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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 5 - Sundays on HBO

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So I've recently finished the 5th book finally and have a question pertaining to the TV series, which I've followed, too.

I'm aware that GRRM has written some of the series episodes, however, is it known whether the TV script will actually follow the major events of the books? If that's the case, I'd assume GRRM would have to tell the showrunners the plot outlines of the remaining two books, considering just how many changes there are.

I'm asking because I do prefer the books to the TV series (vastly at this point actually) and I'd rather not the TV series spoils the events of the last two books, be it directly or indirectly. Like, when a character is missing entirely one has to assume that character won't have a vital role in the book.

My opinion on the TV series has decreased quite a lot I've gotta say. It's no doubt partially because I've read all the books by now, but I can't help but remember the first season somewhat fondly. I think your adaptation is going to suffer severely if the books are just way too large and require heavy cutting for a feasible production, but that's not all. I just don't think the direction is very strong (anymore?). Just this last scene of the 4th episode didn't work at all for me and seemed almost comically. Poorly choreographed fight sequence with unfitting music, eh. Then there's plenty weak acting to be found, poor writing, especially considering the so-called "sexposition" and even some mediocre CGI and practical effects.

The books have their own flaws, of course, but I still enjoy those way more than the show, which I'm about to drop.
So I've recently finished the 5th book finally and have a question pertaining to the TV series, which I've followed, too.

I'm aware that GRRM has written some of the series episodes, however, is it known whether the TV script will actually follow the major events of the books? If that's the case, I'd assume GRRM would have to tell the showrunners the plot outlines of the remaining two books, considering just how many changes there are.

"Luckily, we’ve been talking about this with George for a long time, ever since we saw this could happen, and we know where things are heading. And so we’ll eventually, basically, meet up at pretty much the same place where George is going; there might be a few deviations along the route, but we’re heading towards the same destination. I kind of wish that there were some things we didn’t have to spoil, but we’re kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. The show must go on. . .and that’s what we’re going to do." - Showrunners


Her speech being straight from the book is kind of a problem in itself.

It's much too wordy. Why does Obara suddenly start grandstanding and telling her sisters and Ellarianne a story that they no doubt already know? It's way too overdramatic.

Ellarianne: "Want to piss on one of Oberyn's principles and kill little girls?"

Tyene: "Yes Mama, because I'm the meek one and do what you say. You can tell because I'm petite and cute and call you Mama. Also look at my twin daggers, they'll be useful in the upcoming boss fight with Jaime and Bronn."

Nym: "I'll just nod because I'm the sexy, mysterious one. Also, do you see my whip? Look what I can do with it!"

Obara: "Allow me to address the audience, please. To do so I have to turn my back on all of you while dramatically walking towards the front of the stage/camera. Look at my spear, I use it because I'm the most like Oberyn, just in case you didn't already know from my Oberyn cosplay outfit. Now I'm going to throw my spear to show how badass I am! Hyyyyaaahhh! Did you see that? We're the Sand Snakes, and we mean business."

I totally agree that pulling that speech straight from the book was weird. At this point, they've moved so far away from the book's style of dialogue that it's kind of jarring when they use book-speeches that long in their entirety. And it just wasn't even really necessary to establish the character.

I will say it was a brief scene, heavy on exposition, and, not wanting to hate on the new guy, but maybe Dave Hill just isn't great at writing that kind of thing. Hopefully the other writers can find some better material for them later in the season and maybe work in some nuance. The acting was bad, but it was really awful material, too, so maybe it'll improve.

I'm kind of surprised how after spending so long cutting anything that felt too cheesy or comic books, this is where they decided to just go for it. Like, I thought for sure they would never be referred to as the Sand Snakes on the show, but they're going all out with it.
So I've recently finished the 5th book finally and have a question pertaining to the TV series, which I've followed, too.

I'm aware that GRRM has written some of the series episodes, however, is it known whether the TV script will actually follow the major events of the books? If that's the case, I'd assume GRRM would have to tell the showrunners the plot outlines of the remaining two books, considering just how many changes there are.

I'm asking because I do prefer the books to the TV series (vastly at this point actually) and I'd rather not the TV series spoils the events of the last two books, be it directly or indirectly. Like, when a character is missing entirely one has to assume that character won't have a vital role in the book.

