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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 5 - Sundays on HBO

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You know though, I feel like Sansa's character arc isn't totally boned, depending on how she reacts to her wedding night.

She knew this was the outcome when she agreed to marry this dude (hmmm, I'll marry this guy, and won't have sex with him on my wedding night, right?), and if anything, I feel like she's treading the same ground Cersei and Margaery traveled before her (sleep with a dude you're not remotely into in pursuit of larger goals).

Plus, any serious mistreatment she suffers at the hands of Ramsay really just signs his death warrant, narratively speaking.. We're at the point where the protagonists really have to start notching some W's for people to stay invested in the story.


the table scene was a bit weird, how could roose sanction that buffoonery?



We'll have to see. There was a bit of "new Sansa" in her reactions at dinner and you can see she's taking a bit of pleasure in seeing them squirm. She's not hanging her head and "yes m'lord"ing much. I'm actually hoping to see a scene with her and Myranda where she slaps the shit out of her for what she did with Theon. I can see it now: "You're the fucking kennel master's daughter: go hang out with the rest of your bitches" just before she lights her candle.
I don't know if that's new Sansa or just the fact that Sansa was always underdeveloped in the show.

One of Sansa's greatest strength had always been her ability to survive, which was why she was always able to eat at the table with the people who killed her family. But we've seen her speak up against Joffrey (one of my favorite book Sansa moments is after she spoke up in defense for someone, I think Dontos, and the internal monologue where she was "Why the fuck did I have to say anything") and didn't think we needed a retread of her playing the perfect lady while being in a dire position.

I was hoping at the very least we'd see her get some agency from this horrible plot, but it's not looking likely. I am actually interested in the Harry the Heir plot, because she's presented with the gallant knight of her dreams (At least, Sansa of old), but we can see she's taken to heart the:

"Once she had loved Prince Joffrey with all her heart, and admired and trusted his mother, the queen. They had repaid that love and trust with her father’s head. Sansa would never make that mistake again."
Some thoughts:

- The Castle Black plot was well done. Olly is so gonna stab Jon.
- Cynical Sansa is best Sansa. Give me more.
- Roose Bolton having another son? Ha, that was a good.
- Dany's "proposal" to Hizdahr was weird as fuck. Seriously they are doing everything wrong with her plot.
- Valyria was disappointing. Was expecting some epic shit because the Doom is said to be fucking awesome in the books.
- Myranda's ass: 10/10. Another reason to hate Ramsay more.

TRios Zen

You know though, I feel like Sansa's character arc isn't totally boned, depending on how she reacts to her wedding night.

She knew this was the outcome when she agreed to marry this dude (hmmm, I'll marry this guy, and won't have sex with him on my wedding night, right?), and if anything, I feel like she's treading the same ground Cersei and Margaery traveled before her (sleep with a dude you're not remotely into in pursuit of larger goals).

Plus, any serious mistreatment she suffers at the hands of Ramsay really just signs his death warrant, narratively speaking.. We're at the point where the protagonists really have to start notching some W's for people to stay invested in the story.

I'm not sure under what circumstances the Sansa we have been shown so far, can pull off a wedding night as anything but a victim. Would be happy to be proven wrong, but outside of a very few sparks here or there, she hasn't shown herself capable of manipulating anyone or any situation.


What are you guys talking about?

the way ramsey interacted with theon and sansa. as roose stated later ramsey disgraced himself. I agree. and it was weird that roose didnt step in? didn't he want to show weakness in front of sansa? to show that the boltons are a unity? unlikely

it got me thinking, roose obviously knew that ramsay would not be pleased by the news of waldas pregnancy, and he knows he will try to kill that unborn child. I guess he wants him to feel safe. when he asks him if he will fight against stannis it surely looked as if he planned to send him to his death.

but waldas pregnancy got me thinking more, it's certainly against littlefingers plan, too. but who knows if he will make it back to winterfell in time, or at all. I think maybe the shocking scene everyone talked about in the north is ramsay, theon and sansa killing walda and her unborn child? maybe even with roose.
Ramsay parading Reek in front of Sansa and making him apologize for killing two of her brothers, while in the presence of the man who killed her other brother and indirectly her mother.

