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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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all the theories are dumb
at this moment I see no satisfying conclusion to that aria storyline

Yeah. She's probably just going to shrug off the stab wounds, kill the waif in some silly way, and hop on a ship to Westeros. Music swells as she takes one last look at the titan of Braavos. The end.


Arya will finally discover her warg abilities. Take over the waif. And then get back her face from the the corpse of her old body.


Oh my god. If Bolton managed to wreck Stannis with 20 good men, imagine what 62 good men can do! Also, I loved how the other houses didn't give a fuck for Snow and Sansa.

I doubt they're killing Arya, but she needs a deus ex machina to save herself now.

The Hound is back too, a nice surprise.
wow Arya definitely looks like someone that's been training with the faceless men. so observant and skilled.

I don't get these complaints. It's been what, a few weeks or a few months? You don't learn anything significant that quickly. Most of that time was spent sweeping the floor and washing bodies anyway.

Real Hero

I don't get these complaints. It's been what, a few weeks or a few months? You don't learn anything significant that quickly. Most of that time was spent sweeping the floor and washing bodies anyway.

If nothing significant was learned then they shouldn't have bothered showing any of it.


For as much as I love Cogman, he still has a few clunkers from time to time.

Yara had a horribly anachronistic line that amounted to "dat ass", and then there were the multiple dick jokes.
Why did they make Yara gay/bi? Doesn't she have a male lover in the books?

It seems to send the message that a woman can't be tough and "one of the boys" unless she's also a Lesbian.
Why did they make Yara gay/bi? Doesn't she have a male lover in the books?

It seems to send the message that a woman can't be tough and "one of the boys" unless she's also a Lesbian.

Can't remember if she has a male lover or not in the books. I'm waiting to re-read books 4 and 5 until book 6's release date is announced haha.

But it seems to be a common tv trope: Badass chick is also a lesbian. Who cares what orientation someone is, ultimately, but it seems like a popular thing lately. Another popular thing is killing off lesbian characters also, so I don't expect Asha to survive much longer now.

Speaking of long. We're getting a doozy of a finale.

Season 6, Ep 10: [title unknown] - 69 min
Season 4, Ep 10: The Children - 65 min
Season 2, Ep 10: Valar Morghulis - 64 min
Season 3, Ep 10: Mhysa - 62 min
Season 5, Ep 10: Mother's Mercy - 61 min
Season 1, Ep 1: Winter is Coming - 61 min


Next ep preview:

Brienne spotted with Jaime at Riverrun by The Brotherhood without Banners, Pod nabbed, LSH is finally coming!
Why did they make Yara gay/bi? Doesn't she have a male lover in the books?

It seems to send the message that a woman can't be tough and "one of the boys" unless she's also a Lesbian.

She is barely in the books.

I think it makes a bit of sense thematically, because she is actually trying to be "one of the boys" in the iron isles world.

As for Arya, hard to see which twist they are going for. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have anything to do with cats, so it will ultimately fall flat unless they go full kingdom hearts and everybody in Bravos turns out to be her.


Man, watching the last couple of episodes it's hard to imagine this is the same show I almost reluctantly kept watching at the start of this season. Really has picked up in quality.

Actually surprised they're doing all the Riverrun/Jaime stuff, and man is it impressive.

Next ep preview:

Brienne spotted with Jaime at Riverrun by The Brotherhood without Banners, Pod nabbed, LSH is finally coming!

That last part based on anything in the preview?


I don't get these complaints. It's been what, a few weeks or a few months? You don't learn anything significant that quickly. Most of that time was spent sweeping the floor and washing bodies anyway.

What are you talking about? She's the greatest stick fighter in all of Braavos!

Good episode. I see some complaints that "nothing happened" and while the plot points weren't really pushed forward a whole lot, we got a lot of great performances and nothing dragged.