My opinion on the TV series has decreased quite a lot I've gotta say. It's no doubt partially because I've read all the books by now, but I can't help but remember the first season somewhat fondly. I think your adaptation is going to suffer severely if the books are just way too large and require heavy cutting for a feasible production, but that's not all. I just don't think the direction is very strong (anymore?). Just this last scene of the 4th episode didn't work at all for me and seemed almost comically. Poorly choreographed fight sequence with unfitting music, eh. Then there's plenty weak acting to be found, poor writing, especially considering the so-called "sexposition" and even some mediocre CGI and practical effects.

The books have their own flaws, of course, but I still enjoy those way more than the show, which I'm about to drop.

The TV series will likely spoil the main plotline of the books, though there will be significant divergences.
The reason why it is important for Sansa to be in Winterfell and as herself is because once the Northerners rally around her, it will be pretty much impossible to displace her. Stannis will know this too. Loyalty runs really deep in the North. If she doesn't show herself and connect with her people, that claim will be a lot weaker. When she was at the Vale, it wasn't even safe for Littlefinger to reveal who she really was. At Winterfell it is different.

Also, it is all possible because Tywin is dead.

I think this change from the book makes things really interesting. I am 100% sure we get Battle for Winterfell this season now. Jon has already told Stannis that he doesn't want to have anything to do with ruling the North.

I also think they will cut out the pink letter, I think Jon gets stabbed because of his decision to go to Hardhome. I think in the books too Jon will never get to Winterfell.
The TV series will likely spoil the main plotline of the books, though there will be significant divergences.

It is a fair point though.

Knowing the show so far, we'll get three episodes of Ramsay being creepy to Sansa then she'll go back to the Eyrie for "some reason" and suddenly a fake Arya appears at the start of season 6.

We shouldn't underestimate the ability of the writers to introduce a plot that goes absolutely nowhere and does nothing but buy a little bit of time.
I enjoyed the episode, but I have to echo the complaints about how the unsullied and barristan should have had a much better outcome versus random harpies. The whole point of the unsullied is they are supposed to be able to like effortlessly destroy their enemy in that sort of encounter.

Actually, I would say the point of Unsullied is open warfare and combat. They are not meant to patrol streets and enforce order. They are meant to conquer places.
Actually, I would say the point of Unsullied is open warfare and combat. They are not meant to patrol streets and enforce order. They are meant to conquer places.

True but that doesn't explain how they'd get wrecked by some guys with knives. In an enclosed area where the Unsullied could have easily formed an effective phalanx.
I hate how the show is trying to make the Sons of the Harpy more threatening but is actually doing the opposite.

A small rogue group stealthily murdering individuals in the middle of the night is far scarier than a fucking army of people in goofy masks carrying out large-scale attacks in broad daylight.

They're terrorists, not a paramilitary group.


I always figured Littlefinger knew about Varys' end game plan, and formed his own to counter it. Hopefully the both of them do more stuff this season.

LF gave a look like he knew Lyanna wasn't raped, heh.
Thought this too. Maybe reading too much into it. Maybe not. Someone on the show will have to know at some point, unless they introduce Howland Reed suddenly. It does seem the sort of thing Varys and Baelish would've looked into, but who knows.
I assumed LF was simply showing he's smart enough to at least question the story. I doubt he knows anything. He was probably disappointed with Sansa's conventional take.
Watched it last night:
The fight at the end was rough, the unsullied were getting ripped apart like they were walking their puppies still, it was pathetic. Shit way for Selmy (that puddle of blood was huge) to die considering even in his old age he's supposed to be one of the most feared swords in the world.

Looking forward to full on Darth Sansa.


Actually, I would say the point of Unsullied is open warfare and combat. They are not meant to patrol streets and enforce order. They are meant to conquer places.

It's almost one and the same. You can't conquer a place if you can't even handle being in a large room and outnumbered by random elites/masters who were wearing masks and carrying daggers and got obliterated. It goes against what we heard about this formidable army of castrated boys raised since childhood to be warriors in several ways of fighting.

Even worse is, Barristan supposedly killed like 5-6 GoldCloaks when he escaped from Joffrey, even though he's old, he's the greatest swordsman probably alive and gets beaten by some randoms?

Remember, him, Daario and Grey Worm took Yunkai by slaughtering all their hired mercenaries. But the two of them couldn't handle maybe 9 harpy's?


Good fucking episode! Loved the Jaime scenes, the last fight and so many more scenes. Oh, and the Sand Snakes! That short-haired one, especially, hnnnnnng.
Man, I did not see Selmy biting it, bravo for surprising me.

