You know Roose, we really are...A feast for the crows, eh Ramsay?
You know Roose, we really are...
We can start the meme train once the episode finishes lolLol god dammit. How did I not think of that.
Fack Ramsay aint losing if he's only taking 20 men. No battle to be had.
it's kind of hard to believeIt's impossibly cathartic to see Tyrion and Dany talking.
It's impossibly cathartic to see Tyrion and Dany talking.
If Olly is the one who stabs Jon, I wanna riot.
I thought the same. Some serious forshadowing there.hahaha, so Sam just got Jon shanked.
and so was thatHe always comes back
He always comes back
This show is kind of shitcakes right now, isn't it.
Aw, he did it.
"It wasn't my brothers?"
"NOpe, just some lowborns."
"Oh god, I'm so relieved. Thank the gods, Theon. You're off the hook. Let's be friends..."
Haha yeah, no one gives a fuck for the two actual dead children.