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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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D&D have beaten the dead horse of Ramsay's character so hard that at this point nothing is left but dust. It's not even going to be satisfying when he dies now, it'll just be a relief that we don't have to watch any more of his repetitive scenes.

Also, poor move by the Khals to grease their huts with oil.


D&D have beaten the dead horse of Ramsay's character so hard that at this point nothing is left but dust. It's not even going to be satisfying when he dies now, it'll just be a relief that we don't have to watch any more of his repetitive scenes.

Speak for yourself. I'll be cheering and clapping for the rest of the episode when he dies. Lets hope its at the end haha.

I did feel for a second there that Osha was going to have him. Silly me.

Was Dany going to the bathroom and meeting Jorah and Daario part of some sort of plan I missed? It seemed like she was expecting them.

I just think to her it isn't a surprise that Daario and Jorah would be out looking for her.


Baelish makes it all the way to Castle Black next episode, after just returning to the Vale from Winterfell? Damn, that man loves to travel.

Was Dany going to the bathroom and meeting Jorah and Daario part of some sort of plan I missed? It seemed like she was expecting them.

The D&D plan of happy coincidence.


So assuming Loras is going to die this season (From the fact that he's signed on to star in Iron Fist), how do you think he's going to go?

PS- I don't like Loras' portrayal in the show as a whole but I'm interested to see what kind of exit he will have.

Man, Loras, like Osha, will hurt, because i love the actor's portrayal (even if they have wasted it the past few seasons...)

Hope they actually let him do something epic before he goes instead of just another "btw, he's gay" scene.
This season too often straddles the line between outright stupid and plausible. So many instances of things happening in somewhat contrived ways but making just enough sense to not be outright offensive. It's really entertaining but definitely feels like D&D just had a checklist of things they wanted to happen and came up with semi-plausible ways for them all to occur. Which makes for some mighty entertaining TV but is definitely missing GRRM's ability to set things up. I think KL is the only storyline that hasn't felt half-assed in some way (and Arya I guess but she hasn't really done anything).

Also I hate whoever first brought up how modern-sounding the dialogue is now because I can't stop noticing it.
Dany solving her predicament by her own agency is "full stupid" compared to being saved by a dragon and/or Jorah/Daario find a way to smuggle her out?

For the record, I didn't love it (not sure what could have gotten me interested in Dany being captive of the Dothraki in season 6, Winds will at least initially receive the same doubt from me), but it was a pleasant surprise from what I assumed, and I think most people assumed was going to happen: Dothraki submit to the power of a dragon, bailing Dany out.

I thought the immediate immolation was stupid. It had nothing to do with Dany taking control, I don't care about that. It would have more sense, I feel, for the dragon to have burned that place down. Maybe they could have done it different and it would have been fine, I just felt the way it played out was stupid.


This season too often straddles the line between outright stupid and plausible. So many instances of things happening in somewhat contrived ways but making just enough sense to not be outright offensive. It's really entertaining but definitely feels like D&D just had a checklist of things they wanted to happen and came up with semi-plausible ways for them all to occur. Which makes for some mighty entertaining TV but is definitely missing GRRM's ability to set things up. I think KL is the only storyline that hasn't felt half-assed in some way (and Arya I guess but she hasn't really done anything).

Also I hate whoever first brought up how modern-sounding the dialogue is now because I can't stop noticing it.

Yes, but by the same token, GRRM utterly fails to pay things off or advance the plot at a reasonable pace. They have as few as 21 episodes remaining in the series. From the episode where Dany first took Mereen to right now - that's how much screentime time they've got to wrap this series up.

Shit just needs to start happening.


This season too often straddles the line between outright stupid and plausible. So many instances of things happening in somewhat contrived ways but making just enough sense to not be outright offensive. It's really entertaining but definitely feels like D&D just had a checklist of things they wanted to happen and came up with semi-plausible ways for them all to occur. Which makes for some mighty entertaining TV but is definitely missing GRRM's ability to set things up. I think KL is the only storyline that hasn't felt half-assed in some way (and Arya I guess but she hasn't really done anything).

Also I hate whoever first brought up how modern-sounding the dialogue is now because I can't stop noticing it.

King's Landing is easily the best storyline they have going right now. They're actually bothering to set things up instead of just having random shit happen.


this is shaping up to be a great season

the show is just dropping highlights like nothing,#teamfireandblood motherfuckers

also lmao at the pink letter, too late sadly, I didn't feel nearly the same thing I did when I read that

and ramsey continues to be super boring, couldn't they let osha win and he is saved by a dog or something like that? nevermind, probably would not have helped much

the sansa reunion was great and I am totally shipping tormund and brienne

I am not too excited for bastardbowl, too predictable, butm margerys walk of atonment excites me, I am really curious how that will go down, we all know cleganebowl will still happen. I hope they let jonathan pryce truly shine there. at least one high profile actors they didn't completely waste.


