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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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All this "Hold the Door" = Hodor hate is ridiculous, but to be expected.

It is the epitome of the Haters gonna Hate logic that tends to emerge in movie and TV show discussions on the internet due to the sheer number of people engaged in the discussion.

I certainly don't begrudge your right to have issues with the reveal, but I do wonder how many of you are seriously upset and how many came here to troll the rest of us who thought it was good and sad.

I'm not actively mad about it. I watched tonight's GoT episode, came to the appropriate thread on GAF, saw the general consensus and posted my own. Most people who disagree with you are probably doing the same. Isn't the point of this thread to discuss the episode? Someone having a different opinion doesn't make them a hater.
Its basically the Flood from Halo, or the Apes from Congo, or the Terminators, or the Xenomorphs.

Point is, we've seen it a thousand times already "race created to be living weapons turn against their masters and now pose a threat to everything."

I expected more from GRRM.

Great writing is never about the plot, but the execution. How the story is told is everything.

Thought that episode was all right. Hodor taking one for the team was sad, although I'm not sure how I feel about them revealing the origins of his "name" as some weird time travel shenanigans. Summer and Shaggy Dog getting offed this season kind of feels like as much of a budget cutting move as anything since they both went out with so little fanfare.

Just in general, I always figured that Bran connecting to the Weirwood internet was more a way for him to basically be a silent observer on events from history but that he couldn't actually influence things as directly as warging into somebody in the past, which is what it seemed like he did with Past Hodor.

Beyond that, all the stuff with the CotF and the Others was fine, if a bit lackluster in terms of how it was presented. I'll be a bit disappointed if the Others are basically just some force of nature type weapon that the CotF created and got out of their control, like the Flood in Halo or something. At least in the books, I've always had the impression that the actual Others were some kind of actual society and had some amount of civilization of their own beyond being some malevolent force. The Other's basically just being transformed humans is fine but if that's actually all there is to them, its a little deflating.

The Ironborne stuff they butchered. Part of my issue with it is just how plain and unremarkable TV Euron appears. Kind of in the same vein as Max von Sydow being an old dude in a tree, TV Euron visually just looks like any other Ironborn warrior guy. Maybe its been a while, but at least in the books Euron visually stood apart from all the other Ironborn a bit, what with his eyepatch and his more worldly demeanor. Especially since we're dealing with TV, a visual medium, some of these character's looks are really bland. When book Euron talks about having seen the world- you buy it. That dude has an eyepatch, messed up his lips from doing drugs and has a crew of people from all over the world and a dragon taming horn. TV Euron says he's seen the world... and that's it.

The actual Kingsmoot was pretty lame. The last 2 seasons they've totally mangled everything Dorne and Iron Islands related. The Dorne stuff they basically just hit reset on at the start of this year, making it feel like a total waste of time. And with the Ironborne stuff this year, they basically have Euron show up out of no where and just flatly announce his intentions of wanting to be the biggest kinslayer around. What? And the whole drowning? Uh, isn't the Drowned Priest supposed to bring them back, not just stand there?

I appreciate the show moving things forward with certain plots this year but at the same time its making season 5 feel like a total waste of time and energy. All that Dorne stuff from last year? Basically rendered pointless in the first episode. Now you have Brienne going to RIverrun? Why not last year? Jon and Sansa trying to rally the North? Why didn't they just have Stannis do that last year while Sansa stayed in the Vale? Why not keep Bran in the show last year and flesh out some more of his time with Bloodraven? Why not actually introduce Victarion and Euron with an actual Kingsmoot instead of everyone cheering for a kinslayer?

I don't have any objections to the events happening on the show necessarily, it just feels like so much is coming on so fast that its almost as if the showrunners only have a bullet point list of big events to go off of and they're just flying through all that without adequate buildup to make those events feel real meaningful.
I honestly wasn't expecting a split like this coming to this thread after watching the episode, but maybe I should've.

