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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 5 - Sundays on HBO

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Oh shit someone on r/asoiaf figured it out:

After watching S5E5, it seems pretty obvious that J-Bear is taking over JonCon's role as Greyscale patient zero.

But what if there's more to this? What if Jorah isn't just absorbing the role of one character, but multiple characters. What if D&D are using him to cut the Meereenese Knot?
Think about it. Jorah & Tyrion are currently somewhere in or near the ruins of Valyria after escaping from the Stone Men. (Since the Rhoyne has been replaced with Valyria in the show). And we know for a fact that Euron finds Dragonbinder, or atleast claims to, in the ruins of Valyria. Who knows, our dynamic duo may stumble upon the horn and decide to take it with them?

Furthermore, it seems likely that they will get captured by pirates, the same way as the book. Jorah will get beaten up mercilessly, Tyrion will be in chains, yada yada. But what if, the ship has a certain Red Priest? A red priest who sees Jorah's greyscale and decides to treat it with fire magic. Thus, providing him with RED HAND OF SMOKY DOOM! Cue screams of ecstacy from Ajorah Ahai supporters.

Jorah has Dragonbinder and red smoking hand of doom. Jorah is Victarion.

Proceed further to Meereen. Jorah enters as an enslaved pit-fighter. He fights and Sons of harpies attack, etc etc, and then suddenly drogon! Jorah calls out to him trying to protect dany, "Try me! Over here!". But eventually Dany tames him and escapes on his back. Now its all upto Jorah to handle shit in that godforsaken place. He confronts Hizdahr mo kravitz, and asks him if he's the harpy. Hiz calls for backup from Khrazz/Malko/Pitfighter extra #3.
"I'll eat your heart, Hairy man." "Then come."

Jorah is Barristan.

Later Jorah, Grey worm & Tyrion decide to go down to the catacombs. Cause they want to release the dragons. Why? For convoluted show-written reasons mmkay?.
Needless to say, it does not end well. Tyrion & GW manage to escape, but what about poor Jorah the Explorah?

TL;DR: Jorah is Cell from dragonballz. He's gonna be absorbing Jon Connington, Victarion, Barristan, Quentyn and probably Moonboy for all I know.


Someone has to ask George what does he think of Jorah being Cell if that ends up true.

Knowing D&D it's VERY likely to happen, at least the lavarm/horn/Barristan thing. I'm not so sure about the Quentyn one.
Yep. And their love of shock value does not bode well for certain characters in this week's episode. UGH.

If they touch a hair on Sansa's head I may be done with the show.

Sean C

I can accept Sansa can apparently get married again because Tyrion turned out to be a traitor, even if nobody knows they never consummated the marriage and are technically still married. I'll suspend my disbelief and go "okay, as a kinslayer, Sansa is excused from her promise to the Gods as far as Tyrion is concerned."
That wasn't the explanation. Littlefinger explained this in episode 503: in the show, non-consummation voids a marriage (rather than making it voidable with an annulment from the High Septon, as in the books). Therefore, Sansa and Tyrion are not married, and Sansa can marry anyone else she desires.

Also, that Sansa and Tyrion never had sex was widely known. Hence, the scene with Tyrion and Tywin afterward.
I'm curious as to whether Cersei is going to pull any of the abhorrent stuff she does in the books over the next few episodes. By the time her arrest and subsequent walk of shame and abandonment by Jaime happens in the book, she'd done things which made Joffrey seem pleasant by comparison and I felt like she fully deserved everything that was happening to her. I'm not getting that from the show though. Sure, she had Loras arrested, but that's all par for the course for her. I wonder if they're aiming to make her more sympathetic in the show.
I'm curious as to whether Cersei is going to pull any of the abhorrent stuff she does in the books over the next few episodes. By the time her arrest and subsequent walk of shame and abandonment by Jaime happens in the book, she'd done things which made Joffrey seem pleasant by comparison and I felt like she fully deserved everything that was happening to her. I'm not getting that from the show though. Sure, she had Loras arrested, but that's all par for the course for her. I wonder if they're aiming to make her more sympathetic in the show.

The necklace was not sent by Dorne. It was a ruse by Cersei to get Jamie to go. Reveal that and all show watchers will lose any sympathy for her.
Jaime's book story in AFFC/ADWD was boring as tar, but there was clearly development of his character and some major turning points. The scene where he burns Cersei's letter is memorable and well-written. The problem is that since the show doesn't have Stoneheart, there is no real reason for Jaime to meet Brienne. Ergo, Brienne is sent somewhere and Jaime is sent somewhere else. Perhaps D&D feel people will care less about Dorne unless there is a major character there.

