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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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Maybe she wanted Tommen dead. She didn't look all that heartbroken. The throne was always most important for her.

If she wanted him dead, she would've just let him go to the Sept of Baelor.

Cersei loved her kids, even when they are straight up assholes like Joffrey. When she saw Tommen's body her reaction seemed cold because the prophecy about her kids all dying before her came true after all.

Edit: And also because she's an idiot and probably doesn't want to dwell on the fact that her actions basically caused him to kill himself. :p


Hmm. Jon is a bastard either way. Rhaegar had his legitimate son. Dorne is the only place where they don't care about bastards.

That may or may not matter when it gets outed that he has Targaryen blood but he's definitely not a "rightful heir" but then again, at this point no one is, except maybe Dany.
Hmm. Jon is a bastard either way. Rhaegar had his legitimate son. Dorne is the only place where they don't care about bastards.

That may or may not matter when it gets outed that he has Targaryen blood but he's definitely not a "rightful heir" but then again, at this point no one is, except maybe Dany.
His legit son and daughter were killed by the Mountain, and their bodies shown to Robert Baratheon by Tywin Lannister. Jon is the heir, by default.


Hmm. Jon is a bastard either way. Rhaegar had his legitimate son. Dorne is the only place where they don't care about bastards.

That may or may not matter when it gets outed that he has Targaryen blood but he's definitely not a "rightful heir" but then again, at this point no one is, except maybe Dany.

Again, if Jon and Lyanna were married - and there is NO compelling reason to think they couldn't be (his existing marriage to Elia Martell doesn't prevent him from marrying again and they were together for months in Dorne before Robert's Rebellion began in earnest) - he's not a Bastard and his claim utterly defeats Dany's.

Now, I don't think the strength of their claim will prevent Dany from conquering King's Landing and taking the throne, but the detail work here won't be irrelevant. Until this episode, I didn't really believe that the show would go the obvious route of marrying Jon and Dany (incest marriages between heroes doesn't sound like it would play well on TV), but they definitely set it up with this episode.


If she wanted Tommen dead she would have just let him go to the sept. She's just a moron who couldn't think about anything but getting revenge on everyone who's "wronged" her, I mean she pretty much said as much in the scene with the septa.
Jaime would've killed her the moment he got back if she'd let Tommen go there. Was the mountain in the room or by the door when he jumped?


So not worth it
Hmm. Jon is a bastard either way. Rhaegar had his legitimate son. Dorne is the only place where they don't care about bastards.

That may or may not matter when it gets outed that he has Targaryen blood but he's definitely not a "rightful heir" but then again, at this point no one is, except maybe Dany.

Bastards can be legitimised, you know, by the king. Which Jon Snow now is.

So that's gonna be awkward.


Episode was fantastic. Im uneasy about Jon being "king in the north", I don't think he really wants to be that. I think he'd rather hSansa rule and that's going to cause some friction soon.

I hope the tension gets resolved once Bran makes it back to Jon and Sansa and explains the situation. If Jon knows who he really is, he'll want to seek out his other kin, who should be arriving in Westeros at about the same time. Which would leave the North to Sansa. Another queen in the mix.

Again, if Jon and Lyanna were married

There are at least several more years before that would be appropriate. She's still a little girl!


If she wanted him dead, she would've just let him go to the Sept of Baelor.

Cersei loved her kids, even when they are straight up assholes like Joffrey. When she saw Tommen's body her reaction seemed cold because the prophecy about her kids all dying before her came true after all.
Maybe he was already dead to her being brainwashed and all.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
things are now so stacked in favour of dany that i expect even her bullshit contrived fortune is about to get hit by a catastrophe. nothing will happen to her, of course, but her army should be fucked. perhaps euron (after marrying cersei, lol) shows up with the horn and sends the dragons against her fleet.


How could Rhaegar get married to Lyanna? That would be a void marriage, they can't exactly file for divorce to the faith. His wife was Elia Martell period. Where is this thing that his previous marriage doesn't matter coming from?