Right? It has to be a frame of mind or something. I was legitimately floored and my jaw agape.

When you've decided something (or someone) sucks, everything they do is going to suck.



Honestly I don't know what people were expecting with Hodor's name reveal. It was either him trying to say something, which GRRM already confirmed to a fan to be "so close" (iirc), jibberish, or a proper noun, like the real name of the Great Other.

There's really nothing it could have been that would have made any sense or have been more clever. Hodor died one of the most beautiful deaths in the show while also being a giant reveal. It was magnificent.


Do you think we'll see more White Walkers being made on the show? Like Jon or Bran being stabbed in the heart just like that.


at least substantiate your opinion.

I think it's dumb that it was revealed that Hodor has been saying 'Hodor' forever because at the end of his life a girl shouted 'hold the door' over and over while his body was being controlled by a young boy who's consciousness was in the past where a young Hodor was because an ancient raven/tree man was helping the boy ascend to his position as mystical tree man during an assault by ice skeletons and zombies that had discovered the location of the boy and tree man because the king of the ice skeletons had touched the boy's hand during a dream.
I guess I'm in the minority on this one. Hold the door is some dumb shit.

Nah fam, it was clearly an intense emotional moment and you're just a child. What? Meera was stumbling in a straight line and the weights could run along walls so they'd have no problem catching up? Shut the fuck up kid!

to be honest... that was REALLY fucked up what he did. he sacrificed hodor(jesus, can't use that anymore) without hodor's consent.

Meera really came out looking great too with her stoic "Man up and fucking die for us bruv!" "Man up and fucking die for us bruv!" "Man up and fucking die for us bruv!" "Man up and fucking die for us bruv!" "Man up and fucking die for us bruv!""Man up and fucking die for us bruv!" etc...


I'm not actively mad about it. I watched tonight's GoT episode, came to the appropriate thread on GAF, saw the general consensus and posted my own. Most people who disagree with you are probably doing the same. Isn't the point of this thread to discuss the episode? Someone having a different opinion doesn't make them a hater.

Yes, I think the discussion is fine. As long as everyone can put a little substance to why they dislike it then it will help fuel the discussion.

It is still early and many people will still be posting initial reactions, which are part of the fun of viewing a show along with the forums. At some point the haters will be challenged to explain why they hate it.

Then we can have a true discussion and I look forward to it.


Right? It has to be a frame of mind or something. I was legitimately floored and my jaw agape.

When you've decided something (or someone) sucks, everything they do is going to suck.

Weird, the only thing I expected for sure, were people that can't accept a different opinion again and continue a nice picture of how wrong everyone else must be, for not enjoying the scene as they did.

What a suprise, this happened and continues to happen.


I think it's dumb that it was revealed that Hodor has been saying 'Hodor' forever because at the end of his life a girl shouted 'hold the door' over and over while his body was being controlled by a young boy who's consciousness was in the past where a young Hodor was because an ancient raven/tree man was helping the boy ascend to his position as mystical tree man during an assault by ice skeletons and zombies that had discovered the location of the boy and tree man because the king of the ice skeletons had touched the boy's hand during a dream.

alright, it's pretty evident that you don't like the show in general when it comes to all of it's creative decisions. Honestly, i don't even know what to tell you.


I've got mixed feelings on the Hodor thing. I mean, I'm not opposed to closed-loop time travel. But this sort of weird "Bran went back in time, warged into Hodor in the past, to control him in the present, and the order he was given in the present broke his brain in the past" thing was way too convoluted. I'd've preferred if Bran warged into Hodor in the past to do something in the past (eg protect young Ned). But blurring the two time periods like that... just didn't make any sense to me.

Maybe it'll make more sense after Bran does it a few more times and we get a better impression of wtf is going on.


Comment from other thread sums up how I feel about it:
You're supposed to. He's by far the most innocent character on the show. He witnessed his own death in the past, was irreparably damaged by it, and marched right into it regardless. He's undoubtedly one of the most noble characters in the whole series.
Okay I guess I am confused about something.