I don't think they have butchered Jaime's character, but they have neglected some major scenes that reflect his growth. Namely the scene where he writes his deeds in the White Book. That is one of my favorite chapters in the entire series and they seemed to be teasing it the last few seasons, but we don't get that moment. I also can't see where they are going with Jaime after Dorne. Is he going to see Myrcella is happy, realize Cersei is full of it, then turn on her? That seems awfully rushed. And then what? In the books we know we are going to get a climatic meeting between Stoneheart, Brienne, and Jaime, but we are not getting anything nearly as exciting in the show.
Has it been confirmed that Stoneheart has been cut from the show?

Also, I'm not sure why people are already ruling out a Winterfell battle for this season so quickly. Every season needs a mega-battle and Jon vs. wildlings won't cut it. Stannis has five more episodes to arrive. More than enough I say.


I'm curious as to whether Cersei is going to pull any of the abhorrent stuff she does in the books over the next few episodes. By the time her arrest and subsequent walk of shame and abandonment by Jaime happens in the book, she'd done things which made Joffrey seem pleasant by comparison and I felt like she fully deserved everything that was happening to her. I'm not getting that from the show though. Sure, she had Loras arrested, but that's all par for the course for her. I wonder if they're aiming to make her more sympathetic in the show.

This is completely and totally the goal of show Cersei, she isn't going to abuse her serving girls, she most certainly isn't going to burn down the Tower of the Hand, they are doing so much to make her seem nice. They didn't even mention the key part of the prophecy, that the Valonqar will kill her, which frustrated me to no end.

Remember that Joffrey ordered the killing of Roberts bastards, not Cersei. It's been a slow burn and it's going to be another Shay situation on our hands.
Has it been confirmed that Stonehart has been cut from the show?

Also, I'm not sure why people are already ruling out a Winterfell battle for this season so quickly. Every season needs a mega-battle and Jon vs. wildlings won't cut it. Stannis has five more episodes to arrive. More than enough I say.





Yes, because it is a rape scene.

It doesn't matter what it was intended. It matters what it was.

I dont agree, the intention is more important because it defines how other characters treat and judge jamie.
no one in the show calls oder sees jamie as a rapist, he is not a rapist for anyone in westeros in the show, no one will ever treat or see him as one.
accept that the actors and the director failed to show what was supposed to be shown, accept that jamie is not a rapist and move on. everything else is just silly at this point.


The necklace was not sent by Dorne. It was a ruse by Cersei to get Jamie to go. Reveal that and all show watchers will lose any sympathy for her.

They shouldn't. Oberyn's wife had already talked about wanting to dismember Myrcella. It's clear that Myrcella is in immediate danger and the show has already proven Cersei right to get her out of there at all costs.
They shouldn't. Oberyn's wife had already talked about wanting to dismember Myrcella. It's clear that Myrcella is in immediate danger and the show has already proven Cersei right to get her out of there at all costs.

The show has shown myrcella is in no danger apart from sand snakes. And the site made or seem that they hadn't done anything to her yet.


it is a rape scene because it was done badly, the actors and the director said it was difficult to film. as far as i know it was not supposed to be rape in the script.
no one acknowledged in the show that is was rape ever since, so the show does not treat jaime as a rapist, in show westeros Jaime is not a rapist, although we have seen him as one.

Cersei is the only person who knows and she is quite the disturbed character herself. Without all the director side text it is quite clear in the show that she is pissed off with him and not pleased by what he did.

She has been a person who has been used all her life. Promised to prince, sold to king who did what he pleased with her. She tells Sansa that the best weapon is between her legs. "...Sticky Princes.. " and all that stuff. She is somewhat hardened to it and booze keeps the rest of her together.

In the end she decides she would rather be with Jaime than sent away with Loras to bear his children. Maybe she has never gotten over what Jaime did to her but it was either embrace him or be taken away from him. She decides losing Jaime would be more painful.

Sometimes reaction to this sort of thing get buried and then resurface. Her hostility towards him at the start of the season could be attributed to all the times she has perceived him to betray her.

The only problem with the scene was the talking around it. Everything on the show held together without the commentary.

I can't wait until the Ramsay-Sansa scene. The white-knighting around her virginity is painful to read. The girl is going to have to make sacrifices if she wants revenge. Her purity should only matter to her if she wants to be sold to a high lord. If she wants to influence things, reclaim her home, get justice, she is going to have to use all the weapons at her disposal.
Book Jaime is a whole lot of nothing, all in service of two incredible dialogue scenes with Blackfish and Edmure. I miss that dialogue, but I totally get why it had to go, especially given how much less prominent the Tullys have been on the show.

And the best burn in the entire series: "queen of the whores"


The show has shown myrcella is in no danger apart from sand snakes. And the site made or seem that they hadn't done anything to her yet.

Is that not enough? The Sand Snakes are powerful people in Dorne. They're lucky that Doran just happens to be a nice guy.

