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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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If John Snow is Azor Ahai, I think Daenerys will be taking a sword through the chest. OR... Daenerys could be stabbing Jon through the chest to create Lightbringer.

Don't know what the hell is going to happen anymore.



Reminds me of:


If John Snow is Azor Ahai, I think Daenerys will be taking a sword through the chest. OR... Daenerys could be stabbing Jon through the chest to create Lightbringer.

Don't know what the hell is going to happen anymore.
Yeah, I was gonna say something earlier about things not looking good in terms of Dany avoiding a sword through the heart, but I dunno. I'm just as convinced that The Lord of light is an evil son of a bitch whose prophecies won't be adheres to in the end, and considering Dany is "fire", she doesn't seem like the ideal spot to cool your sword off. Plus I just don't want to see it.



I think Dany at this point is like Hillary Clinton: someone who years ago many were thinking was going to be awesome, but over the years it's gotten to the point of yeah whatever I guess, you're gonna win so lets get on with it.

Side note: please Tyrion don't join the Dany friendzoned express.

Side note 2: totally see Second Sons and Jorah showing up Knights of the Vale style in some future battle.

Side note 3: did we really need to end another episode with dragons screaming to a cut to credits???

Chris R

It was an ok episode but it could have been done in a normal episode's length.

Now we wait, I'm still expecting the next book to be done before the next season starts so at least I've got that going for me.


The writing is bad because you can see how they have to resort to compressing time between scenes to start tying disparate plot threads together. Convenient flashbacks. People arriving in the nick of time to save the day. It has very little to do with "being able to see it coming" or not.

Yeah yeah, the plotlines don't happen synchronously, but when you can no longer trust the passage of time in between cuts, the story starts to lose cohesion.

I bet next season Euron's going to come back with a fleet he conjured up out of nowhere. How much time do you think that would've taken? How much of that time overlapped the events of the finale? Etc, etc. It's clear the showrunners don't know, and they're hinging on people not paying attention.

Granted, there's no real reason to nitpick this stuff, but for a series that built its reputation on meticulous pragmatism, this is a betrayal of ASOIAF's core ethos. Exciting, sure, but good writing this ain't. Any pretense of narrative complexity is gone. It's no different from any number of medieval fantasy crowd pleasers now.

That's part of what are dragging down the books quite frankly. Seeing however many chapters wasted on Tyrion's travel adventures may be realistic but it doesn't make for a compelling narrative. Having an internal clock of where the characters are is all fine and good but having a strict adherence to reality that actively impedes your story is not so good.

Unless Martin ends up making three books, the pacing in each are gonna have to be sped up a bit and I imagine some elements are going to be played 'looser' similar to the TV series.


Will Dany even need to use her large as army? At least for next season. The only person in her way is Cersei and she'll be taken down like nothing. I can see Jon calling a truce with Dany in order to take down the Walkers.


Guys. There is one big thing being overlooked.

This episode just likely confirmed that Jamie Lanniester is AA this is huge

The only way that becomes not true is if Jon forgot to burn ygrette

Also who is Mance Ryder and why is his son important? There has to me more to this story.


Will Dany even need to use her large as army? At least for next season. The only person in her way is Cersei and she'll be taken down like nothing. I can see Jon calling a truce with Dany in order to take down the Walkers.

Aegon basically had no army, just his dragons and he still decimated most of the southern houses.

To be fair, Drogon is basically still just a child compared to Aegon and his sister's dragons. I still think Dany's army is overkill as fuck.


I think the Arya scene would have worked better if it just her making him THINK he's just ate his dead sons, because yeah that's a pretty extreme route for the character to take.

I'm not sure if it'll really be too reflective of her as a whole as much as the show wanting a cool moment though (not to mention her still having face wearing abilities).


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
did anyone notice the giant magnifying glasses in the library? Would those be the same lens used in the Opening Title of the show?


So how the hell is Sam going to be relevant to the end? Will he find some book in that library that unlocks the mystery to defeating the White Walkers?


They are also very obviously setting up Jon to be backstabbed by Littlefinger... and with no red sorceress around to revive him, I wonder how that will go.

As far as Arya is concerned, I think she has clearly turned into a sadist in the last few years so the scene doesn't surprise me at all from a character development point of view, it's more the logistics behind setting up everything for those murders that seemed too much for one single person.

What will be the official explanation for the explosion that killed everyone? Wrath of the gods? Invaders scapegoated? Someone forgot to turn the gas off?

I'm not too excited for the incoming Cersei vs Dany confrontation somehow... The odds seem to be all in favor of the latter.
When did Arya become so sadist that she would cook people and serve it to others?

They sewed a wolfhead to her brother's corpse, y'all. I'm surprised she didn't broomfuck Walder Frey's corpse.

I've always said there's no way to know for sure that even the major plot points will happen in the books. I think R + L = J and Jon coming back to life are the only things that can be totally guaranteed, same with the Hound coming back only because that's already been foreshadowed. But the ending, even if he gave a general idea to D&D, is probably subject to change depending on how his writing goes over the coming years.
All I'm saying is that he gave them an outline and we got nothing but a couple chapters. I've been wondering for years if he would finish after the show started. It IS really hard to write something if you know how it will go and you just have to figure out crappy stuff in the middle.


I really wanted just one glimpse of Ghost when they called Jon the white wolf. He could've just been chilling on the floor or something, but nope. lol


So how the hell is Sam going to be relevant to the end? Will he find some book in that library that unlocks the mystery to defeating the White Walkers?

