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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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so who rules dorne now? does quentyn even exist in the hbo universe?




I think they would have noticed two armed stowaways on a what, 50 foot boat? For weeks? With Bronn and Jaime on board?

If they took their own boat and just snuck on right that second, there's the logistical problem of hey they just snuck onto a boat in the middle of KL that had the head of Kingsguard on it.

And why would Trystane be living on a boat? One, he's a noble, and normal circumstance would have him staying in a pampered room in the royal court. Since these weren't normal circumstances, nothing in this world would have protected Trystane from Cersei's wrath, which is why it was a common complaint last season that it was idiotic to allow Trystane to leave if they were planning on assassinating his fiancé. Cersei would have dragged him off the boat and strung him up by his balls, international incident be damned.

Ironically it would have been a clever twist if Cersei's wrath was part of the plan all along; but nothing D&D have written for Dorne has shown that level of foresight.

What is the secret point? That she possibly did the book Mance switcheroo on Jon?
He's either staying on the boat and heading somewhere presumably safer to dock or just heading back to Dorne after dropping off Jaime and Myrcella's body. Considering we were shown all the guards except one are down with the Sand Snakes' coup, I don't think they would have any problem at all boarding the boat, whatever point it was in the boat's journey that the event occurred.

As for Melisandre, I don't think there is a "secret point" other than some character development. She is literally reflecting on her frailty and impotence in the situation. Her prophecies keep failing her and she is shown to the audience as old and tired. It's unclear to me whether or not the other characters in the show would see her the way she sees herself in the mirror and the audience saw her. That's what I meant by having to wait until next week to know what exactly what they are saying with that scene.


Whose idea was it to kill off the whole Dorne monarchy and establish Bad Pussy Kingdom?

This episode was so bad.
Episode thoughts:

-Brienne is the luckiest person on the planet. She just happens to find Stannis then just happens to run across Sansa maybe like hours later.
-Melisandre twist was whatever. I feel like it's something that would be crazy in the books but I have a hard time caring in the show.
-Nuke Dorne from orbit. Seriously I hope the white walkers just skip the rest of Westeros and just head straight there.
-I will forever be butthurt about show Jaime vs. book Jaime.
-I hope it doesn't take an entire season for the Ironborn ships to reach Meeerrrerereeen. But it probably will.
-The Dothraki are awful. Literally comic relief-tier now.
-Arya stuff was pretty cool. I think her arc has been done the best minus to over-the-top revenge murder on evil pedo-man Meryn Trant.
-There is no fucking way they are going to be able to wrap all this shit up in 22 more episodes. I think it's inevitable that we're going to see some character arcs end in unsatisfying ways.

Honestly at this point I just want to see Jon come back and wreck some fools. Don't keep it from me too long D&D.
Remember when 70 year old Jeor Mormont gets stabbed in the back with a sword and still lived long enough to to kill the guy who stabbed him, now Hotah drops dead instantly from a small dagger.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Remember when 70 year old Jeor Mormont gets stabbed in the back with a sword and still lived long enough to to kill the guy who stabbed him, now Hotah drops dead instantly from a small dagger.

He didn't, though.

Episode thoughts:

-Brienne is the luckiest person on the planet. She just happens to find Stannis then just happens to run across Sansa maybe like hours later.

Brienne has been outside Winterfell for like 80 episodes, doing nothing. Stannis marched to right outside Winterfell. Sansa is running on foot from Winterfell. All Sentences include the word Winterfell.

It's possible!
He didn't, though.

Brienne has been outside Winterfell for like 80 episodes, doing nothing. Stannis marched to right outside Winterfell. Sansa is running on foot from Winterfell. All Sentences include the word Winterfell.

It's possible!

well, in retrospect I guess she probably heard the dogs. But I don't think it makes it any less stupid.


House Martell is dead. Arianne and Quentyn don't exist. So... maybe the oldest sand snake? haha

It's kind of interesting how Baratheon and Martell are dead houses now. And I expect Aryn will sputter out soon, too. If they keep up this pace, the Westerosi won't have any choice but to invent representative government. (Did the show ever mention the elected triarchy of Volantis?)
Why would Trystane and his betrothed travel to KL in separate ships? And If they were on separate ships wouldn't his ship sail back as soon as they hear Myrcella is dead?


So, how the fuck did those two sand snakes appear on the boat? Just what... Wasn't he there with Jaime and Myrcella? Why was he standing in between two people who wanted to kill him? Turning his back to one of them?

The writers really do not give a shit anymore, the people will eat it up regardless.


So, how the fuck did those two sand snakes appear on the boat? Just what... Wasn't he there with Jaime and Myrcella? Why was he standing in between two people who wanted to kill him? Turning his back to one of them?

