I got relatively high quality grabs of every single shot of the trailer from the 1080p Quicktime off the Apple site.
Here's the album.
Is that Brienne way up in the North? What's up with that?
I think I agree with all of this except Ramsay writing the letter. I used to agree about that, and it definitely seems like the simplest explanation. But there are some details in the letter that point elsewhere. I think it was either written by Mance or Stannis. Both are the only characters I can think of who are privy to all the information presented in the letter. Only Wildlings refer to the NW as crows, which suggests Mance. On the other hand, only Stannis (and his men) refers to Val as a "Wildling princess." Both have been around each other enough to be familiar with the other's phraseology (Mance knows the southerners call Val a princess, Stannis knows the wildlings call the NW crows).
The next question to me is: who has the ability to send a letter. Obviously Ramsay could. Mance probably doesn't have time to access ink and a bird: he's either hiding or a captive. However Stannis happens to capture the Bolton's maester in the first TWOW chapter; the maester has ink, paper, and pink candle wax.
So in short Stannis is familiar with the terminology used in the letter and has the means to send a letter. He also has a motive: a hail mary attempt to get Jon to lead an army to Winterfell. I think Mance would have a similar motive (the wildlings would do anything to save him) but ultimately he doesn't have the resources to send a letter.
I feel this trailer was better than the first one. It gives some hints on the direction of the plotlines along with some striking images.
I see Bolton sigil, but what are the others? The one in the middle may be the flaming heart of Stannis, but who is the sword through the emblem?
I'm curious to know what this scene represents. Where are they? Is that Oliver, the gay escort? At first I didn't know who was running at them, but it's clearly Loras in another screen.
Maybe the sparrows are involved with him? He looks relatively haggard. If he was punished by the faith, then it would be a pretty big departure from his book storyline.
Some interesting items on the table. I think we can all see the flaming heart of R'hllor, it's nice that they mention it in other areas. I didn't recognize the others, but after googling they may be actual references to religions in the book. The black goat may refer to the black goat of Qohor, and was also on the banners of the Brave Companions. It is also one aspect of the Many-Faced God and Arya sees a black goat statue in Braavos. Those buddha-looking statue may refer to the goddess of the Rhoynar, Mother Rhoyne. I'm not sure who the twisty guy or the deity in the chair is supposed to be.
Who the hell is this? I think I read some casting rumor a while back about them looking for someone of east Asian descent. THE GREEN GRACE?
These dudes seem to attack Brienne in the trailer. Any ideas?
Is that Brienne way up in the North? What's up with that?
I noticed that footage seems to line up with what you had posted, very excited for that, sounds awesome.Apart from that, I can't offer much. But the few shots of Hardhome in the trailer definitely line up with that amazing rumour I posted a few pages back.
Or the bad weather starts coming south...Is that Brienne way up in the North? What's up with that?
4. It's definitely in Volantis. Note that the men in the back are wearing a style we haven't seen before in Braavos, Pentos, or Slaver's Bay and the slaves have tattoos under their eyes. Probably a Red Priestess, so Tyrion can see how Dany's legend is spreading among slaves in Volantis and merging with the Red Faith, like with Benerro and Moqorro in the books.
Isn't the actress for Nym also asian?Most of it can be inferred from the pictures anyway, but here we go:
I have no clue what that sigil on Stannis' chess board is. Possibly wildling forces?
Lorasis arrested by the Faith after a brief scuffle. Apparently it's over his homosexuality. While a departure from the books, I do like it as it paints the High Sparrow far greyer. The Dragonstone siege isn't happening this season.
The only Asian castingwe're aware of is the Waif in Arya's storyline. Now, whether an Asian girl was actually cast or not is unknown. This doesn't look like Braavos though due to the slave collars, so I'm not entirely sure what's going on.
Brienne and Podare accosted by knights of the Vale, possibly set upon them by Littlefinger and Sansa after our dark duo refuses their offer of protection etc.
Apart from that, I can't offer much. But the few shots of Hardhome in the trailer definitely line up with that amazing rumour I posted a few pages back.