I'm a bit miffed about how easy the Unsullied are being taken down, but then I guess I have to keep in mind that they have been castrated from boyhood and probably lack the same amount of muscle mass as your average adult. They may have discipline and training, but if outnumbered and surprised I could see how they might get shanked (and it's not like they didn't take down some Harpies in the process.) So that's whatever, I don't really care about it - in fact, it's nice to see that Dany's power tools are falling apart one by one (first the dragons, now her Unsullied and closest advisors.)

Sand snakes were hot, so I'm good.

Love the adventures of Bronn & Jaime, those guys got chemistry to the wazoo.

North zzzzzzzzzzzz.
True but that doesn't explain how they'd get wrecked by some guys with knives. In an enclosed area where the Unsullied could have easily formed an effective phalanx.

I saw it as them being taken by surprise, never had the chance to think how to counter the Harpies.

It's almost one and the same. You can't conquer a place if you can't even handle being in a large room and outnumbered by random elites/masters who were wearing masks and carrying daggers and got obliterated. It goes against what we heard about this formidable army of castrated boys raised since childhood to be warriors in several ways of fighting.

Even worse is, Barristan supposedly killed like 5-6 GoldCloaks when he escaped from Joffrey, even though he's old, he's the greatest swordsman probably alive and gets beaten by some randoms?

Remember, him, Daario and Grey Worm took Yunkai by slaughtering all their hired mercenaries. But the two of them couldn't handle maybe 9 harpy's?

I disagree, it's not one and the same. Unsullied were ambushed here you don't see ambushes in open warfare scenarios much. They didn't have time to group or regroup.

In the show Barristan didn't kill any gold cloaks. He was removed and he threatened and he walked out? Also, wasn't it, him, Daario, Grey Worm and Jorah vs. Yunkai. By the end when Selmy comes it is just him and a very injured Gray Worm.

This was a well planned attack by the Harpies, they outnumbered the Unsullied quite a bit, it didn't come as a shock to me that Grey Worm/Selmy were massively injured. In the end they did manage to cut down the Harpies too.


After thinking about it for a while and considering what has happened already, I think I have a pretty good idea of where Dany's story could be going this season. I'm not tagging any of this because it's just speculation.

We know three very significant things:

1. Quentyn doesn't exist in show canon.
2. Barristan is dead.
3. The Siege of Meereen is 99% not happening.

The one significant thing Quentyn does in the books is release Rhaegal and Viserion. Now, since Barristan's role in the siege is quite large in the books, and since the siege isn't happening in the show (Yunkai has already submitted and Dany has her fleet), I think the following will happen.

Barristan's death will be the catalyst for releasing the dragons. Dany herself will release them. She was previously persuaded to do so by Daario. She tried and failed due to them being out of control. Now her most loyal supporter is dead, there's chaos in the streets, and her Unsullied are being murdered. I think that she finally cracks and says fuck it. She opens the fighting pits, but makes sure to release her dragons beforehand
(we know that there is some dragon action next week judging by the preview)
. I'm guessing that the dragon Tyrion sees flying overhead (as seen in the trailer) isn't Drogon at all, but one of the other two who have been newly freed and are stretching their wings.

Everything else will play out as normal, until Daznak's Pit. During this ceremony, the Sons of the Harpy will make their move and enter the pit, outnumbering the Unsullied. Jorah will already be in the pit fighting, and Dany will enter for some reason (I haven't figured this part out yet). Meanwhile, with Dany surrounded and at his mercy, Hizdahr will reveal himself as the Harpy (the juxtaposition in the most recent episode of the Sons mobilising and Hizdahr pleading with Dany to compromise was very suspect). Chaos erupts between the Unsullied and the Sons of the Harpy, and Jorah (who is dying anyway from greyscale) dies in the process, possibly along with Grey Worm and Missandei. In the middle of this shitstorm, Drogon lands in the pit and starts barbecueing everyone. Dany mounts him and flies up to meet Rhaegal and Viserion who are circling overhead. She torches the city and flies off, possibly with Tyrion on another dragon (as much as I cringe at the idea of this part, it's probably true). She lands in the Dothraki Sea and meets a khalasar. Her dragons rear up around her and roar, and the khalasar bows and submits, mirroring the season 1 finale.

And thus, Daenerys the Conqueror is born, setting the stage for the Westeros invasion in Season 6.

Real Hero

Am I the only person who saw the overwhelming odds the Harpies used against the Unsullied? I don't care how good you are, you will lose under some circumstances.
To me the worst thing about that scene was they have built Barristan up so much just like the books but haven't had him do anything and have him lose his first fight. It was was just dumb. They really should have had him win some fights before having him tragically overpowered.
After thinking about it for a while and considering what has happened already, I think I have a pretty good idea of where Dany's story could be going this season. I'm not tagging any of this because it's just speculation.