The writers really do not give a shit anymore, the people will eat it up regardless.

They have Littlefinger's teleportation powers.


Why was he standing in between two people who wanted to kill him? Turning his back to one of them?

The writers really do not give a shit anymore, the people will eat it up regardless.

How is that a writing problem? Trystane is was just an idiot.


Whose idea was it to kill off the whole Dorne monarchy and establish Bad Pussy Kingdom?

This episode was so bad.

I'm assuming D&D, I mean unless it's gonna happen in the books. But at least if it does in the books it'll be with like, plot and character reasons and not done out of changing their mind about a plot line and wanting to hamfistedly rearrange plot pieces.

This episode has made me certain that without the book, we've seen the last of genuinely surprising deaths with deep story ramifications. There's way too many characters and plot lines to juggle consistently on a normal TV schedule.

Why would Trystane and his betrothed travel to KL in separate ships? And If they were on separate ships wouldn't his ship sail back as soon as they hear Myrcella is dead?

I'm like 99% certain that any Dorne plot threads from last season are just going to disappear like those dogs in Sansa/Brienne's scene from this episode.

The writers either have an idea for the show that didn't involve Dorne as it was, probably wanting to simplify it, or they have a plot point from later in the books and wanted to rush too it without dealing with plot and subtlety.
Man, I loved the writing in this episode except for the "you can be a bitch sometimes you know that" line.

Sansa, Meereen, King's Landing and especially the Wall were top class today.


Glad that GAF despised most of this episode too. Seriously considering quitting the show before it ruins any hype and interest I have in the book series.

GAF's already echoed my hates with it but I gotta vent.

- Mostly Bad Pussy Kingdom (lol!) Doran Martell AND Areo Hotah going down like bitches. Sand Snakes making it to KL on the exact same ship without Jamie or anyone on that same ship knowing they're even there. Even if Jamie does know theyre on the ship, does he think Myrcella died of the fucking flu? He has to know they poisoned her, right? Why would he not talk about how she died?

-Good to know a secret assassin society, like the Faceless Men, train their members out in the open on the streets so everyone can see who they are and what they're doing.

- Brienne and Pod predictably finding Sansa.

I guess the only things I liked were the brief Tyrion/Varys scene (Did the Yunkish burn the ships?) And I guess I don't hate the Jon Snow stuff...yet.

About the only interesting thing here for book readers was learning Melisandre is centuries old, according to D&D via George Martin, right?


The writing is pretty bad
The Dothraki stuff felt like amateur hour cheese factor cranked up to max

Yeah, when I was watching I was digging it. Like thinking it was actively written that way to make these guys seem like chumps compare to Drogho. But the more I think about this episode, I think... I don't know what to think.

What would be the point of building these guys up to be chumps when they seem to be the antagonists for a plotline for some significant length of the season.

Only thing I can think is that it sets it up for Dany to eventually lead this new Khalasar and replenish her army. But it feels too telegraphed and easy if that's the case.
Man, I loved the writing in this episode except for the "you can be a bitch sometimes you know that" line.

Sansa, Meereen, King's Landing and especially the Wall were top class today.
Mereen was a total exposition dump and they weren't very subtle about it. Wall continues to be great though, although I am disappointed the cold opening was just Jon still being dead instead of the Tower of Joy. Or Balon getting whacked as someone on here suggested.
Hahaha book readers. Are you okay?
It's been fun catching up in this thread. There were a lot of people eager to like the show before it aired.
You guys wouldn't be satisfied with anything tbh. Episode was pretty good albeit a bit short. Dorne acting was weak, but everything else made up for it.

Probably best just to ignore this thread completely.
It probably is. As a book reader, I was really disappointed in some of the choices made tonight, I don't think I'm alone, and I doubt people are going to be quiet about it.

Not everything was terrible. Scenes at the Wall were good. Mel reveal was shocking, but episode was so short I couldn't believe that was the closer. Arya's scene was fine. I would have preferred Stansa to come into her own a little better (I hated the nod from Theon).
I think just that Mel was using magic to make herself appear really pretty, but it was all a glamour. That's never been confirmed in the books, right?
Is it really only a glamour? I guess it would have to be if they had included Mance/Abel, but I choose to interpret it as Mel is made to be young by the necklace, otherwise she's just a frail old crone limping around.

And I'm fine with a retcon for the bathing scene, even if it wasn't intended.
Also that recap reminded me how far of a tangent the show is at right now even before they ran out of books. It also reminded me how much I wish the next book was out.
Why? Then you would just see how wildly divergent the show has become, and not in the best of ways.
Yeah no clue why they adapted the Dorne stuff and not the Iron Island stuff.

The death of Balon. The Kingsmoot. Euron. Victarian. Invading the Shields. Victarion's voyage to Meereen. There's literally episodes full of stuff they could have adapted.

