I dunno guys there could still be an eyepatch in his back pocket waiting to be whipped out for the grand reveal.
In the same episode, Varys will finally whip off his cloak and reveal his fins.
They all laugh until the photos of Conleth Hill being fitted for a prosthetic fish body leak.
Where are all the fellow Euraario believers? Have I gotnews for you.bad
More season 5 casting news: http://watchersonthewall.com/mishael-lopes-cardozo-cast-game-thrones-season-5/
WARNING: Contains minor spoilers for season 5 regarding book deviations.
It looks like we're gettingat least.Fake Arya
Could be, but I wouldn't take it as a given.More season 5 casting news: http://watchersonthewall.com/mishael-lopes-cardozo-cast-game-thrones-season-5/
WARNING: Contains minor spoilers for season 5 regarding book deviations.
It looks like we're gettingat least.Fake Arya
Not sure either. Just trying to be safe until we get confirmation from any of the mods here.So Jeyne Poole is in? Woop!
Edit: wait is this a spoiler? Not sure how these handled here.
I don't get it. A stand in for Dinklage?
And will Clea be the whore he sees before bumping into Jorah?
Keep in mind Ramsay was initially just "boy" in the casting documents. And does anyone know if the Winterfell scenes have started filming yet? The possible late filming is my last hope for getting Lord Manderly this season.Temper your hype, guys. Ms. Maguire may just be an extra who happens to look a bit like Maisie (although it would be a huge coincidence).
A similar thing happened last year; a wildling girl was cast, and from her looks, many people assumed her to be Dalla, Val, or an amalgamation of the two. However, she just turned out to be the girl Jon saves from the fookin' legend of Gin Alley.
So we'll be getting both NOT Aryra aka NO ONE. And Fake Aryra this season?
So we'll be getting both NOT Aryra aka NO ONE. And Fake Aryra this season?
I never actually understood the whole Fake Arya business. Obviously it was never to fool the reader since we know the real one is in Braavos. So it seems weird to focus on a random victim of Ramsay's sadism. Especially since people already saw that stuff with Theon being turned into Reek in the show.
Do they do anything with her?
He gonna be dead![]()
dem cockles
Temper your hype, guys. Ms. Maguire may just be an extra who happens to look a bit like Maisie (although it would be a huge coincidence).
A similar thing happened last year; a wildling girl was cast, and from her looks, many people assumed her to be Dalla, Val, or an amalgamation of the two. However, she just turned out to be the girl Jon saves from the fookin' legend of Gin Alley.
Iksenpets, I suspect I've quoted your avatar before so I won't here but damn. Takes one to know one, huh?
Keep in mind Ramsay was initially just "boy" in the casting documents. And does anyone know if the Winterfell scenes have started filming yet? The possible late filming is my last hope for getting Lord Manderly this season.![]()
Yeah, I know, but my point still stands.
Well, McElhatton and Allen were in Belfast weeks ago (probably for some studio scenes/costume fitting). Apart from that, there's been nothing Winterfell-related so far to my knowledge.
Generally I'm pretty skeptical of these things, but damn that is a striking resemblance. And she's old enough that they could do some of the more fucked up aspects of that plot if they really wanted. Is there any info on how many episodes she's in? That would be a big hint if it's more than 2 or so. It would also answer what they're going to do with the Boltons for a full season while waiting for the Stannis/Wall plot to catch up to them, since that's sort of a mystery at this point.
Wasn't there something a while back about the woman who plays Walda filming in October? That's such an obscure thing I have no idea where I heard it so it could be totally wrong. But I would think that if they're building to battles in the snow and all that they need to start shifting their Northern filming to later in the year to get a colder climate showing.
I'm assuming they'd make her some random Winterfell servant who went south with Ned? There's no way they'd bother explaining Jeyne at this point.
They may not even bother with that much story. She could just be one of the squatters at Winterfell when they get there and Bolton catches the resemblance and launches the fake Arya scheme.
It's 100% not from filming in Spain, which Dinklage hasn't begun yet. It's most likely from a photoshoot.
Set design looks like it might be a good indication for the look they're targeting for Volantis, which is kind of cool. And Dinklage is pulling off the depressed drunk look well, even if it's just a promotional shoot.
A certain actor will be returning in season 5
We know he'll probably just playing his dead body but maybe in some flashbacks as well?
dem cockles
on the right there?Meryn Trant
Well aren't they doing a Maggy the frog flashback? It's kind of expected that Dance would make an appearance.
A certain actor will be returning in season 5
We know he'll probably just playing his dead body but maybe in some flashbacks as well? Or maybe he isn't dead yet and has a final conversation with cersei/jamie/kevan before he dies.
He gonna be dead