the way ramsey interacted with theon and sansa. as roose stated later ramsey disgraced himself. I agree. and it was weird that roose didnt step in? didn't he want to show weakness in front of sansa? to show that the boltons are a unity? unlikely

it got me thinking, roose obviously knew that ramsay would not be pleased by the news of waldas pregnancy, and he knows he will try to kill that unborn child. I guess he wants him to feel safe. when he asks him if he will fight against stannis it surely looked as if he planned to send him to his death.

but waldas pregnancy got me thinking more, it's certainly against littlefingers plan, too. but who knows if he will make it back to winterfell in time, or at all. I think maybe the shocking scene everyone talked about in the north is ramsay, theon and sansa killing walda and her unborn child? maybe even with roose.
Oh, I see.

That sounds like Ramsay but I agree with you.
There was something I noticed in this episode that I had not payed attention to. Does Selyse always referred to Shireen as 'the child'?

Again, I hand't really payed attention but it sure felt like Selyse is going to be Pro Daughter Sacrifice since she seems to have little attachment to her.

Also, In the books, does greyscale get transmitted on touch alone? It felt like they are making it a more deadly and fast acting aliment.


Yeah, she thought her husband was dead. Although I guess she was fucking her sister's man, or what was up with that? Kind of weird.

Yeah, a bit strange, although it seemed like it was the husband that took advantage of her.
da fuq? Thats the first I heard of that pairing.

They'll propagate the Earth with stonepeople. Surely people made out of stone can't be turned into white walkers.

Makes perfect sense.


Isn't the Red Priests resurrection achieved via some sort of kiss?

True, but since magic's mechanism are extremely (and deliberately) vage, I think that there's room for modifying these dettails in the show in the name of dramatic effectism.

I don't want Shireen to be a child sacrifice. That would really disgust me. :(

In terms of shock value, that idea works really well, but I just don't want it to happen.

I also don't want it to happen either :( Show-Shireen is the cuttest little girl in Westeros, but it was totes clear that she was going to be sacrifized since the hug scene. Too much sympathy-building and signaling

I wonder if there is some significance to moving the Stone Men to Valyria, giving it to Jorah. Maybe dragonfire cures their affliction?

I think that it is just a question of fanservice (getting to see Valyria before the books) and of sheer familiarity. Valyria means something to show watchers, while the Rhoyne does not.

So we should expect a lengthy discussion about Azor Azahi in the next couple episodes to set this up, I suppose.

Like how they talked up greyscale the past few episodes and now it's a major plot point.

I'm ok with this.

As the deviations get greater, the books get spoiled less.

I expect many allusions to Azor Azahi reborn, with the "reborn" part being empatized by the actor's voices as a way to highlight soon to be relevant background information. As subtle as ever :p

Dany's scenes are a black hole of entertainment. Goddamnit. How sad really, after I liked them so much back in S1.

Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised they managed to include part of Tyrions' travelogue from ADWD. Show's making moves, making moves indeed. I wish they made more massive changes to Dany's storyline, like completely fucking changed. I can barely stand it anymore.

I always wished for showrunners to go even skip Meeren altogether, or at least cut it in the very moment that they show how badly can Daenerys fuck up ruling and thus, no further exposition is needed. In my fantasy adaptation of the books, Missandrei gets killed by the harpies, then Daenerys burns the entire city to the ground as a retaliatory move and keeps on her journey to circumnavigate the planet, saving us from the boring, contrieved Meerense-knot.

I thought "speculation" was supposed to be spoiler tagged? It seems dangerously obvious that that is what's going to happen.

Welp, I wish I had insider knowdegle for greater bragging rights or an opportunity for smacking B&W for butchering Jaime's character on the previous season.

I am just happy to see that a theory of mine has been well recieved :) Now I wish I could earn money somehow with my incredible plot-predicting abilities :p then again, being an amateur writer helps with these


How dumb was that sansa and theon scene in the kennels?

OH hey forget that im Ramsay's girlfriend who has been giving your dirty looks and I run the creepy Kennel go inside and you'll see a surprise.


Sansa isn't afraid of kennels, she's no Greyjoy. I also doubt she even noticed Myranda before that.


Ellaria was a better actor in Rome too.


You know though, I feel like Sansa's character arc isn't totally boned, depending on how she reacts to her wedding night.