What exactly is the religious stand against homosexuality?I actually hope they don't. Either way looks like Jonathan Pryce will own that role, very excited for him this season.make the sparrows overtly homophobic, their issues over sexuality was done really subtly (shaming cersie) in the books without making them like typical modern day religious types
Not a single shot of Bran this season eh?
Seems telling.
Thinking about Bran, we need a prequel season/s showing Dunk & Egg adventures and the Rebellion. I say this because Bloodraven is awesome and in the show he is just a rotting dude inside a cave.
edit: oh you were talking about the one after. I read the men in the back as "the men in black"
I think that's king's landing, and the guys in black are sparrows. They're shown wearing those robes in other shots and the tatoo(?) looks like the seven pointed star.
What's they're smashing are statues of the Baratheon sigil:
I actually hope they don't. Either way looks like Jonathan Pryce will own that role, very excited for him this season.make the sparrows overtly homophobic, their issues over sexuality was done really subtly (shaming cersie) in the books without making them like typical modern day religious types
Especially if the show later shows the Seven aren't really gods and the religion is full of shit.they will make that huge and very bluntly, as usual. and I approve of it. with all the anti gay BS that is is still rooted in our society, I can't wait to see how they demonize anti gay religious hatemongers.
I suppose I just wouldn't want him reduced to a typical hate preacher type.What exactly is the religious stand against homosexuality?Considering the High Sparrow is a religious fanatic why wouldn't we expect a extreme reaction to Loras's misdeeds.
I suppose I just wouldn't want him reduced to a typical hate preacher type.
I wish there was a higher res version of this pic. I see some people that could be northern lords.
I wish there was a higher res version of this pic. I see some people that could be northern lords.
When I look at this image:
Isn't the actress for Nym also asian?
That trailer was so fucking good. Jonathan Pryce looks like he's going to kill it as Howland Reed.
Right, due to the fact that I mainly post in this thread, and in keeping with the nature of a lot of my comments... I've changed my avatar. I may also change my username soon, but I haven't fully decided yet.
I suppose I just wouldn't want him reduced to a typical hate preacher type.
Change it to NeoGriff in support of characters that didn't make the transition to tv.
So do I.I actually misread his username as NeoGriff half the time already.
I actually misread his username as NeoGriff half the time already.
Or fNeoGiff
Change it to NeoGriff in support of characters that didn't make the transition to tv.
I actually misread his username as NeoGriff half the time already.
So do I.
Same here!
One of us should change to fNeoGiff once he changes names and start posting links to our fake GoT news tumblr.
Holy shit. Now I can't change my name.
Just rob my news and post it on WiC.
Anyway, I was thinking more about the Sansa in Winterfell thing. Now, I don't personally believe that she'll be taking of fArya's role, and here's a thought to support that. The show has gone to great lengths to inform the viewer that Sansa takes after Cat, especially in looks. Roose has just spent a year in the company of Robb and oftentimes Cat... there's in way he wouldn't know or at least suspect it's Sansa, regardless of whether he personally saw her in the past or not. The Roose is loose, and he's no fool.
My thoughts on the Sansa situation is that she's taking fArya's role without being fArya. She's still playing the part of Baelish's niece, and is marrying Ramsay to make a Vale-North alliance. That saves the show the hassle of having to explain that the legal complexities behind the fArya scheme from the book, while also dodging the plot holes that arise from having Sansa as herself while supposedly hiding from Cersei. Roose and Sansa have never been on screen together, and she has the chameleon-like disguise of brown hair now, so I think the show is happy to assume he doesn't recognize her. I mean, Tywin never put together the situation with Arya, despite the obvious clues, so why should Roose? Theon will be the only one who recognizes her. At least until she maybe reveals herself to some of the other lords.
Holy shit. Now I can't change my name.
Just rob my news and post it on WiC.