+THE HOUND. Septon Meribald really stole the scenes though. Sandor got his JRPG origin story as well, time to go axe some fools.
+The Queen of Thornes is amazing as always. I don't know why Cersei tries to get the last word on her, it never goes that way. "Pious" Margaery really highlights the interesting side of the character, she is just as devious and cunning as her grandmother, perhaps more so now. High Sparrow only had a bit of screen time but that's all he really needs at this point. "Congress does not require a woman's desire, only patience." Remind me to never us this as a pickup line.
+ The Stark Northern Pledge Drive isn't going so well, but Lady Mormont was a kid who gave a performance that didn't annoy the tar out of me so that's always a positive. Of course Davos has to step in, if this whole "overthrow the Boltons" plan doesn't work out, he has a great future in PR. While I'm disappointed in the lack of a northern conspiracy, I think the show is doing a good job at least portraying why some northern houses aren't automatically rallying behind the Starks. It gives some perspective on Robb's war, which while initially seen as heroic, had real consequences. The whole northern conspiracy idea works in the book due to the scenario in which they find themselves in. They are holed up in Winterfell, which is a powder keg of tension while an army is marching on them. The Boltons are in a much weaker position at this point, while the opposite is true in the show.
+I guess the Ironborn invented the first ship engine because they're already in Volantis. Alfie Allen is really underrated, but Theon's story arc is a bit harder to do in the show since we don't have real insight into his thoughts. Nevertheless, I'm always impressed by Theon's scenes.
+The Riverrun segments were fantastic. This is what Jaime should have done last season instead of dicking around in Dorne. I wish the parlay was a bit longer since Blackfish had a lot of good zingers in the book, but it was still great. I loved how the Blackfish just walked behind Jaime completely unafraid. Also a Frey got slapped.

-Hotah in full armor goes down to one stab in the kidney, yet Arya survives several straight to the gut? Talk about some high-tier plot armor. I really have no idea what could be a satisfying conclusion to this storypoint. Yeah she will probably kill the waif, big whoop. Is she just going to bail on the Faceless Men? I feel like two seasons of training gave her too little development.

Stuff that was totally hinted at:
+CLEGANEBOWL. I don't think it can happen so quickly since he's gotta get revenge, but they were really pushing it I felt.
+"You've got no friends or support, and you're supposed to defeat the Faith? Pffft" Do we finally get Mad Queen Cersei who burns down the city with wildfire? It kinda contradicts the Cleganebowl though, unless the Hound and the Mountain square off in a non-bowl setting. More like a Cleganescrimmage.

Preview stuff:
Jaime vs. Brienne? Are they really going to fight? It looks like the siege of Riverrun might go by quicker than I thought. SAVE US LSH. Also it looks like the Mountain starts fucking up some of the faith militant, finally. Everyone just wants to see him bash heads. He is the Brock Lesnar of Westeros.
Next ep preview:

Brienne spotted with Jaime at Riverrun by The Brotherhood without Banners, Pod nabbed, LSH is finally coming!

As much as I want LSH to show up, I can still see them not bringing her in this season. The return to riverlands and having all of the major players present and all the references to the Red Wedding make for a perfect opportunity, but I'm not letting my personal hype set me up for disappointment haha. I'm also curious how they would even explain LSH... Would there be an opening sequence to show what happened post-red wedding, or would it all be explained via exposition?

Also do we even need to tag anything with spoilers in here?


It feels like they're trying to get Jaime/Cersei to where they are in the books but it wouldn't really make any sense with their current characterization. I don't see show Jaime burning Cersei's letter so I'm not sure where they're going with this arc.


Why did they make Yara gay/bi? Doesn't she have a male lover in the books?

It seems to send the message that a woman can't be tough and "one of the boys" unless she's also a Lesbian.

Yes, Qarl the Maid is her lover and yeah the lesbian thing threw me off, usually I love this sort of thing but this just had me going wtf because it was so out of left field.


It feels like they're trying to get Jaime/Cersei to where they are in the books but it wouldn't really make any sense with their current characterization. I don't see show Jaime burning Cersei's letter so I'm not sure where they're going with this arc.

Preview spoiler:
Not only will he not burn a letter, but in the preview he says "I love Cersei and if I have to slaughter every Tully who ever lived to get back to her, then that's what I'll do."

Jaime in the show and Jaime in the books are at opposite ends. I don't think they're trying to get them to where they are in the books at all, not even close. All they're doing is using Jaime to tie up the loose end of Riverrun before everything goes to shit for the climax of the series.


Seeing Gemma Whelan getting frisky with a women now means I have a crush on her.

Just wanted to share that.

Not a bad episode but I really don't like the North snubbing Sansa / Jon, I am banking on the fact we still have the "fat man" / speech casting.

Edit: my guess is Yara is bi, but your right in so far as it being a cheap way to make her "one of the guys", brothels have make attendants, as we have seen.