We know three very significant things:

1. Quentyn doesn't exist in show canon.
2. Barristan is dead.
3. The Siege of Meereen is 99% not happening.

The one significant thing Quentyn does in the books is release Rhaegal and Viserion. Now, since Barristan's role in the siege is quite large in the books, and since the siege isn't happening in the show (Yunkai has already submitted and Dany has her fleet), I think the following will happen.

Barristan's death will be the catalyst for releasing the dragons. Dany herself will release them. She was previously persuaded to do so by Daario. She tried and failed due to them being out of control. Now her most loyal supporter is dead, there's chaos in the streets, and her Unsullied are being murdered. I think that she finally cracks and says fuck it. She opens the fighting pits, but makes sure to release her dragons beforehand
(we know that there is some dragon action next week judging by the preview)
. I'm guessing that the dragon Tyrion sees flying overhead (as seen in the trailer) isn't Drogon at all, but one of the other two who have been newly freed and are stretching their wings.

Everything else will play out as normal, until Daznak's Pit. During this ceremony, the Sons of the Harpy will make their move and enter the pit, outnumbering the Unsullied. Jorah will already be in the pit fighting, and Dany will enter for some reason (I haven't figured this part out yet). Meanwhile, with Dany surrounded and at his mercy, Hizdahr will reveal himself as the Harpy (the juxtaposition in the most recent episode of the Sons mobilising and Hizdahr pleading with Dany to compromise was very suspect). Chaos erupts between the Unsullied and the Sons of the Harpy, and Jorah (who is dying anyway from greyscale) dies in the process, possibly along with Grey Worm and Missandei. In the middle of this shitstorm, Drogon lands in the pit and starts barbecueing everyone. Dany mounts him and flies up to meet Rhaegal and Viserion who are circling overhead. She torches the city and flies off, possibly with Tyrion on another dragon (as much as I cringe at the idea of this part, it's probably true). She lands in the Dothraki Sea and meets a khalasar. Her dragons rear up around her and roar, and the khalasar bows and submits, mirroring the season 1 finale.

And thus, Daenerys the Conqueror is born, setting the stage for the Westeros invasion in Season 6.

Or maybe Tyrion is kidnapped by Varys's birds and put in a box with a hole again. Because that would be fucking hilarious if he has to make the journey back to Westeros that way.

Dany enters the pit when she realizes it is Jorah. She doesn't know it till then.

Actually the dragon thing = One dragon each for Dany, Tyrion and Daario. You heard it here first folks!

Dario turns around and kils Jorah. He is Euron.


Am I the only person who saw the overwhelming odds the Harpies used against the Unsullied? I don't care how good you are, you will lose under some circumstances.

I agree. Ambushed, outnumbered and fought in a narrow space. After all unsullied use lances, not exactly the best weapon in this situation. Also they never seemed trained for this kind of combat to me, they were more trained for large battles, but maybe that's just me.

That said something feels off with this scene, maybe it's too long or there are too many cuts or too many people dying, so it felt like they were weak fodder.
Also Barristan should have died in a better moment. With the life he had, dying here and like this is weird.

On another topic, was it said if there was some Bran storyline this season? I waited years for them to reach that point and now there's still nothing D:


just watched it. kind of a filler episode. creepy littlefinger gonna creep. I don't like the sandsnakes, in fact I don't like the dornish design at all. It's too 'exotic' for a lack of a better word. They are still in Westeros, they should resemble westerosi fashion and style at least somewhat.

if they have gotten rid of Selmy the have gotten rid of the last redeeming character of Danys arc. it will be insufferable.





best scene of the episode.


I saw it as them being taken by surprise, never had the chance to think how to counter the Harpies.

I disagree, it's not one and the same. Unsullied were ambushed here you don't see ambushes in open warfare scenarios much. They didn't have time to group or regroup.

In the show Barristan didn't kill any gold cloaks. He was removed and he threatened and he walked out? Also, wasn't it, him, Daario, Grey Worm and Jorah vs. Yunkai. By the end when Selmy comes it is just him and a very injured Gray Worm.

This was a well planned attack by the Harpies, they outnumbered the Unsullied quite a bit, it didn't come as a shock to me that Grey Worm/Selmy were massively injured. In the end they did manage to cut down the Harpies too.

