Tywin simply did not want Sansa to produce an heir that had the rightful claim to the North and Highgarden. If that plot wasn't unveiled, I don't think it would have forced Tywin's hand as quickly. He pretty much just assumed that the Bolton's would never secure the North without a Stark.Yeah, that makes sense. Tyrions route would at least need an heir first which didn't seem likely. Though now I'm wondering about the Eyrie which Littlefinger could have easily controlled with Lysa. Guess Whiteharbor doesn't exist in the show. Eh, perhaps it's just hindsight and knowing things about Ramsay. Everything may just not blow up in Littlefingers face.
Pretty sure Oakheart was introduced as the only Kingsguard with honor that didn't abuse Sansa In the first book.Jaime's Riverlands storyline was disposable without a doubt. He's already had his character transformation and become a pretty decent guy. I don't need to be beaten over the head with it by watching him be a decent guy at a pointless siege with irrelevant characters for an entire season.
The Sand Snakes in the book were terrible. I have literally no recollection whatsoever what actually happened with them or what they did. Sand Snakes, Darkstar, Oakheart,...uninteresting characters unnecessarily introduced 5 books into a series to have uninteresting and in my case literally forgettable storylines.
So far, I prefer this season of the show to books 4 and 5, aside from Barristan and Missandei/Grey Worm, and all the Comic Sans in the world won't change that.
Jaime went through a transformation, then the show decided he should be a rapist to balance him back out.Jaime's Riverlands storyline was disposable without a doubt. He's already had his character transformation and become a pretty decent guy. I don't need to be beaten over the head with it by watching him be a decent guy at a pointless siege with irrelevant characters for an entire season.
The Sand Snakes in the book were terrible. I have literally no recollection whatsoever what actually happened with them or what they did. Sand Snakes, Darkstar, Oakheart,...uninteresting characters unnecessarily introduced 5 books into a series to have uninteresting and in my case literally forgettable storylines.
So far, I prefer this season of the show to books 4 and 5, aside from Barristan and Missandei/Grey Worm, and all the Comic Sans in the world won't change that.
Forgot about that too. I won't argue the Boltons aren't the quickest way to get Sansa there at least.Tywin simply did not want Sansa to produce an heir that had the rightful claim to the North and Highgarden. If that plot wasn't unveiled, I don't think it would have forced Tywin's hand as quickly. He pretty much just assumed that the Bolton's would never secure the North without a Stark.
Agreed. Throwing out the Riverlands which house a number of important characters from previous seasons for a completely illogical detour, which is bound to end in disaster is not an upgrade.I don't get calling Jaime's book 4 plot disposable. At some point I wonder what people even like about these books.
I don't get calling Jaime's book 4 plot disposable. At some point I wonder what people even like about these books.
Same. I must be one of the few who actually enjoyed every book entirely.I don't get calling Jaime's book 4 plot disposable. At some point I wonder what people even like about these books.
Yes, if you cut even more characters/reduce them to background characters you could more fully adapt a handful of characters source material.
Obviously we all know that's not going to happen, even without including the factors of a TV show outside of the creative, chiefly that you have these actors signed to contracts to appear in your show, you can't not use them.
Dorne and the Iron Islands really suffer from having a bunch of characters that come off as forced attempts at edginess. Someone earlier mentioned how a lot of those characters would fit perfectly in a shonen manga.
Jaime's views and place within the Kings Guard.
Jaime embracing his role as a leader/shows surprising competence.
Jaime breaking away from Cersei/deciding to mentor Tommen and actually serve the realm.
Jaime confronted by Brienne.
Totally disposable.
I wouldn't argue that the tv series needed to do these. But suggesting he went through no development and nothing of worth was lost by throwing everything out is ridiculous.
I had a different reading of:Lots of things are going to be left out from the books, "disposable" means only that parts of the story can be retold in different, shorter ways and still end at the same outcome. I don't think anyone is saying that even the books should have done without these parts.
Jaime suffered the most, though, his story in the books is much better than in the show.
but who knows. If they can accomplish, and it's not impossible, all the necessary story beats and development for him in Dorne than thats fine.Jaime's Riverlands storyline was disposable without a doubt. He's already had his character transformation and become a pretty decent guy. I don't need to be beaten over the head with it by watching him be a decent guy at a pointless siege with irrelevant characters for an entire season.
Ramsay was in last episode plenty. He didn't need a pointless sex scene
I really do hope the next episode explains why there isn't an army of assassins or just a regular army marching for Winterfell to seize Sansa right now.