A lie done for the purposes of saving your daughter from a place where powerful people want to slowly kill her doesn't seem real villainous. I'd call that one of her few good admirable moves.
Cersei has the city watch, plenty of people that can go up North, they're not enemies so she hardly needs thousands to get this one girl.

But my problem is with your final line, Cersei already knows Sansa is there. What? Sansa Stark suddenly reappears after going missing for months, and nobody is gonna go "Oh, hey, Sansa Stark is alive and well in Winterfell!" The second she appeared in Winterfell, word would have gotten around Westeros. Had Winterfell been empty, bar a handful of Bolton's men, sure, but that place is crawling with regular smallfolk and traders will be coming and going, so even if nobody in Winterfell got word out, some of those would have.

I just find it hard to believe that in the time it took Littlefinger to get from Winterfell to Kings Landing, nobody sent a raven and Cersei didn't flip her lid.

There is not a single Lord in the North that would hand Sansa over to Cersei. If she wanted Sansa at this point, she would litterally have to attack Winterfell. The City Watch cannot do that, they couldn't even defend King's Landing from Stannis.

The type of word or mouth your thinking of can take months/years to travel. Think about how long it took people to find out that Arya wasn't in King's Landing. Or that Bran/Rickon were "dead."

Nobody has sent Cersei a raven revealing where Sansa is because only Maester's can send ravens. And only a Lord can order a Maester to send a raven. And the only Lords we know for sure that know about Sansa are Roose Bolton, and Littlefinger.

Cersei doesn't know anything yet. And by the time she does it will probably be too late.


Pre-season preview question

Based on Daario being in the fighting pits with all those harpies, do you guys think he might die too?


There's no reason a well written tv show couldn't pull it off.

It's all about the end result.

Will show Jaime ultimately grow to hate this sister? Yes.
Does show Jaime secretly love Brienne? Yes.
Does show Jaime understand the plight of the people the Lannisters have harmed? Yes.


Detective Giff strikes again!

Carice just tweeted this:


How would she know how funny Gwen is on set unless Brienne meets Stannis and co.?

It's happening.

Edit: The other two are actors we know she has been in close proximity to on set. Gwen hasn't been, at least not yet.

Real Hero

I hope Stannis destroys Brienne. They have made Stannis extremely fun to watch this season while managing to make Brienn's story more boring than the books. I hope he kills her soooo much


No snowstorm. Just smooth sailing and Stannis is all let's kill some Bolt...AHGHGGHGHGH stabbed through the heart by Brienne.

Congratulations Brienne, you just condemned Sansa to daily torture.


No snowstorm. Just smooth sailing and Stannis is all let's kill some Bolt...AHGHGGHGHGH stabbed through the heart by Brienne.

Congratulations Brienne, you just condemned Sansa to daily torture.

And Brienne then becomes the "Kingslayer" with shit for honor. Everything comes full circle.



What if....Brienne totally takes over the Mance scenario from the books, Ramsay catches wind of the candle thing and lights the candle himself, Brienne then tries to get Sansa out and ends up getting captured by Ramsay, and then when Stannis and co arrive they save her and she has to begrudgingly be indebted to Stannis now and see that's he's a Cool Dude, creating conflicting emotions for Brienne to be conflicted by.


Something ive been pondering :

I am starting to think that the god of light is the only one who actually exists .

People in Westeros pray to all kinds of diferent gods ( the drowned god , the lord of light , the god that the starks pray to near those trees with faces on ( cant remember the name ) etc,, ) yet TLOL is the only god who actually has shown signs that he is real , through his priests actions .

so yes , as far as i am concerned ( so far ) : " The lord of light is the one true god "
Something ive been pondering :

I am starting to think that the god of light is the only one who actually exists .

People in Westeros pray to all kinds of diferent gods ( the drowned god , the lord of light , the god that the starks pray to near those trees with faces on ( cant remember the name ) etc,, ) yet TLOL is the only god who actually has shown signs that he is real , through his priests actions .

so yes , as far as i am concerned ( so far ) : " The lord of light is the one true god "

Only the lord of light can fight winter. Only reason that god is shown signs.


Something ive been pondering :

I am starting to think that the god of light is the only one who actually exists .

People in Westeros pray to all kinds of diferent gods ( the drowned god , the lord of light , the god that the starks pray to near those trees with faces on ( cant remember the name ) etc,, ) yet TLOL is the only god who actually has shown signs that he is real , through his priests actions .

so yes , as far as i am concerned ( so far ) : " The lord of light is the one true god "

The Old Gods have shown their power as well. But, I don't think there are any Gods in the world just people with magical abilities who attribute those abilities to various deities.


What if Sansa lights a candle and Hot Pie shows up?

He brings her a loaf of bread and leaves.

"I can only do this once, so don't summon me again."
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