areas. I didn't recognize the others, but after googling they may be actual references to religions in the book. The black goat may refer to the black goat of Qohor, and was also on the banners of the Brave Companions. It is also one aspect of the Many-Faced God and Arya sees a black goat statue in Braavos. Those buddha-looking statue may refer to the goddess of the Rhoynar, Mother Rhoyne. I'm not sure who the twisty guy or the deity in the chair is supposed to be.
Who the hell is this? I think I read some casting rumor a while back about them looking for someone of east Asian descent. THE GREEN GRACE?
These dudes seem to attack Brienne in the trailer. Any ideas?
I feel this trailer was better than the first one. It gives some hints on the direction of the plotlines along with some striking images.
Hmm, do you want actual answers, or to keep the speculation game going?
I'm not sure who the twisty guy is supposed to be.
I see Bolton sigil, but what are the others? The one in the middle may be the flaming heart of Stannis, but who is the sword through the emblem?
I'm curious to know what this scene represents. Where are they? Is that Oliver, the gay escort? At first I didn't know who was running at them, but it's clearly Loras in another screen.
Maybe the sparrows are involved with him? He looks relatively haggard. If he was punished by the faith, then it would be a pretty big departure from his book storyline.
Who the hell is this? I think I read some casting rumor a while back about them looking for someone of east Asian descent. THE GREEN GRACE?
Would you give actual answers?![]()