How is them being ambushed by Harpys any different than being ambushed by actual trained killers and mercenaries in Yunkai? Even worse is, they were 4 people then. They had like 10+ Unsullied here. They weren't that outnumbered. It was sort of ridiculous based on how they built them up in the show/books. The Harpys are nothing more than cowards hiding in masks, using trickery and ambushes to kill a few people.

Well even if they cut Barristan escape from the show, Jorah, Ned, Jaime all speak such high praises of his skill. Cut down by unarmored men with daggers? Basically just plot advancement, and I get that, but it really conflicts with who we believed he was and how he was portrayed so far.
TV Barry ain't living the praise from his peers

Book Barry is just living it

Yeah- show Barry has been getting shit on the entire way save for the one great scene in S1. Since then, his only job has been to stand next to Dany and offer advice only to be ignored at every turn. Pretty much anything meaningful that he did in the books got handed off to someone else.

He had that one little tense moment with the Titan's Bastard in the tent, and I remember turning to my wife and telling her, "He's going to kill that guy later, like in the book." Nope- Daario does it. Offscreen, no less.

Facing the Champion of Meereen, in light of Belwas' absence? Maybe a great opportunity for the showrunners to give Barry a cool moment? Nope, Daario.

The sewer siege of Meereen? Nope. Grey Worm gets to do it.

The second siege of Meereen? Either won't happen on the show, or will happen offscreen. Probably will be led by Daario again, or maybe Jorah as part of his redemption arc.

The sad thing is that I think the showrunners were trying to give Barry a heroic sendoff. But both the handling of the Unsullied and the way they broke ranks and panicked, and then Barristan getting killed in what amounts to a street brawl shows just how out of touch they are with a lot of this stuff.


On another topic, was it said if there was some Bran storyline this season? I waited years for them to reach that point and now there's still nothing D:

Nope. Bran and Hodor and their North of the wall storyline supposedly cut altogether this season. They knew it wasn't very widely liked in the shows. Maybe they couldn't really do anything with Bran yet, without having the remaining other pieces in place. Only reason for Sansa is because she became such a fan favorite and because they figured they could tell the Jeyne Poole, Theon, Winterfell arc with her instead. Same reason Jaime is in Dorne and Brienne has a different but larger role while the Iron Islands stuff also cut out.


Loving all the changes. It's like a whole new show where anything can happen. I haven't felt that strong desire to watch the next episode instantly before as I have now.


I also thought that the Unsullied went down way too easily. Even if it's not their "natural habitat" and they were ambushed, they should have been able to mount a proper defense, after all they are supposed to be master warriors.

The scenes where they show like 2 or 3 Unsullied being ambushed by 8 or 9 Harpies were fine, but Greyworm's squad felt more evenly matched.

Barristan was disappointing too, but I guess the show has made him less dangerous than he is supposed to be.

The Sand Snakes scene was just cringeworthy, but they were always lame so, meh.

Loved Stannis' scene and Robson and Jerome's adventure in Dorne.


I think some of you are bringing in the books when you exclaim how much the show 'built up' Selmy. We're told he was one of the best, true, but they've never even had him fight. And they picked an older and gray actor for a reason.

They killed a shitload of Sons, and Selmy and GW were responsible for a big ass chunk of that shitload. He went down fighting against overwhelming odds. Nothing wrong with that IMO.
"Luckily, we’ve been talking about this with George for a long time, ever since we saw this could happen, and we know where things are heading. And so we’ll eventually, basically, meet up at pretty much the same place where George is going; there might be a few deviations along the route, but we’re heading towards the same destination. I kind of wish that there were some things we didn’t have to spoil, but we’re kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place. The show must go on. . .and that’s what we’re going to do." - Showrunners

The TV series will likely spoil the main plotline of the books, though there will be significant divergences.

Alright, thanks.

I think it's about time I bail out then, as I'd rather go through the, to me much more enjoyable, books unspoiled. For that reason I also kinda avoid discussing ASOIAF on online forums. There's just so much more that millions of eyes will find, especially if they're specifically looking for any clues, that I'd have major beats spoiled for certain. Of course, the plot and major twists aren't all that matters, but it's important enough in this case.

Now I'll just hope we get the next book soon and...well, hopefully GRRM does live a long life. Avoiding those spoilers in the, most likely many, years wait between final TV season and last book release though...that'll be nigh impossible >_<


I suspected it was Selmy since the person who was "going out early" in the EW article was so well-spoken and proper. I imagined it had to be one of the older English actors.

That said, when he fell I didn't expect him to be dead until I read the article confirming it.
I saw it as them being taken by surprise, never had the chance to think how to counter the Harpies.