Either way I don't think it's something that's going to be important lol. The important thing here is his blood and Jon has it.


Haha I had the exact same thought!
last season was such a fucking tease with her

Again, if Jon and Lyanna were married - and there is NO compelling reason to think they couldn't be (his existing marriage to Elia Martell doesn't prevent him from marrying again and they were together for months in Dorne before Robert's Rebellion began in earnest) - he's not a Bastard and his claim utterly defeats Dany's.
Dany has 3 dragons and a massive army

Jon has a few hundred northmen and wildlings


How could Rhaegar get married to Lyanna? That would be a void marriage, they can't exactly file for divorce to the faith. His wife was Elia Martell period. Where is this thing that his previous marriage doesn't matter coming from?

Either way I don't think it's something that's going to be important lol. The important thing here is his blood and Jon has it.

"Voided" how?

This is Westeros, not the United States. There aren't marriage licenses. You know how you confirm a marriage in Westeros? You say you're married and then you fuck.

People have had multiple wives in Westeros.


So not worth it
last season was such a fucking tease with her

Dany has 3 dragons and a massive army

Jon has a few hundred northmen and wildlings

He had a few hundred northmen and the wildlings.

He now has all the armies of the North that previously belonged to his brother, minus the Frey, but including the armies of the Vale. He pretty much has half the forces of Westeros under his command.

-edit: It's pointless to debate this though, Jon's focus is to the North, not South.


How could Rhaegar get married to Lyanna? That would be a void marriage, they can't exactly file for divorce to the faith. His wife was Elia Martell period. Where is this thing that his previous marriage doesn't matter coming from?

Either way I don't think it's something that's going to be important lol. The important thing here is his blood and Jon has it.

Aegon the Conqueror, who created the Iron Throne, had two wives.


Dany has 3 dragons and a massive army

Jon has a few hundred northmen and wildlings
I don't think they'll fight. Jon has the WW to worry about and Dany takes care of the Lannisters. Dany will come to aid at the wall last minute LOTR style.
The theory assumes that there was a wedding in dorne, and that Jon is legitimate.

If ion is legitimate he would be first in the line of succession as Aerys firstborn son's only living child

Which would make him the rightful king of westeros

Why would the prince's only living child be first in line of succession over the king's only living child?


That was the shortest 69 minutes ever.

+The lead up to the trial was masterfully framed and directed. Not to mention the score. The show has countless great themes, but this one certainly stood out. In a show famed for its writing and dialogue (um, sometimes), having so little of it until the trial actually started was striking. The costume montage was a great way to contrast characters and their roles. I truly had no idea how Loras' trial would play out exactly, but it was heart-wrenching to say the least. I expected him to die since, well, he doesn't really have any sort of character arc, but it was gruesome to see him mutilated like that. And then... it happened. I expected Cersei to blow up the Sept, but even so, I was completely aghast. I think it was easily the most shocking moment since the Red Wedding. Cersei's rise as the MAD QUEEN was absolutely spectacular. The malice, the cruelty, THE DRESS. Poor, poor Tommen though. I know a lot of people dislike the character, but he was thrust into a situation he could not possibly be ready for and fathom. His suicide was simply sad. A lot of people die, but how many characters have actually committed suicide? The only real decision he made by himself was the decision to take his own life.

+Oldtown looked amazing, especially the Hightower. It even had the oh so mysterious black slab base. That was probably the most dramatic shot of a library I've ever seen. Have fun Sam! I do feel like this storyline was sidelined all season, but I can't really say any of Sam's scenes were bad.

+Davos killing it as always. What else is there to say? I'm very curious to know what Mel will do now. Perhaps meet up with BwB? I feel like her story is nowhere near finished and she seems vital for the war against the white walkers.

+R+L = J CONFIRMED. I gotta imagine show only watchers are still a bit confused about that scene and are googling "Who is Jon Snow's real father?". They probably should have spelled it out a bit more, but seeing that scene after so many years of speculation was satisfying. I loved the cut to Jon as well.