Excellent episode. I loved every scene, although Dany's pyro was a bit goofy. Why does she get TWO scenes where she emerges from the fire? I totally expected Jon Snow to have a pyre resurrection but instead they just give Dany another. It's definitely not as impressive the second time. Just look at Jorah. In season one he was like, "HOLY SHIT SHE IS A LIVING GODDESS" and now he's like, "Oh, oh I guess I gotta kneel." Daario was like "Whoa" but you can tell Jorah was thinking, "Dude, you should've been there the first time."

+Loved Jon and Sansa finally meeting. Even though they are rushing through stuff this season, I'm glad we got a scene where the two of them could just sit and talk. This is the Sansa we've wanted to see ever since she left King's Landing. Better late than never.
+Brienne, Davos, and Mel... talk about awkward. Though if I was Brienne I'd slow my roll when talking to a woman who you know can give birth to murderous shadows and who JUST BROUGHT SOMEONE BACK TO LIFE. I'm really curious to know what's going to happen between these three, especially when Davos finds out about Shireen.
+Sweetrobin looks eight feet taller, but he is still a twit (in a good way). Finally we got to see Littlefinger do his magic instead of last season, where he did... what he do again? A bunch of stupid shit outta character? It was a pretty good take on the book scene where Baelish tricks the Vale knights into causing a scene and thus securing his position.
+TYRION DID SOMETHING. It's been a while since we've seen the character play to his strengths (dick jokes are not it... though the one he got on Joffrey was pretty good). It was interesting to see Westerosi diplomacy and the traditions of Slaver's Bay mix and it brings up a lot of intriguing questions and ideals. I loved the line where Tyrion said he grew up richer than any of them without slavery. Though I'm not sure how exactly he's supposed to enforce his seven year rule.
+I don't know why people are complaining about the High Sparrow scene. Yeah he's wordy, but Pryce puts on an excellent performance each time and I hang on his every word. The situation at King's Landing is finally coming to a boiling point and I'm excited to see where it leads.
+The reunion between Yara and Theon was certainly a stark contrast (get it?) to Jon and Sansa. Strong performances by both, but I laughed at the "good men" line.
+The adjusted Pink Letter scene was great, though the contrast between the close to the book dialogue of the letter and the way Ramsay really talks was a bit jarring. It's pretty much the only motivation Jon really needs to attack Ramsay and it works. Tormund giving Brienne "HBO Go and chill" eyes got a laugh out of me.

+/-Jorah and Daario was alright I guess. I gotta wonder why Jorah doesn't just wrap up his greyscale arm completely. Or when he was fighting that dothraki, I'd be showing it off, hoping he'd run away scared.
+/- I liked the dialogue of the Dany scene among the khals, but when she went all Carrie it got a bit ridiculous. Her emerging from the fire was seen as an unbelievable miracle, but now it's almost like a superpower. I would just bring oils around everywhere I go and show off how flammable I am if I was her.

-SUPER RAMSAY STRIKES AGAIN. Eh this scene wasn't so bad I guess. But still.

Also Euron and Daario STILL haven't been in the same episode yet. I'M JUST SAYING.


Btw, I'm pretty glad how little this season seems to be spoiling TWOW. The big reveals are Jon's resurrection and R+L=J, but those are so firmly established they don't even feel like spoilers anymore. Episode 9 will probably be just Jon taking Winterfell, nothing too shocking about that.

Rest of the characters have diverged so far from the books that they're pretty impossible to spoil, like Jaime, Sansa and Brienne. Meereen seems to be building towards where it is at the end of ADWD. Arya probably won't do much of significance, unless she jumps on a boat in the next episode. I guess Dany's and Cersei's plotlines are partly spoiled, but I'm pretty sure everything will go down quite differently in TWOW.


Wait, people didn t like the Sparrow scene? The slow pan in during his monologue was superb. Great performance and character I think. The scene also ends with a shot of him looking down at Margaery just as he did with Tommen. Super symbolic stuff there. Probably the best actor the shows had since Charles Dance.


Wait, people didn t like the Sparrow scene? The slow pan in during his monologue was superb. Great performance and character I think. The scene also ends with a shot of him looking down at Margaery just as he did with Tommen. Super symbolic stuff there. Probably the best actor the shows had since Charles Dance.

the problem with his monologue is that we had stories like this 1000 times in other shows/books/movies, it was obvious where this was going as soon as he started talking

but I still agree, pryce is a great actor and he delivers the character, I just hope they will do something exciting and not that predictable with him


I guess I'm mostly glad Ramsay just killed her quick and we didn't have to see him cut her up for ten minutes or have dogs eat her or whatever other super evil nonsense they could've gone with.
Hey, isn't it crazy how much more interesting and compelling Sansa is when she's given some agency and shit isn't just happening *to* her?

Also, the cinematography these past two episodes has been drop dead gorgeous.
Anette Haellmigk is putting in amazing work.

Sansa marrying Ramsay? Its not like we didn't know Ramsay was insanely evil already.

Complete and utter waste. Really, there is no excuse for it, knowing now how things turn out.

Wasn't the first season the best?

Man, the first season was so good. Might have to rewatch it soon.


How has Davos only asked about Stannis now ?

Davos asked Mel about it last season but she didn't respond. Davos basically guessed what happened though. Pretty much immediately after we got the whole Jon ordeal so there hasn't been a lot of time to sit down and play catch up.