Anyway, I was thinking more about the Sansa in Winterfell thing. Now, I don't personally believe that she'll be taking of fArya's role, and here's a thought to support that. The show has gone to great lengths to inform the viewer that Sansa takes after Cat, especially in looks. Roose has just spent a year in the company of Robb and oftentimes Cat... there's in way he wouldn't know or at least suspect it's Sansa, regardless of whether he personally saw her in the past or not. The Roose is loose, and he's no fool.
My thoughts on the Sansa situation is that she's taking fArya's role without being fArya. She's still playing the part of Baelish's niece, and is marrying Ramsay to make a Vale-North alliance. That saves the show the hassle of having to explain that the legal complexities behind the fArya scheme from the book, while also dodging the plot holes that arise from having Sansa as herself while supposedly hiding from Cersei. Roose and Sansa have never been on screen together, and she has the chameleon-like disguise of brown hair now, so I think the show is happy to assume he doesn't recognize her. I mean, Tywin never put together the situation with Arya, despite the obvious clues, so why should Roose? Theon will be the only one who recognizes her. At least until she maybe reveals herself to some of the other lords.
That's the beauty of this storyline. We really have no idea which way the writers are gonna play this. Bring on the uncertainty!!If Theon recognized her he'd betray her to Ramsay. That much is extremely clear by the way he handled it when his sister came to rescue him.
I can buy Sansa being hidden at Winterfell. I cannot buy the idea of Sansa taking fArya's role in the story directly (or even having her be prominently visible at Winterfell whatsoever) because:
(1) if she's not supposed to be masquerading as Arya, there's no way the Boltons or at least Theon wouldn't recognize her, not to mention the other Northern lords, and then the jig would be up.
(2) if she's supposed to be there as herself, Littlefinger has immediately outed himself as an enemy of the Lannisters and as a possible conspirator in the plot to kill Joffrey, which I don't think he's at all ready to do yet.
But I could see Littlefinger being present there and keeping Sansa largely hidden in his chambers.
That's the beauty of this storyline. We really have no idea which way the writers are gonna play this. Bring on the uncertainty!!
If Theon recognized her he'd betray her to Ramsay. That much is extremely clear by the way he handled it when his sister came to rescue him.
I can buy Sansa being hidden at Winterfell. I cannot buy the idea of Sansa taking fArya's role in the story directly (or even having her be prominently visible at Winterfell whatsoever) because:
(1) if she's not supposed to be masquerading as Arya, there's no way the Boltons or at least Theon wouldn't recognize her, not to mention the other Northern lords, and then the jig would be up.
(2) if she's supposed to be there as herself, Littlefinger has immediately outed himself as an enemy of the Lannisters and as a possible conspirator in the plot to kill Joffrey, which I don't think he's at all ready to do yet.
But I could see Littlefinger being present there and keeping Sansa largely hidden in his chambers.
Sansa is definitely at Winterfell prominently, seeing as she's at the head of the column of Vale soldiers entering the Winterfell gates, right next to Littlefinger. I think you can make out her braid in screens of that scene in the trailer.
The new season of Game of Thrones will screen in this country at exactly the same time as it does in the United States and in many other countries around the world.
That means the first episode of season five will be on Sky TV channel SoHo at 1pm on Monday, April 13, Sky head of publicity Lisa Franklin said in a statement.
It will screen in the eastern US at 9pm on Sundays.
As well as the early-afternoon screenings, SoHo will repeat each episode in New Zealand at 8.30pm the same day.
Game of Thrones maker HBO said simultaneous screenings would take place in 170 countries and territories.
Not sure if this is old news, but damn, don't think I've ever seen an American show "live" with everyone else before.
Yeah it's a good move.
But fuck me for living on the island where most of the show is actually filmed, I guess. It's so dumb that Ireland and the UK can't avail of this.
Wait, 170 countries and the UK and Ireland aren't included?
If it's any consolation, I'll probably end up watching it close to Irish time when the stream quality on HBOGo finally gets up above 240p.
Nope. Ridiculous, isn't it?
Lol. Is it really that bad? I've never had the displeasure of suffering through it. And does it constantly buffer? I wouldn't even start watching it if I knew that was going to happen!