She wanted to be an assassin so she could get revenge. She finally realized last ep that that's not what/who she is or what/who she wants to be.

I'm pretty sure she still wants revenge. She just doesn't want to be a murderer for hire, which is what the Faceless men are.


Preview spoiler:
Not only will he not burn a letter, but in the preview he says "I love Cersei and if I have to slaughter every Tully who ever lived to get back to her, then that's what I'll do."

Jaime in the show and Jaime in the books are at opposite ends. I don't think they're trying to get them to where they are in the books at all, not even close. All they're doing is using Jaime to tie up the loose end of Riverrun before everything goes to shit for the climax of the series.

Man show Jaime is such a fuck-up. The worst thing he was actually heading towards his book character before they decided to press the reset button for no reason.


Yes, Qarl the Maid is her lover and yeah the lesbian thing threw me off, usually I love this sort of thing but this just had me going wtf because it was so out of left field.

That's a common problem with "strong female warrior" archetypes, they are often written as gay seemingly for the reason that "well if they act like boys, they must also like girls!" It's basically pandering to the straight male audience more than it is giving spotlight to the gay audience.

There was actually a thread in Gaming about this very subject and how while many games have female protagonists, they are rarely given a male love interest in fear of alienating the presumably straight male player.


Man show Jaime is such a fuck-up. The worst thing he was actually heading towards his book character before they decided to press the reset button for no reason.

The baffling thing is that Jaime's development doesn't even make logical sense in the show. It's not like they made some choices which inevitably lead to this.

Jaime not knowing about Cersei's infidelity makes no sense at all. So it seems like D&D are jumping through all these hoops in order to get a story that has less character development and pathos than the books. I don't understand it.


Show Jaime seems as unhinged as Cersei is supposed to be. Hell, how many times has she had to talk him down this season because he lacks common sense and restraint? If anyone should hate the other, it should be Cersei hating Jaime for failing to protect 2 of their children now and just generally being a dumbass.

Show Jaime cares not for the KG (of which he now isn't even apart of ) nor does he care for about the honor of being a true knight like the legends he respected. He's been reset back to S1 where his only drive is Cersei and the only thing that will get him out of this mode will be him coming back to whatever nonsense Cersei does in KL while he's gone. If you're expecting something interesting with Jaime's character arc to come out of Riverrun, you will probably be disappointed. Riverrun is just in the story to temporarily distract Jaime from the plot going on in KL.
Episode should be titled "The North Forgets" LOL.

We've gone from "Sansa Stark is the key to the north" to "Sansa Bolton? You aren't even a Stark" within a few episodes. All to justify an inevitable last minute save by Littlefinger. I'm baffled at how many times the show has thrown its own rules or logo. out the window in order to justify a weak plot. The kinslaying, Euron's ships or lack thereof, the trivializing of the Stark name in the north...it's truly stunning.

This is a show that is basically living off cliches and shock moments now.
We've gone from "Sansa Stark is the key to the north" to "Sansa Bolton? You aren't even a Stark" within a few episodes. All to justify an inevitable last minute save by Littlefinger.

Or they are just showing a brother and sister doing their best to try to regain the glory of a once proud family name. Almost as if they are drawing a direct comparison to another family earlier in the series.

Which will be the same family.

Not that the show isn't just completely spinning its wheels, but some credit is due.


Are we expected to believe that Arya, who has never beaten the waif in a fight, who failed in all her training, and who is now trying to bail out and return to Westeros, who is now mortally wounded and bleeding to death, is going to somehow lure the waif into a closed environment, and somehow defeat her with Needle?

I don't know where this plotline is going, but that would be really ridiculous!

We'll get another cold open this week, we'll see Nymeria swimming her way to Braavos and then Arya will warg into her to kill the waif.


Sansa Stark was the key to the North with a strong house supporting her, and even then several houses didn't ally with the Boltons.

Sansa and 2,000 wildlings? A far less attractive alliance.

It's not that complicated.
Who's had the most time on screen this season? It seems like no one has been in more than 4 or 5 of the seven episodes. And there is a not an obvious main character. Would Tyrion even make the top 5? I honestly think it might be the motherfucking High Sparrow.