I don't know if that's new Sansa or just the fact that Sansa was always underdeveloped in the show.

I know that she has Theon there to possibly help her (While this show never wants to reveal things to people until years have passed, I suspect we'll get a "I will help you...no, I did not kill your brothers, I promise..." scene) and Brienne, I wonder if we're going to get something else. She doesn't need rescuing - she's been there before. She needs to take charge of the situation.

I do wonder if instead of getting help she'll settle down as Ramsay's wife and basically become another miserable Cersei - playing games and with a husband she hates.

Since you know, Ramsay is going to kill stannis and all...
I was a bit disappointed that Ramsay went full on creep on her. I was hoping he would wait to reveal it on their wedding night. "Guess what? I'm Joffrey 2.0!"

I do think that the positive upshot of the dinner scene is that Ramsay foolishly (out of his need to be sadistic) laid out basically all of the interests and divisions between him and his dad that Sansa can now exploit. I wonder if she's going to use his insecurity over the Walda thing to get him to do something stupid to really piss his dad off.
I also don't want it to happen either :( Show-Shireen is the cuttest little girl in Westeros, but it was totes clear that she was going to be sacrifized since the hug scene. Too much sympathy-building and signaling
"totes clear" is kind of a stretch lol


I don't know, bringing her to Winterfell is a bad omen. Maybe she'll become Ramsay's cup bearer since he likes his disfigured people.

I do think that the positive upshot of the dinner scene is that Ramsay foolishly (out of his need to be sadistic) laid out basically all of the interests and divisions between him and his dad that Sansa can now exploit. I wonder if she's going to use his insecurity over the Walda thing to get him to do something stupid to really piss his dad off.

Oh she was loving that. I have to give it up for Sophie Turner to be able to play her going from disgust and misery to intrigue in just seconds.

It's just very comical how he suddenly went "oh by the way, here's Theon/Theon apologize for killing her brothers/hey let's make him the best man since you're related". It just seemed like a lot of creep instead of slowly building to it.

It's almost like Joffrey went, "your sister is a cunt for pushing me, I just killed your dad, oh and let's rape and humiliate you" all in the same scene.


A couple of thoughts now that I've had times to mull some stuff over.

1. Greyscale must be important. The show could have easily cut that shit out and I wouldn't exactly be crying. I never really liked the introduction of the Stone Men in ADWD, like all of a sudden there are stone zombies that no one mentioned before and Tyrion all like "oh yeah, the Shrouded Lord I know all about that." Given how much the show disdains magic use and strange shit even further than the books you would think they would get the cut. So the fact that the whole plotline is in including a Jonn Conn-Jorah means it must be important in the long run.

2. Dany may just end up being the villain. I never really believed that speculation that she would turn villain by seasons end as it seemed to trite and would mean pretty much every child of the Mad King was Mad except Rhaegar, although he was "mad" for prophecy. But tonight she just rounded up a bunch of Old Masters and pushed them in front of her dragon to be devoured. Now, if this were Book Dany I would applaud such action as I really do think she should listen to Daario and wipe the city clean of that scum. However, Book Dany has LARGE reasons to suspect the Great Masters are behind the Harpies especially Hizdahr. Show Dany and the audience have not been given any clues as to who are behind the attacks so her round up of the Great Masters seems particularly villainous.

She went straight Mad King the Great Masters be like "what about a trial?" And Dany was like, "you want a trial? Well, the Champion of House Targaryen in Fire." That's some particularly villainous shit.

3. Dolorous Edd will stab Jon. We all love Edd from the books but show Edd is completely different. The fact that he stood up against Jon's action means that he may very well end up being a part of the "Ides of March." It makes sense since the show audience doesn't know anyone who is a NW member besides Olly, Sam, Aemon, Alliser, and Edd. And the stabbing will only have weight if someone Jon trusts is part of the conspirators.


So what was up with Shireen mentioning the crypts of Winterfell? That came out of nowhere.


A couple of thoughts now that I've had times to mull some stuff over.