Preview and rumor spoilers about Jaime:
They didn't show any scene from KL in the preview. If they were going to do the confrontation on the Sept with plumed Mace next episode, I thought they would have shown it. If they push that back to episode six, I don't see how Jaime is supposed to do anything in the Riverlands. for the last few episodes. DO SOMETHING JAIME ANYTHING.


So Sansa is playing Alys Karstark this season afterall? Maybe she'll marry a northern lord to gain support. Certainly not a Wildling.

Also its pretty obvious the High Sparrow is playing the Lannisters and Tyrells off each other here. Since D&D seems to like rolling with the fan theories, maybe he is Howland Reed.
Hey, isn't it crazy how much more interesting and compelling Sansa is when she's given some agency and shit isn't just happening *to* her?

Yep. Her saying to Jon that he needs to help her reclaim the North "or I'll just do it myself", snatching the letter from Jon and reading the rest of it herself were both fantastic.


So are we to assume that Jon got Sansa all up to speed on what he's been doing for 6 seasons? Like, dying and coming back from the dead?
Jon didn't bother to mention fighting the Others on his rant. Thought that was weird.

I was hoping for more of Sansa going into her just treating Jon like Catlyn did, but what they did was alright. At least they acknowledged that they're not particularly close.


man, Dany's scene was pretty campy

the oppressive, loathed royality in King's Landing killing or imprisoning Jesus is sure going to go over well


man, Dany scene was pretty campy

the oppressive, loathed royality in King's Landing killing or imprissoning Jesus is sure going to go over well
On the other hand, Margaery is supposed to be adored by the people. Treating her like Cersei over the most idiotic offense is not going to go well either.


On the other hand, Margaery is supposed to be adored by the people. Treating her like Cersei over the most idiotic offense is not going to go well either.

yeah, but I think we'll get a French Revolution-type scenario in KL pretty soon with how things are going. The plan is definitely gonna backfire


I dunno, thought the Dany burning up all the leaders then suddenly taking lead thing seemed pretty eh, but I've been super iffy on the transitions to power whether it be the Sand Snakes stabbing their way to power or Ramsey doing Roose dirty. Bunch of Khals getting burned up by someone then that person gaining power seems weird...

Also how the hell did Theon get on a ship with nothing to his name but the clothes on his back? Also lol everyone in the show suddenly remembers Stannis. Oh yeah that dude who they turned into king jobber.


I forgot what margaery is in prison for in the show? Sleeping with Loras? Knowing that he was gay,
Purgery. She lied about knowing Loras's sexual orientation. Really.

yeah, but I think we'll get a French Revolution-type scenario in KL pretty soon with how things are going. The plan is definitely gonna backfire
I think its the plan. Everyone is trying to play the other two off each other. Cersei would be happy to see either the Sparrow or Margaery dead. And the Lannisters wouldn't be blamed for this one.
Also how the hell did Theon get on a ship with nothing to his name but the clothes on his back? Also lol everyone in the show suddenly remembers Stannis. Oh yeah that dude who they turned into king jobber.

Well Sansa might have given him a few coins/jewels she had on her or something. Or he might have worked on the ship to pay for his trip. It's not that hard to imagine.

What do people think of Tyrions beard? I kinda hope he shaves it now that the ''depression period'' is over.

edit: I wonder who will be the next ''villain'' after Ramsay (I mean, he HAS to die this season considering his cartoon villain buildup). Euron is one candidate but I wonder how they link him to the good guys. The white walkers probably will be a big one after this season but it would be boring if all the baddies were just zombies.


Purgery. She lied about knowing Loras's sexual orientation. Really.

Is being marched naked through the streets the punishment for every offense? Her (supposed) crimes are much more damming in the books. Weird they only went with perjury on the show.


Also its pretty obvious the High Sparrow is playing the Lannisters and Tyrells off each other here. Since D&D seems to like rolling with the fan theories, maybe he is Howland Reed.

That theory got thrown out when we saw how young Howland looked at ToJ. Unless he's a master of disguise.

edit: I wonder who will be the next ''villain'' after Ramsay (I mean, he HAS to die this season considering his cartoon villain buildup). Euron is one candidate but I wonder how they link him to the good guys. The white walkers probably will be a big one after this season but it would be boring if all the baddies were just zombies.

It'll be Euron, yeah.

Trailer speculation-
it's safe to assume he sends Yara to fetch Dany
Is being marched naked through the streets the punishment for every offense? Her (supposed) crimes are much more damming in the books. Weird they only went with perjury on the show.

I don't think the walk of shame is a punishment rather than a way for their captives to get on probation of sorts. Cersei for example is still waiting for her trial.

Also it's totally plausible High Sparrow is just playing the game rather than being as pious as he pretends to be.


Considering all that Sansa's been through, I bet she just rolled her eyes and went "yeah okay, sure."

She definitely had an internal roll eye moment when Jon was whining, you could almost read her (and the audience really) saying "so do you really think you had it bad these past years?".

I get he's broken, but I don't get him ignoring that huge ass army of undead coming, as much as he doesn't want to fight he knows he has to.
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