Instead all the Dorne stuff is making me scratch my head since it looks like whole swathes of it have no payoff.
All that is happening this season, supposedly.
"Oberyn was ever the viper. Deadly, dangerous, unpredictable. No man dared tread on him. I was the grass. Pleasant, complaisant, sweet-smelling, swaying with every breeze. Who fears to walk upon the grass? But it is the grass that hides the viper from his enemies and shelters him until he strikes. Your father and I worked more closely than you know…”
;_; ;_;
I feel bad that he never got to say these lines. And he could have! Kill him after a great speech and it's even more shocking.
I loved how the episode played with the audiences' expectation of nudity
I could have gone without seeing Old Mel's bald mons pubis.
Dialogue was all sorts of garbage.

"Well it's a good thing you're not a boy any more. Because you have no cock."

Wow. Just wow.
They are bosom buddies on the show! What kind of friend says shit like that? And all the fucking/pussy talk from the Dothraki was offensive, too.
When Reek stabbed the Bolton solider from behind, wasn't he wearing a giant ass shield on his back?
Yes. Ridiculous.
That was real fuckin' bad. Woo. Thanks Georgie.
How can you blame Georgie for any of that?


-Good to know a secret assassin society, like the Faceless Men, train their members out in the open on the streets so everyone can see who they are and what they're doing.

Why would anyone watching think either girl was a Faceless Man? Why would the Faceless Men care if people saw them, they can (and do) just change their identities trivially.
Except for the Dorne stuff that was a solid episode. The final Melisandre scene was really well done. I like how her decrepit look sort of matched up with her current mental/emotional state due to Stannis and her loss in faith.


Melisendre is gonna be sad and sorry but Davos is gonna get her to try one more time and omg she brings back Jon Snow to life.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they went this direction.
I'd guess he either gets resurrected in the second episode, like near the end or early in the third. I imagine
Oathbreaker would apply to him also and he'd get his revival, released from his NW oath on the whole "death" technicality and tell them to fuck off as he ends up leading the Wildlings or some shit for his big ass army.

The One and Done™;201804547 said:
Not like there weren't a circle if hoof marks, identifying the area or anything

It was still a vast wide open area and Jorah just so happens to get off his horse, walk a little bit and just so happen to stop right where that ring would be at his feet. It's a silly cliche but not as if it anywhere close to the dumbest thing in the episode or anything.


Melisendre is gonna be sad and sorry but Davos is gonna get her to try one more time and omg she brings back Jon Snow to life.

At this point I wouldn't be surprised if they went this direction.

They made a point of establishing that Ghost was in the room with them. I think she'll revive Jon in Ghost's body.
Why is the Mel thing the least bit interesting? Sure it makes the scenes with Stannis retrospectively hilarious, but apart from that she is just a mysterious person just like before.

Had they shown her with blue/walker eyes it would have been something.


Man, it would have been way more interesting to have Trystane live and make it to Kings Landing. A single heir to dorne still alive and in the Lannister's care. The lannisters on the other hand would want to kill him out of revenge. That shit would be Game of Thrones, not ghost ninjas in the middle of the sea (assuming that's even where the random second ship was?) cleaning up a stray plot point.

EDIT: Whoops, ship was already at kings landing. Well, sitting outside of it for some reason.


Its good they are getting the dorthraki and dorne shit out of the way sooner rather than later. Just rush through it its all terrible
Man, it would have been way more interesting to have Trystane live and make it to Kings Landing. A single heir to dorne still alive and in the Lannister's care. The lannisters on the other hand would want to kill him out of revenge. That shit would be Game of Thrones, not ghost ninjas in the middle of the sea (assuming that's even where the random second ship was?).

They showed where the ship was


Not exactly hard to get to. You wouldn't need to have the power of Littlefinger or a teleporting dog to get on board.


Man, it would have been way more interesting to have Trystane live and make it to Kings Landing. A single heir to dorne still alive and in the Lannister's care. The lannisters on the other hand would want to kill him out of revenge. That shit would be Game of Thrones, not ghost ninjas in the middle of the sea (assuming that's even where the random second ship was?) cleaning up a stray plot point.

He was in King's Landing. He just stayed aboard the ship for some reason. He was on the same ship with Jaime as far as I know.


Why would anyone watching think either girl was a Faceless Man? Why would the Faceless Men care if people saw them, they can (and do) just change their identities trivially.

These guys are supposed to be the best, most careful assassins on the planet. Why would a secret society like that ever even risk it? Arya has been doing stuff for them with her own face in the past before she gained the ability of Faces. So now when she or the Waif do get other missions from the Faceless, those two faces couldn't be used because you never know who saw the two of them fighting on the street.
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