Hey guys I read the books a while back and I'm starting to forget the details and differences from the show. Are there good video summaries on YouTube perchance?
The main differences:
Tyrion is a villain in the books.
All the Starks are wargs.
Tommen is 7. Cersei is Queen Regent.
Varys' master plan is to seat "Aegon" on the Iron Throne with the help of Illyrio, the Golden Company, Dorne and Jon Connington, a former Hand of the King.
Euron Greyjoy is a greenseer and former apprentice of the three eyes crow as well as aiming to take Daenerys' dragons with dragon binder, kill all the gods, conquer the world and turn into a god.
Jaquen is in Oldtown infiltrating the Citadel.
Sansa is marrying Harrold Hardyng who is the heir to the Vale. LF and her plan to take back Winterfell with the Vale forces after she marries and Robert Arryn dies.
Daenerys can already control her dragon pre-Dothraki taking her captive so it's unlikely that she'll deal with the Dothraki from a position of weakness like in the show.
Robb's Will named Jon Snow his heir in the books and legitimized him.
The north loves the Starks in the books
Ramsay is a minor character in the books. Roose is the real threat.
Stannis doesn't have Shireen with him on the march to Winterfell. He's most likely going to be the one to beat the Boltona early in TWOW.
There's a resurrected Cat running around in the Riverlands cooking up plans with the Brotherhood without Banners and killing Frehs.
Jaime and Brienne are in the custody of Lady Stoneheart.
Robb Stark's wife is alive and on the way to Casterly Rock with Edmure.
Jaime hates Cersei for different reasons than the show.
Jaime and Tyrion hate each other in the books.
Tyrion murdered Shae out of a sense of humiliation.
Team Martell is still kicking and GRRM has confirmed that to be completely different from the show.
The Tyrells are a huge family that has at least 30 different members. Loras has two older brothers named Willas and Garlan that GRRM called important.
Ramsay never married Sansa. He marries her best friend named Jeyne Poole who Roose and Tywin roll the north into believing is Arya Stark
Mance is alive. His death was faked.
Barristan is alive and ruling Meereen.
Victarion Greyjoy exists with a smoking lava arm.
The show is going in a different route to the books