Isn't the Red Priests resurrection achieved via some sort of kiss?
True, but since magic's mechanism are extremely (and deliberately) vage, I think that there's room for modifying these dettails in the show in the name of dramatic effectism.
I don't want Shireen to be a child sacrifice. That would really disgust me.
In terms of shock value, that idea works really well, but I just don't want it to happen.
I also don't want it to happen either

Show-Shireen is the cuttest little girl in Westeros, but it was totes clear that she was going to be sacrifized since the hug scene. Too much sympathy-building and signaling
I wonder if there is some significance to moving the Stone Men to Valyria, giving it to Jorah. Maybe dragonfire cures their affliction?
I think that it is just a question of fanservice (getting to see Valyria before the books) and of sheer familiarity. Valyria means something to show watchers, while the Rhoyne does not.
So we should expect a lengthy discussion about Azor Azahi in the next couple episodes to set this up, I suppose.
Like how they talked up greyscale the past few episodes and now it's a major plot point.
I'm ok with this.
As the deviations get greater, the books get spoiled less.
I expect many allusions to Azor Azahi
reborn, with the "reborn" part being empatized by the actor's
voices as a way to highlight soon to be
relevant background information. As
subtle as
Dany's scenes are a black hole of entertainment. Goddamnit. How sad really, after I liked them so much back in S1.
Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised they managed to include part of Tyrions' travelogue from ADWD. Show's making moves, making moves indeed. I wish they made more massive changes to Dany's storyline, like completely fucking changed. I can barely stand it anymore.
I always wished for showrunners to go even skip Meeren altogether, or at least cut it in the very moment that they show how badly can Daenerys fuck up ruling and thus, no further exposition is needed. In my fantasy adaptation of the books, Missandrei gets killed by the harpies, then Daenerys burns the entire city to the ground as a retaliatory move and keeps on her journey to circumnavigate the planet, saving us from the boring, contrieved Meerense-knot.
I thought "speculation" was supposed to be spoiler tagged? It seems dangerously obvious that that is what's going to happen.
Welp, I wish I had insider knowdegle for greater bragging rights or an opportunity for smacking B&W for butchering Jaime's character on the previous season.
I am just happy to see that a theory of mine has been well recieved

Now I wish I could earn money somehow with my incredible plot-predicting abilities

then again, being an amateur writer helps with these