Fast track production on a prequel/spin-off and promote it alongside the series finale, and you can dive right into new stories the year after the mainline story ends.
I'd kinda assumed they'd cut that if only cause Siddig doesn't at all look like he'd be in poor physical health.Dorian confirmed to be in a wheel chair, was kinda worried they might change that.
And this is definitely the chair shown in the video, right?
That's what I've figured was going to happen for a while now.
Sounds like a two-part seventh season is what they're leaning towards based on this article. HBO is definitely pushing back on only seven seasons.
Dorian confirmed to be in a wheel chair, was kinda worried they might change that.
Who's fArya again?
Sam's been kinda mismanaged by the show as too stupid/incompetent (in the books he's at least intelligent and well-read). And yeah, I don't know if I expect to see much of the Oldtown stuff happen at all in the show.
I'd kinda assumed they'd cut that if only cause Siddig doesn't at all look like he'd be in poor physical health.
Really? I actually prefer Sam in the show than in the books, he's still to much of an unbelievable coward in the books. At least in the show he's somewhat capable of defending himself and doesn't complain of paper cuts. So I'd be super surprised if they killed his ass off in the show, that'd mean that the Oldtown stuff may not go anywhere in the books.
And yet he still manages to be just as annoying.In the books at least he managed to get the damn horns/knives box. In the show we get that famous "you had one job" moment. He's much more competent in the books.
In the books at least he managed to get the damn horns/knives box. In the show we get that famous "you had one job" moment. He's much more competent in the books.
To increase the necessity of that group getting back to the Wall.Yeah not sure why they changed the ravens because he does send them in the books.
Sam's been kinda mismanaged by the show as too stupid/incompetent (in the books he's at least intelligent and well-read). And yeah, I don't know if I expect to see much of the Oldtown stuff happen at all in the show.
So yeah, in order of likelihood:
1. Sam
2. Barristan
3. Mance
4. Davos
5. Theon
6. Roose
7. Ramsay
Well which one of these actors have read the books? Ithink it's probably mance that's dying.
That's...kinda sexist.
More speculation
Brienne is a candidate, maybe they kill her off as she is going North, Podrick could be another. That storyline is changing so either could meet their fate sooner than expected
Yara is another who could be getting the chop with no Kingsmoot or any other Iron stuff she might be finished after a couple of scenes with Theon. Book Spoiler*She is in TWOW released chapter so maybe she expected at least another year.
Margaery also might be killed off, unlikely KL needs all the characters it can get.
Barristan is my bet though. He has POV in ADWD so maybe he thought he would get an expanded role but they gave him a fight scene for his exit
Well which one of these actors have read the books? Ithink it's probably mance that's dying.
I don't know that the "expecting more material" thing means they expected more material this year compared to previous years, but instead their schedule seemed unusually short and they expected to have more material than that. Then they found out they died early.
Unless you can clarify more what it says in the article Iksenpets?
Yeah, they play up Sam for comedy a lot more in the show.
Further thoughts on the interview in the EW article:
So the character in question is 1. A character who's been around several years 2. A character still alive in the books, 3. A character who expected a bigger role this season, based on the book story, and 4. A character who ultimately ended up filming relatively few scenes this year. Going through the candidates...
Turns out I have a coworker who is an EW subscriber, so I got to read over the piece. There wasn't as much as you would expect given the page count, but here are the bits that stood out to me:
Some Ellaria-Doran dialogue. Ellaria tells him that everyone in Dorne is furious and wants to see how he's going to avenge his brother.
They once again confirm no Iron Islands and no Stoneheart.
that sounds like the very definition of Stannis to me
man this season is going to suck if they really kill of stannis on top of cutting the greyjoys for fucking dorne ..
see what I mean, guy goes into perfectly legal and legit duel out of his own free will, looses because he is a moron and the Dornish whine about it as if some third person stabbed him in the back as he was winning
fucking dorne man
Sounds like a two-part seventh season is what they're leaning towards based on this article. HBO is definitely pushing back on only seven seasons.
They have an interview with a cast member who just filmed their death scene. Their character has no yet died in the book. They say it's a cast member of "several" years. In the interview they say that they had read the books, and they were excited because they thought they were going to get more material this year. But then they got their filming dates, and it seemed like way too few. Then the producers called to let them know they were being killed off. Running through the options in my head that fit what's there, I fear for Sam.
What the fuck are they waiting for?
More speculation
Barristan is my bet though. He has POV in ADWD so maybe he thought he would get an expanded role but they gave him a fight scene for his exit
Unfortunately, I agree with this. I think it's Barristan. He fits everything we know about this mysterious dead character:
1. Ian McElhinney is one of the few cast members who has really read all the books.
2. Barristan's role get a lot bigger in ADWD.
3. From the stuff we have seen so far, it doesn't seem like Barristan has a lot of scenes this season.
I'd be okay with it sinceBarristan ain't shit on the TV show.
Really? I actually prefer Sam in the show than in the books, he's still too much of an unbelievable coward in the books. At least in the show he's somewhat capable of defending himself and doesn't complain of paper cuts. So I'd be super surprised if they killed his ass off in the show, that'd mean that the Oldtown stuff may not go anywhere in the books.
Re the unexpected death that's coming, this from Benioff was posted at another site:
This one is going to hurt. A lot. "Game of Thrones" is known for its shocking twists and the sudden, horrific deaths of beloved characters the fifth season, which kicks off on April 12, will be no exception. "I hope when it comes out it's a real shock and a heartbreak," a production source told The News. "I really hope it is. It's like Joffrey's death or the Red Wedding. It's a scene that we want to have that kind of impact." Executive producer David Benioff, says
I'd say that points more towardrather than Barristan, since I don't expect the show runners would assume that level of audience response about Barristan.Sam, Brienne or Jon
Ok, I've doubted that we'll get Jon's death this season, but that has to be describing that. I guess it's plausible that they would have Sam go out with him. A full slaughter of all of Jon's supporters, not just an assassination of Jon himself.
I don't think that necessarily discounts the Barristan discussion, since that speculation was based on a character who's not dead in the books. Jon's death is in the books, so it wouldn't count. I think we're discussing two different deaths here.
There's no way they'll get to the end of ADWD that fast.