+DA KING IN DA NORTH scene was nice, though it lacked the impact of the first time around. Lyanna with that audition for Hand of the King was great. Littlefinger's ladder is crumbling, but never count him out. I'm really curious to see how the Northern storyline plays with Jon, Sansa, and Littlefinger. With KL BTFO, it might become the new center for political maneuvering and long talks at long tables.

+Olenna completely dressing down the sand snakes got a good laugh out of me. Though you kill Doran and take his best line? Not cool.

+I loved Dany and Tyrion's scenes. These two always have a fantastic dynamic together. The idealist and the realist. Dany is definitely going to struggle with the obligations of fitting into Westerosi society and I can't wait to see her finally get over there. Her making Tyrion Hand of the Queen was admittedly emotional. I loved the shot of her fleet, and Varys truly took the teleportation crown. He did in a half hour what Dany has taken six years to do!

+/-I can't believe they did Frey pies, wow. If you told me Frey pies and Coldhands would be in this season, I would have called you crazy. Ol' Walder did a great job this episode, but I have to say his death was a little anticlimatic. He is the #1 person I want to die in the books, and I want it to be a spectacular orgy of gore and chaos. Getting his throat slit was a little mundane. I liked Jaime's verbal smackdown though.

A great way to end the season. I was surprised the wall didn't fall though, but maybe they spent all their CGI budget. They should have a bit of money freed up next year since they don't have to pay half the cast after tonight. Curious about Jorah though, will he get the fabled lava arm? From who? And for what purpose? And Euron... whatever, I don't even care about him anymore. BOW TO THE QUEEN


John Dunbar

correct about everything
seriously though, does anyone actually think dany/jon alliance (after jon's miraculous origin story is somehow revealed and accepted by all parties) makes for a good story? sounds awful to me.


He's male.

It's not only that.

The heir of the heir always has a more complete claim than non-heir siblings. If Joffrey were the legitimate son of Robert, his claim would have defeated Stannis or Renly's. If Joffrey had a son, his son would be the heir over Tommen.

The direct line is what is relevant.


I would very much prefer that.

The mistrust between Sansa and Jon is lame.

I felt she was happy for Jon, until she noticed Littlefinger and remembered what he said. I got more of the impression that she was worried he'd do something to screw up Jon's rule to his own gain.

On another note, holy hell are the Lannisters done for. The Tyrells, the bad pussies, the North, the Iron Isles, and the Vale are all in revolt. With Dany on her way back. If anything, they're lucky that the North and Vale are so far away and more worried about white walkers at this point. Still, Cersei pretty much just cemented the end of the Lannisters since they don't seem to have quite so many relatives alive in the show at least.


Yeah at the start of this season I was merely going through the paces watching this. I was seriously at the point of "well may as well keep watching".

But by about mid-way through I realised this show had returned to its glory days.

This episode looked so good too, not sure what it was exactly but Daenerys looked like a painting in some shots.


So not worth it
seriously though, does anyone actually think dany/jon alliance (after jon's miraculous origin story is somehow revealed and accepted by all parties) makes for a good story? sounds awful to me.

Of course it is. The real threat to Westeros are the White Walkers, Jon has united the North, Dany will unite the South and together they will destroy the White Walkers, thus ending the strange seasons, the long winter and delivering Westeros from evil.

It's the whole point of A Song of Ice and Fire to begin with.


On another note, holy hell are the Lannisters done for. The Tyrells, the bad pussies, the North, the Iron Isles, and the Vale are all in revolt. With Dany on her way back. If anything, they're lucky that the North and Vale are so far away and more worried about white walkers at this point. Still, Cersei pretty much just cemented the end of the Lannisters since they don't seem to have quite so many relatives alive in the show at least.

I doubt Cersei cares, she just wants to see the world burn. There is no way she will survive season 7.