I mean, she was on the run from Cersei, who suspects her to be a cog in the murder of Joffrey. There's no way Cersei finds out Sansa is alive and to be wed to Ramsay and is like "meh, whatever, I moved on."
I can accept Sansa can apparently get married again because Tyrion turned out to be a traitor, even if nobody knows they never consummated the marriage and are technically still married. I'll suspend my disbelief and go "okay, as a kinslayer, Sansa is excused from her promise to the Gods as far as Tyrion is concerned." But I won't accept that Cersei is just fine with Sansa happily skipping around Winterfell.
I also won't accept that Winterfell is crawling with people, most of which are smallfolk and nobody has bothered to tell Cersei that Sansa Stark has reappeared with Littlefinger.
That hole they've written themselves into with this storyline pretty much hinges on Cersei's response to Littlefinger on this in the next episode. But I still feel there should have already been a bunch of Lannister men marching to Winterfell to have her head for a traitor. Or at least a royal command to Bolton to take her head and forbid the marriage. While it would make perfect sense of Tywin to forgive Sansa her crimes to reinforce the Bolton control as Wardens of the North, Cersei is way to shortsighted and spiteful to realise this and will want Sansa dead regardless.
Are the Freys showing up this season? You'd think they would arrive at Winterfell before the wedding if so.
Are we still calling it a rape scene even though D&D said it wasn't?
Are we still calling it a rape scene even though D&D said it wasn't?
The problem with Jaime's TV arc is not the plot deviation per se, but rather his character evolution, which has been broken since Cersei's rape scene.
Yes, Jaime's book sheanigans at Riverrun are almost unfilmable, and not that important in the big political plot of Westeros, but it is extremely relevant in terms of character development: it is when you start to see how Jaime has become a different men thanks to Brienne, and you see how he wants to develope different areas of his persona, going beyond his original identity.
The problem is that I don't see these characters developments happening in Dorne instead, since Sand Snakes are not exactly conductive to self introspection, identity evolution nor negotiation skills. My only hope is that he ends up traversing this psychological road, albeit by other means (Doran Martell acting as an example for him, perhaps?).
I'm just not seeing it. When it's revealed that Sansa is in Winterfell, there's no reason for Cersei to pin it on Littlefinger.
Sansa turning up in Winterfell after fleeing the Jofferey's murder scene makes logical sense. And she has no real reason to suspect Littlefinger left the Vale to collect Sansa regardless.
Cersei has no army to march into the North. And even if she did she wouldn't be able to get them through Moat Cailin.
She might try to smuggle assassins into the North, similar to what she's doing with Myrcella. But that's not guaranteed to work, and she doesn't know about Sansa yet.
You need to wait until she finds out about Sansa, before you can say her response is out of character. We don't even know if she'll still be in a position of real power when she finds out.
Yes, because it is a rape scene.
In that Q&A session they did recently, they said it was. When asked why they included a rape scene and what did they think it contributed to Jaime's character, they made no effort to correct the woman asking the question on the subject of whether it was rape or not and simply said that people were right to be disturbed by it and that it was an absolutely brutal scene. They said that it was something they felt Jaime would do at that moment in time because, although his arc has taken him on a redemptive path, you have to remember this is still a guy who pushed a kid out of a window.Are we still calling it a rape scene even though D&D said it wasn't?
Even though the writers and the actors in the scene say it wasn't intended as a rape scene?
"it wasnt a rape, and it was never intended to be.
Even though the writers and the actors in the scene say it wasn't intended as a rape scene?
"it wasn’t a rape, and it was never intended to be.”
Even though the writers and the actors in the scene say it wasn't intended as a rape scene?
"it wasnt a rape, and it was never intended to be.
Not this shittu again, please
Just hate on Darkstar or something. For he is of the night.
Do you think that anyone will get a happy ending when it's all done?
I'm formally backing out.
You were just setting the trap to post that gif, didn't you? ò_ó
I mean the show does like nudity and sex a lot...Do you think that anyone will get a happy ending when it's all done?
At least I know that if a discussion isn't going my way, I can back out in style. You can't dispute with Face Tyrell.
Book Jaime is a whole lot of nothing, all in service of two incredible dialogue scenes with Blackfish and Edmure. I miss that dialogue, but I totally get why it had to go, especially given how much less prominent the Tullys have been on the show.
Is Edmure even alive in the show?
As did the director. It's pretty obvious it was edited to look like a rape scene, and I place that solely at David and Dan's feet. The way the director reacted to the situation made it very clear he had no idea what happened, IMO.
And then it was never addressed on the show. Another shock scene for nothing more than shock. Hence why I'm not a fan of them.