1. Greyscale must be important. The show could have easily cut that shit out and I wouldn't exactly be crying. I never really liked the introduction of the Stone Men in ADWD, like all of a sudden there are stone zombies that no one mentioned before and Tyrion all like "oh yeah, the Shrouded Lord I know all about that." Given how much the show disdains magic use and strange shit even further than the books you would think they would get the cut. So the fact that the whole plotline is in including a Jonn Conn-Jorah means it must be important in the long run.

2. Dany may just end up being the villain. I never really believed that speculation that she would turn villain by seasons end as it seemed to trite and would mean pretty much every child of the Mad King was Mad except Rhaegar, although he was "mad" for prophecy. But tonight she just rounded up a bunch of Old Masters and pushed them in front of her dragon to be devoured. Now, if this were Book Dany I would applaud such action as I really do think she should listen to Daario and wipe the city clean of that scum. However, Book Dany has LARGE reasons to suspect the Great Masters are behind the Harpies especially Hizdahr. Show Dany and the audience have not been given any clues as to who are behind the attacks so her round up of the Great Masters seems particularly villainous.

She went straight Mad King the Great Masters be like "what about a trial?" And Dany was like, "you want a trial? Well, the Champion of House Targaryen in Fire." That's some particularly villainous shit.

3. Dolorous Edd will stab Jon. We all love Edd from the books but show Edd is completely different. The fact that he stood up against Jon's action means that he may very well end up being a part of the "Ides of March." It makes sense since the show audience doesn't know anyone who is a NW member besides Olly, Sam, Aemon, Alliser, and Edd. And the stabbing will only have weight if someone Jon trusts is part of the conspirators.

1) Yeah, I agree. Like I said earlier, while the stone men discussion last episode might be a foreshadowing of this episode's action sequence, the fact that Jorah is tainted and the show insisted on bringing in Shireen in season 3 even though they had an out and didn't need to makes me think it's important.

2 and 3) not sure about these, but maybe it's because I'm hoping not to. The reality is, Dany needs to be educated on the 7 Kingdoms. She doesn't know what's going on there and Barry gave her a bit of that in the last episode with revealing the truth about her father. She still thinks it's a happy man torn from his home and destroyed by the evil devils Robert Baratheon and Eddard Stark and hopefully Tyrion will guide her and give her the truth. Otherwise, she'll be there as a villain in concept, even if by rights she should be finding allies there among the people she thinks of as enemies.
I'm going bet Sansa will start the rift between Ramsay and Roose (not that it didn't exist in the first place). Now that Roose has a true born heir from a more "respected" house he doesn't need Ramsay any more. And this is where Sansa will come in, making Ramsay paranoid about his current position now that he's now only second in line as Warden of the North.



I know that she has Theon there to possibly help her (While this show never wants to reveal things to people until years have passed, I suspect we'll get a "I will help you...no, I did not kill your brothers, I promise..." scene) and Brienne, I wonder if we're going to get something else. She doesn't need rescuing - she's been there before. She needs to take charge of the situation.

I do wonder if instead of getting help she'll settle down as Ramsay's wife and basically become another miserable Cersei - playing games and with a husband she hates.

Since you know, Ramsay is going to kill stannis and all...
I wonder, will Sansa fans or Stannis fans hate D&D more if Stannis is killed in the show this season after the Sansa rape scene.

Stannis fans are a little crazy, methinks. Us Sansa fans show restraint.


I'm curious to see what they are planning to do with this Cersei and Littlefinger reunion.

It's pretty apparent from the preview that
Cersei has him grabbed on the streets of King's Landing so he can pledge the knights of the Vale to her cause. Also, I think they might sentence Ser Loras to death in the next episode. He'll still have sex with Olyvar though. Don't worry.


Oh and anyone else curious as to where Jorah and Tyrion landed? I probably shouldn't think too hard since this is the show so they probably just hand waved any contrivances but Jorah was still sailing through VALYRIA when they got jumped. Thus, assuming he made landfall immediately after they'd land up on Valyria, you know where the Doom still rages. Or are they now just outside Mereen? Along the Demon Road?


Oh and anyone else curious as to where Jorah and Tyrion landed? I probably shouldn't think too hard since this is the show so they probably just hand waved any contrivances but Jorah was still sailing through VALYRIA when they got jumped. Thus, assuming he made landfall immediately after they'd land up on Valyria, you know where the Doom still rages. Or are they now just outside Mereen? Along the Demon Road?

it looked like they were away from valyria actually. I'd say they are on the coast near mereen.