Bran fucks up. Treebeard knows the Nights King is coming, and I'm assuming he knows how fast he can get there.

"You must become me, here's this menory from Winterfell with no dialogue about how this helps you in the future."

Did I miss something? It seems like they were only there so the Hodor thing could happen.


I feel weird about "Hold the Door" because on paper it's the kind of emotional, character-based, time-travel-stable-loop crazy bullshit I ordinarily eat up, and here it just kind of fell flat for some reason for me. Like there was something about the editing that was robbing the scene of its impact. Maybe it's just that I got the "hold the door" = "hodor" instantly and they took their time having the young Hodor transition between the two?


Yo I actually forgot about the Iron Island's ritual and thought they killed Euron.

That was a strong as fuck scene to me hahaha

The episode was really good but I feel like the White Walkers aren't as powerful as we initially thought?

Didn't think Meera and Bran had a chance of getting away at all tbh. Especially from what we saw in the opening episode of the first season.

I have some suspicions that 3ER is Bran now too.
I guess I'm in the minority on this one. Hold the door is some dumb shit.

That sequence wasn't convincing to me at all. Really ham-handed and schmaltzy. But it makes sense that they hired Jack Bender to direct an episode about a causality loop HEYO

How do we know that the Children in Bran's cave are the last ones remaining? I missed it if the show spelled that out.


This the first instance of 'time travel' in the show right? As in Bran effecting the past or anything similar?

That actually really surprised me, I'm super curious to see where this goes, this felt like the first episode where I didn't know where things are going. Fantastic!


It's nice to be able to look forward to this show again, especially since it's so off the rails in relation to the book that there's no need to worry about seeing too much.

This the first instance of 'time travel' in the show right? As in Bran effecting the past or anything similar?

That actually really surprised me, I'm super curious to see where this goes, this felt like the first episode where I didn't know where things are going. Fantastic!

Ned heard his voice outside the tower, but this is the first instance of any consequence.


Okay I guess I am confused about something.

Bran fucks up. Treebeard knows the Nights King is coming, and I'm assuming he knows how fast he can get there.

"You must become me, here's this menory from Winterfell with no dialogue about how this helps you in the future."

Did I miss something? It seems like they were only there so the Hodor thing could happen.

I'm assuming we missed the important bits, but it does have something to do with ned being sent off to squire for Jon Aryn.
People seem really defensive about the quality of this Hodor stuff.

I think it's dumb that it was revealed that Hodor has been saying 'Hodor' forever because at the end of his life a girl shouted 'hold the door' over and over while his body was being controlled by a young boy who's consciousness was in the past where a young Hodor was because an ancient raven/tree man was helping the boy ascend to his position as mystical tree man during an assault by ice skeletons and zombies that had discovered the location of the boy and tree man because the king of the ice skeletons had touched the boy's hand during a dream.

This is a pretty good summation for why I thought it was pretty dumb lol. Also the fact that it gave them what like 10 seconds of time? The wights are fast as shit and whatsherface is carrying Bran on a huge cart. At least he did more than Summer. Fortunately they'll probably have a deus ex machina to save them next episode.


My personal takeaway from this episode is that Ellie Kendrick (Meera) is a talented actress who has done really good in a relatively small role on the show.
People are so possed off at Bran, as if he made the choice for...any of this to happen.

I honestly wasn't expecting a split like this coming to this thread after watching the episode, but maybe I should've.

I haven't been coming to this thread for long, but my impression is that people don't actually like this show very much. They like their theories and when those theories don't come true...well...lots of kicking and screaming.


It's more fucked up than touching to me.

It's both. The scene wouldn't have been nearly as impactful if the actor playing Hodor wasn't selling every emotion as he held that door. I never realized before tonight how gifted that actor was. So, yeah, it's fucked up and heartbreaking what happened to him. Would have only been fucked up if the actor wasn't so good.
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