I think Jorah is done on the show. Euron will replace Victarion.

I think Jorah replacing Victarion and getting his arm is a pretty good call, I can totally see that happening. But either way I am sure we will see Jorah again, if he was out for good he would have died saving dany in Vaes Dothrak.


seriously though, does anyone actually think dany/jon alliance (after jon's miraculous origin story is somehow revealed and accepted by all parties) makes for a good story? sounds awful to me.

The entire series is named for it.

So this is a ground-floor level disagreement you're having with George Martin.


I hope the tension gets resolved once Bran makes it back to Jon and Sansa and explains the situation. If Jon knows who he really is, he'll want to seek out his other kin, who should be arriving in Westeros at about the same time. Which would leave the North to Sansa. Another queen in the mix.

There are at least several more years before that would be appropriate. She's still a little girl!

Lol but you know that she is the Queen in the North in waiting. Jon Snow is just going to have to put his dick on ice until she comes of age.

Baelish is definitely ending up as King of Westeros though. He is going to head South and rally the other Lords to help defeat the White Walkers. And Sansa is going with him since she seemed pretty annoyed she got ignored. Political machinations, Dany judging herself not fit to rule will give him a clear path to the Iron Throne.


sooo, does anyone doubt that Jon will change his name before the end? Snow is a bastards name.
I wonder if he will call himself Jon Stark or Jon Targaryen, maybe they go super progressive and call him Jon Targaryen-Stark.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
Of course it is. The real threat to Westeros are the White Walkers, Jon has united the North, Dany will unite the South and together they will destroy the White Walkers, thus ending the strange seasons, the long winter and delivering Westeros from evil.

It's the whole point of A Song of Ice and Fire to begin with.

if jon is both stark and targ then dany is a targ too far.

the targ/stark balance is out of whack!


The entire series is named for it.

So this is a ground-floor level disagreement you're having with George Martin.

The title "a song of ice and fire" does not mean they will ally. You could interpret it to mean ice and fire do not coexist well, could be many things.
sooo, does anyone doubt that Jon will change his name before the end? Snow is a bastards name.
I wonder if he will call himself Jon Stark or Jon Targaryen, maybe they go super progressive and call him Jon Targaryen-Stark.

I don't think so. I think he's married to that name.

Or maybe Azor Ahai.


Of course it is. The real threat to Westeros are the White Walkers, Jon has united the North, Dany will unite the South and together they will destroy the White Walkers, thus ending the strange seasons, the long winter and delivering Westeros from evil.

It's the whole point of A Song of Ice and Fire to begin with.

I would personally be disappointed if the show gets a "happily ever after" ending. Though it certainly looks like they are heading towards that. I predict season 7 will have Geralt of Rivia coming after Jon Snow for stealing his nickname.



only episode of this season to to get me full-stack hyped, really good, get this guy to do the entire rest of the series or as much as possible and at least have him coach the other directors

I very much like all the housecleaning of characters, we'll for sure get a more focused last+1 season
Am I the only one who started laughing wildly when they showed Varys on that boat?? Like, wtf. That's genuinely indistinguishable from a continuity error. I know this show plays it fast and loose with time and space but if you're telling me they are serious that he went to Dorne and back, just to return again, in the space of an episode, that's beyond fucking ridiculous. People really need to stop teleporting on this show.


Might be that. She just looked so smug at the coronation hours (days?) after her son committed suicide.

I believe the only good thing about Cersei Lannister is her love for her kids. So Tommen offing himself is a huge L after her plans succeeded.

I want to say it's probably longer than a couple of days, given the teleporter/time skips in this episode. Gotta put on her game face, cuz the Iron Throne is now hers. lol


I don't think they'll fight. Jon has the WW to worry about and Dany takes care of the Lannisters. Dany will come to aid at the wall last minute LOTR style.
and what's stopping her from just incinerating him along with the WW then? her whole spiel for 6 years has been to get the power she deserves, I don't see her giving that up for some random relative
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