I'm curious to see what they are planning to do with this Cersei and Littlefinger reunion.

Like Speevy said.

She's becoming more paranoid and here's someone who was part of the small council under Robert and Joffrey who's been gone for a long time. She needs him, she needs someone with those skills now that she's surrounded by idiots and sycophants. But she's also terrified he's turned against her, so she has his brought in by force just in case. She needs his support or it's all lost and he's going to play his part as the loyal man with the Vale at his side.

Rumors of Sansa Stark? That's just ridiculous. If we find Sansa in the Vale we'd have her brought to you. I promise you, m'lady, she is NOT in the Vale.

I'm going bet Sansa will start the rift between Ramsay and Roose (not that it didn't exist in the first place). Now that Roose has a true born heir from a more "respected" house he doesn't need Ramsay any more. And this is where Sansa will come in, making Ramsay paranoid about his current position now that he's now only second in line as Warden of the North.

I don't necessarily think so. Like D and D said in the aftershow, Roose is trying to tell Ramsay he needs to step things up, that he works better when he's NOT confidant in his position. But he also may mean, in his speech that paralleled Stannis/Shireen's that he still believes Ramsay is his legit heir. "You are my son".

I also wonder if Roose is trying to have Ramsay kill Walda and/or the baby. He doesn't need Walda anymore - he got what he wanted out of the Freys, but he can't kill her directly and upset Walder. She's useful for now as incentive for Ramsay to stay true to their vision, but once he gets what he wants he isn't going to want her anymore. He's going to trade up for someone beautiful and once again rich.

I know he won't mourn either of them, especially if this is BookRoose, but I wonder if by egging him on he's also kind of hoping the kid kills her once he's safe and away to free him up for that new model.

I wonder, will Sansa fans or Stannis fans hate D&D more if Stannis is killed in the show this season after the Sansa rape scene.

Stannis fans are a little crazy, methinks. Us Sansa fans show restraint.

I wonder if both are accepting the truth. As a fan of both, I did, but I'm also not a rabid fan.
Every scene with Ramsay is gold.
The only quibble I have with Ramsay is he sometimes seems too "modern." His snarky moments (waving the sausage, "that was getting very tense," etc.) have an anachronistic feel to me.

I know he won't mourn either of them, especially if this is BookRoose, but I wonder if by egging him on he's also kind of hoping the kid kills her once he's safe and away to free him up for that new model.
Isn't BookRoose a little fond of Fat Walda? She's louder in bed, anyway.


I'm going bet Sansa will start the rift between Ramsay and Roose (not that it didn't exist in the first place). Now that Roose has a true born heir from a more "respected" house he doesn't need Ramsay any more. And this is where Sansa will come in, making Ramsay paranoid about his current position now that he's now only second in line as Warden of the North.
Nah, he hates the prospect of little lords.

"If she pops out sons the way she pops in tarts, the Dreadfort will soon be overrun with Boltons. Ramsay will kill them all, of course. That's for the best. I will not live long enough to see new sons to manhood, and boy lords are the bane of any House. Walda will grieve to see them die, though."


Oh and anyone else curious as to where Jorah and Tyrion landed? I probably shouldn't think too hard since this is the show so they probably just hand waved any contrivances but Jorah was still sailing through VALYRIA when they got jumped. Thus, assuming he made landfall immediately after they'd land up on Valyria, you know where the Doom still rages. Or are they now just outside Mereen? Along the Demon Road?

I don't have a map by me, but I'm still confused as to how they got to Valyria. I seem to think that was far far to the south. Then again, he did use a boat where in the books he used a horse, so he is likely GOING south instead of riding...what was it, east and north?

When they said Valyria was where the Stone men were, hundreds of miles from where they are in the book, I just threw my brain out the window. I'm not a rabid fanboy, but that was seriously one of the biggest retcons the show has ever done.


I don't have a map by me, but I'm still confused as to how they got to Valyria. I seem to think that was far far to the south. Then again, he did use a boat where in the books he used a horse, so he is likely GOING south instead of riding...what was it, east and north?