They're Unsullied. They're the Spartans of ASOIAF. They don't have to think about how to counter in any scenario that involves combat. They've trained fanatically since youth to fight as a unit and work together instinctively.

There are absolutely scenarios *like this* that could have come off as believable. Had there been archers up on a second level, or other Harpies throwing down fire bombs. Had there been some sort of physical trap in the alleyway. Had they been far, far more outnumbered.

As it played out in the show, all the Unsullied would need to do is raise their shields, stick their lances out, keep formation, and pick one direction to go in and just break through. Their opponents are just dudes in robes with knives. There's literally nothing they could do to keep the Unsullied trapped in that alley as it was presented in the show.

He went down fighting against overwhelming odds. Nothing wrong with that IMO.

I wouldn't have had any problem with that, had the odds actually been overwhelming. They weren't. At all.


I assumed LF was simply showing he's smart enough to at least question the story. I doubt he knows anything. He was probably disappointed with Sansa's conventional take.

Watch the scene again. He's seriously got the, "You believe that bullshit story?" face on. LF and others knew Raegar and they knew that he was not a rapist.


Alright, thanks.

I think it's about time I bail out then, as I'd rather go through the, to me much more enjoyable, books unspoiled. For that reason I also kinda avoid discussing ASOIAF on online forums. There's just so much more that millions of eyes will find, especially if they're specifically looking for any clues, that I'd have major beats spoiled for certain. Of course, the plot and major twists aren't all that matters, but it's important enough in this case.

Now I'll just hope we get the next book soon and...well, hopefully GRRM does live a long life. Avoiding those spoilers in the, most likely many, years wait between final TV season and last book release though...that'll be nigh impossible >_<

See you in twenty years, if GRRM lives that long


Thought this too. Maybe reading too much into it. Maybe not. Someone on the show will have to know at some point, unless they introduce Howland Reed suddenly. It does seem the sort of thing Varys and Baelish would've looked into, but who knows.

i've always thought most of the more educated people are aware that lyanna wasn't truly kidnapped and most likely loved rhaegar. doesn't necessarily mean they know about R+L=J though. i thought the pause was more of a "i can't believe you're still naive enough to believe Robert's bullshit" moment.
I hope Hizdahr doesn't end up being the Harpy; it feels too obvious for me since he's the only named character in the show who could reasonably harbor pro-slaver sentiment. It also kinda hurts Dany's whole "be a good ruler or embrace the dragon" arc if it turns out that Hizdahr was the bad guy all along anyway. But maybe they want to make sure that Dany stays sympathetic even after she gives the bird to Meereen.
Watch the scene again. He's seriously got the, "You believe that bullshit story?" face on. LF and others knew Raegar and they knew that he was not a rapist.

Yeah- I picked up on it straight away. I thought it was handled very well. Big wink and nod to the book readers, but without going overboard.

Mannis scene was great as well. I give the showrunners credit for what they get right. Just blows my mind sometimes to see things handled so poorly. The whole business at Crastor's last season, or Asha/Yara's Theon rescue attempt. The end of last night's episode.
I think the problem with the fight was, it didn't feel particularly well done.

The tension was off.

That's because the setup of the whole scenario just wasn't well thought out. The odds needed to be stacked way more in favor of the Harpies from the drop in order to create that tension. Instead, I spent the entire scene trying to figure out why the Unsullied were having so much trouble against a handful of dudes in robes with daggers.


The big issue is Rickon is still in play, especially in the books, maybe the show? We know Bran, Arya, Jon won't ever really return to normalcy and rule Winterfell and Sansa is a girl in a man's world. She'll eventually be married off, just like Cersei was going to be married to the Tyrells, despite being a former queen to Baratheon and mother of the reigning King. The North would rather have a Stark at Winterfell rather than whoever Sansa would marry.

Plus, as for Littlefinger, he now has Harrenhal, the Eyrie, and with Sansa, might have all the North for a little while. He's easily working towards becoming the strongest man in Westeros, and no one seems to notice it except Varys. There is no way the show wouldn't want to utilize Ser Davos or display White Harbor, unless it's useless to the plot, but it doesn't seem that way.
She could marry someone from a place where they don't care about gender when it comes to succession...


I wouldn't have had any problem with that, had the odds actually been overwhelming. They weren't. At all.

I don't agree. GW's group were surrounded, and more and more were streaming in. When Selmy got there even more were coming in. Like someone said, this wasn't The Hobbit and he's not Legolas.
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