We already have one answer to that: The Valyrian steel sword, they went out of their way to make a story so he can steal it from his father.

The other part is probably what everyone is guessing, soms vital information he finds through research because he apparently knows what he is looking for.


I imagine next season is all about Daenerys conquest of Westeros, and the final one will be the battle against the Nights King.


I loved the direction of this episode. Somber and thoughtful, it worked extremely well for the material.

Shit where to start? Jon Snow King in The North? And Baelish made it all happen, with a knowing glance and Sansa forced to acknowledge it.

That maester library - whoa.

Cersei is the most sinister villain in television history. Jesus Christ. And that stare from Jaime. He's going to kill her.

I pretty much expected Cersei to murder all of the Sparrows but I didn't think she would rip them apart with wildfire. And poor Tommen. He was just a child when he became king, was manipulated by Margaery Tyrell, and then died way too young. Man what a tragic character.

Petyr Baelish is either going to die early next season if Sansa can defeat him, or he will sit the Iron Throne. It feels like he's omnipotent.

I knew that serving girl was Arya. I knew it.

Lyanna Mormont is the best ever. I love her so much.

Finally, why the hell didn't they reveal L + R = J? Just fucking do it you cocks!


So how the hell is Sam going to be relevant to the end? Will he find some book in that library that unlocks the mystery to defeating the White Walkers?

oldtown plots from the book have been missing on the show. Don't think Maester Marwyn has even made an appearance. In the books he was last heading towards Dany in Meereen. Yeah, I think the citadel has information on the others


We already have one answer to that: The Valyrian steel sword, they went out of their way to make a story so he can steal it from his father.

The other part is probably what everyone is guessing, soms vital information he finds through research because he apparently knows what he is looking for.

Hmm. Maybe the sword along with the discovery of new knowledge lets him figure out some way to smith new Valyrian steel swords, and thus wield everyone with the capability to actually fight the WW's.
oldtown plots from the book have been missing on the show. Don't think Maester Marwyn has even made an appearance. In the books he was last heading towards Dany in Meereen. Yeah, I think the citadel has information on the others

I can't wait to see what happens there. Also, I laughed so hard when Sam was like "I love you, Gilly, but LIBRARY."


Great Finale. So many crazy things going down.

Im ready for Lady Mormont to rule the iron throne. Make her a dragon rider at least.


Sending Melli away seems like a bad idea, but better than execute her i guess.

He basically had to. The optics on allowing a child murderer to roam around without punishment are very bad, even if she did revive him.

Also, Davos would either murder her himself or someone else would have eventually if word got out.


The next war will be War of the 2 Queens. It will be epic.

Seems like massacre.

The Reach + Dorne + Unsullied + Ironborn + Dragons + Sellswords versus the Lannisters sound like a massacre

The Reach by themselves could take the Lannisters.

The only thing that could make this interesting is if the actual Book Euron and his role showed up for the story

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
The problem is that the size of the Lannister armies are as big as the writers want them to be to create a suitable conflict.


I don't care how relevant it is or not, I loved Sam's scenes this year and look forward to more of his joyous adventures at Hogwarts.


Seems like massacre.

The Reach + Dorne + Unsullied + Ironborn + Dragons + Sellswords versus the Lannisters sound like a massacre

The Reach by themselves could take the Lannisters.

The only thing that could make this interesting is if the actual Book Euron and his role showed up for the story

Honestly, even the WW's don't seem like a huge threat to Dany with her ridiculous Dragons. Her force is fucking huge, if something happens that somehow makes it not a total steamroll it'll be because of Dany making a dumb decision.
So has everybody left Essos at this point? The plot's gonna move faaaaast with everybody concentrated in Westeros for the first time in the show.

The major factions we can see now are fairly obvious: the Starks, the Lannisters, and Daenarys's allies.

But the wildcards are pretty interesting: Littlefinger, Arya, Sam, Melisandre, Brienne, Bran, Jorah, and Euron are probably the plots I'm most interested to see because they're not immediately aligned with any of those other groups (geographically for some, politically for others). Am I missing any?

Man, killing like a quarter of the main cast all at once is one of the ballsier things I've seen on TV. Sure cleaned things up nice and neat. I wonder if that's how it'll play out in the books (hope so).
Honestly, even the WW's don't seem like a huge threat to Dany with her ridiculous Dragons. Her force is fucking huge, if something happens that somehow makes it not a total steamroll it'll be because of Dany making a dumb decision.

Season seven opener:

Tyrion: "We're finally in Westeros, but it's a shame 90% of our forces were destroyed by a sea storm."


Man can't wait to watch this after work, this all sounds awesome.

I always thought Jaime would kill Cersei. Now it seems more likely.


Is it possible Jon is the son of Ser Arthur Dayne and Lyanna Stark? The way they prominently displayed Dawn. Makes me wonder.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
This finale was so hype.....WINTER IS FINALLY HERE.

g'damn, these last two episodes are classics. Still, Varys at the ship in those last moments perplexed me. Some indication of time passed wouldve been perfect. Or i missed something.


Honestly, even the WW's don't seem like a huge threat to Dany with her ridiculous Dragons. Her force is fucking huge, if something happens that somehow makes it not a total steamroll it'll be because of Dany making a dumb decision.
Winter is coming. I'm sure it'll be hard to maintain a large army when it's freezing cold.
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