When they said Valyria was where the Stone men were, hundreds of miles from where they are in the book, I just threw my brain out the window. I'm not a rabid fanboy, but that was seriously one of the biggest retcons the show has ever done.

The route makes sense to take it's just that NO ONE in the booms would ever do it. They came from Volantis which is in the upper left and sailed through Valyria, instead of around it, to get to Mereen in the upper right in Slaver's Bay.



Isn't BookRoose a little fond of Fat Walda? She's louder in bed, anyway.

Nah, he hates the prospect of little lords.

"If she pops out sons the way she pops in tarts, the Dreadfort will soon be overrun with Boltons. Ramsay will kill them all, of course. That's for the best. I will not live long enough to see new sons to manhood, and boy lords are the bane of any House. Walda will grieve to see them die, though."

Patriots kind of answered you.

I forgot that he mentioned Walda in that speech (that speech was my reason for thinking he would want Ramsay to kill the baby). By doing so he may show a very subtle concern for her.

Frankly I like the actress and character. I have a soft spot for quiet, big women - I always want to give them a big hug because by being quiet you know they're really self-conscious and scared people will laugh at them. I'd be sad to see her die. :(


The route makes sense to take it's just that NO ONE in the booms would ever do it. They came from Volantis which is in the upper left and sailed through Valyria, instead of around it, to get to Mereen in the upper right in Slaver's Bay.


You're absolutely right. I keep thinking Valyria is south and east of Mereen, south of where Ghiscar is now. I also had no idea it was till connected to the continent, though that could be because the b&w maps in the book don't mark the north Valyria part and the colored version shows the Doom.

So that little pale spot with the location title is probably the route they took. And I suppose stone men could exist there as well...

no...NO...I refuse to accept the stone men part

The thing that sucks with George taking the year off scripting is that he's also taking a year off being on "Inside the Episode". I'd like to know what he thought of that.


You're absolutely right. I keep thinking Valyria is south and east of Mereen. So that little pale spot with the location title is probably the route they took. And I suppose stone men could exist there as well...

no...NO...I refuse to accept the stone men part

The thing that sucks with George taking the year off scripting is that he's also taking a year off being on "Inside the Episode". I'd like to know what he thought of that.

The Stone Men part requires you to just ignore everything from the books, there is no way that Stone Men could survive on Valyria and the whole origin of Greyscale is supposedly from Garin's Curse so it would only come from the Rhoyne.


The Stone Men part requires you to just ignore everything from the books, there is no way that Stone Men could survive on Valyria and the whole origin of Greyscale is supposedly from Garin's Curse so it would only come from the Rhoyne.



I also never expected V to be full of jungles - more smoking and Badlandish but I'm guessing that no only for budget reasons but practical reasons (toning it down to be less fantasy-ish) they went there.
It's pretty apparent from the preview that
Cersei has him grabbed on the streets of King's Landing so he can pledge the knights of the Vale to her cause. Also, I think they might sentence Ser Loras to death in the next episode. He'll still have sex with Olyvar though. Don't worry.

LF going back to KL is one of the dumbest things imaginable. It's really Walking Dead type stupidity in terms of decision making. Why would LF rush back to KL and thus endanger himself, not knowing what Cersei knows about his activities (ie Sansa). He holds complete leverage right now. He controls the Vale and might control the north soon - two territories that cannot be successfully invaded from the south. Meanwhile Lannister power is waning while Tyrell power (ie a LF ally) increases. It would make far more sense for him to say he cannot make it south due to xyz but will try to get there soon.

I wouldn't be surprised if LF dies in KL...


That's another show attribute. If something could have happened with three characters, make it one. Three places are also one.


LF going back to KL is one of the dumbest things imaginable. It's really Walking Dead type stupidity in terms of decision making. Why would LF rush back to KL and thus endanger himself, not knowing what Cersei knows about his activities (ie Sansa). He holds complete leverage right now. He controls the Vale and might control the north soon - two territories that cannot be successfully invaded from the south. Meanwhile Lannister power is waning while Tyrell power (ie a LF ally) increases. It would make far more sense for him to say he cannot make it south due to xyz but will try to get there soon.

I wouldn't be surprised if LF dies in KL...

He needs to get mileage out of that teleporter. It probably cost a fuckton.
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