Why did they make Yara gay/bi? Doesn't she have a male lover in the books?
because someone decided to split Victarion between Euron and Yara

edit: that kinda sounds negative which isn't my intend, just making an observation, at least to me it seems like both are getting parts of what Victarion is doing in the books, so to do the "seduce dany" thing with Yara they obviously have to make her gay/bi, although I don't really see what she can offer her apart from well herself, they need some 1000 ships and she has maybe a few dozen, maybe Euron shows up with the 1000 latter and she kills him or something


It's interesting how no one cares that Jon is a deserter from the Night's Watch. Or if they believe he died and returned from the dead, then it's even weirder that they don't care and aren't interested in talking about that.


Another solid episode IMO. The average stamp of the episodes has been great, as soon as they got the Dorne stuff out of the way.

Seems a waste of McShane, but he sold the role really well IMO, and you bought into him very quickly. Angry vengeful Hound will be fun to watch, great to see him again.

Arya's stabbing was brutal to watch, even knowing she'll be ok. I thought her bartering with the ship's captain was a sign of her wising up a bit, but I didn't feel the Waif blindsiding her was too rediculous. I'm am curious how she'll heal from her injuries though.

Some great scenes this week; Cersei and Ollena, Jaime and Blackfish, Bronn, Margaery etc.

The week few weeks will be nuts, particularly 9/10. I do wonder though, that if all our pre-season predictions, were premature. I was expecting a possible CLEGANEBOWL, Red Wedding 2.0 revenge, Dany in Westeros, White Walkers at the wall.

I think most of those will happen, but not this season. Despite moving quickly with some plot points, there's a hell of a lot of manuevering to touch on all this predictions.
Sansa Stark was the key to the North with a strong house supporting her, and even then several houses didn't ally with the Boltons.

Sansa and 2,000 wildlings? A far less attractive alliance.

It's not that complicated.

Seriously. Having a bunch of smaller houses fall behind Sansa and John just because they're 1.5 Starks after the Starks got their soldiers slaughtered, lost Winterfell, and let the Greyjoys take over the Western coastline is hardly inconsistent. The North remembers how badly Ned and Rob fucked them over and are responding as such.
Seriously. Having a bunch of smaller houses fall behind Sansa and John just because they're 1.5 Starks after the Starks got their soldiers slaughtered, lost Winterfell, and let the Greyjoys take over the Western coastline is hardly inconsistent. The North remembers how badly Ned and Rob fucked them over and are responding as such.

That and they don't want to get flayed.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Why did they make Yara gay/bi? Doesn't she have a male lover in the books?

It seems to send the message that a woman can't be tough and "one of the boys" unless she's also a Lesbian.

Don't you remember 'her cunt became the world'?

I think it makes a lot of sense that she would fuck women, she's so eager to prove that she is one of the men. That part seemed completely natural, even if the dialogue wasn't quite right.


We've gone from "Sansa Stark is the key to the north" to "Sansa Bolton? You aren't even a Stark" within a few episodes. All to justify an inevitable last minute save by Littlefinger. I'm baffled at how many times the show has thrown its own rules or logo. out the window in order to justify a weak plot. The kinslaying, Euron's ships or lack thereof, the trivializing of the Stark name in the north...it's truly stunning.

This is a show that is basically living off cliches and shock moments now.

I don't understand why anyone only watching the show would give a crap what happens to the North at this point. Almost every house is a bunch of cowardly hypocrites who happily sign on with Ramsay and betray the Starks at the first sign of trouble. It's such a far cry from the Northern Conspiracy in the books.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
what's the distance sansa and jon covered in this episode? the north is as big as rest of westeros combined, and they seemed to have traversed about half of it.

anyway, other than sandor somehow missing the action at the end being fucking lame and forced, pretty good episode. it was obvious arya was not going to die, so it was good they didn't end the scene with her going under the water. the faceless men really make no sense though.


what's the distance sansa and jon covered in this episode? the north is as big as rest of westeros combined, and they seemed to have traversed about half of it.

anyway, other than sandor somehow missing the action at the end being fucking lame and forced, pretty good episode. it was obvious arya was not going to die, so it was good they didn't end the scene with her going under the water. the faceless men really make no sense though.
Maybe Sansa pickpocketed Littlefinger's teleporter.


Very good episode. Liked the pacing a lot. Felt like a season 1 episode more than anything. Set up the last three quite well too.

Arya though.....:( I hope she gets out of all this!

also, what's up with brotherhood without banners? Cunts. Don't think we'll ever get LSH now.
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