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*UNMARKED SPOILERS ALL BOOKS* Game of Thrones |OT| - Season 6

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Pretty pissed about that ending. Just poor storytelling doing the "leave the room, wake up" cliche. Too easy. I was hoping he'd wake up on/after the pyre.

Shame because so much of the episode was great. The Crows surrendering to the Wildings, Jamie's conversation with the High Sparrow, Tyrion releasing the dragons and surving (just like Quynten!). All that stuff was great!

Ramsay and Balon stunk, though. I wish this show wasn't so inconsistent.


OMG what an episode!
-Jon is ALIVE!
-Roose Bolton is dead which is kinda sad.He was one of my favorites.Such a well written character.Sad to see him go. Seriously,fuck you Ramsay.
-Finally we're getting to see the Greyjoy storyline. Euron Greyjoy seemed interesting enough.
-Theon's goodbye, truely heartbreaking...
-And giants (along with zombie giants) smashing peoples heads are always welcome.
It was GoT at it's best. Can't wait for
Battle of the Bastards.
Yeah. That was a true, "Going out with a whimper," scene. To be honest, at first, I thought it was Roose stabbing Ramsey. It would have made more sense.

Agreed. Roose shouldn't be so naive and dumb to believe Ramsay wasn't going to plot killing him. The very moment he threatened to make Walda's son Ramsay's heir unless he gets Sansa back I would've made sure to root out Ramsay's loyalists and make sure he's tame.

And speaking of Walda, again with the fucking dogs? I'm starting to think that Ramsay's 20 good men weren't men, but actually his dogs. And all those dogs have bad pussies. They're the strongest entity in the world of GoT, not even Karl Fookin Tanner from Gin Alley could stand up to them.


I've seen some post shows bringing up the possibilities of Theon actually going back to Winterfell (perhaps to try to kill Ramsey, or perhaps have a suicide by Ramsey, if he's so beyond wanting forgiveness). Going "Home" for him could easily mean Winterfell, after living there so long, as well as being "Reeks home" if he still had part of that identity left in him.

Damn, that could very well be exactly what happens.

I mean, guy has no point being in the Iron Islands anyway since it's likely Euron is going to be the one to go to Mereen and pick up Dany.

That said, he obviously has a large part to play in the overall story considering how much screen time they've given him thus far, even when he wasn't in the book.

(possibly leaked rumor)
I do think someone said they saw him at the kingsmoot but they may have been mistaken or lying


When Ramsey was taking about Castle Black being weak, I was almost expecting him bringing up The 20 Good Men.

Maybe they were the guys who Brienne owned last episode. Maybe even they weren't really that good. Their dogs where before they disappeared.

Good ep.

Also, I don't really believe Mannis is dead. GAF, believe.


Master of the Google Search
Didn't Mel basically tell Davos that Stannis failed/was wiped out when she returned to Castle Black without Stannis?

The motivations behind getting Jon resurrected seem strange in the show. Sure, Davos is basically the audience surrogate but here he is asking Mel to resurrect a guy that he's known for a very short period of time meanwhile the guy that he's been devoted to for most of his adult life is presumably dead out in the field and Davos has seemingly totally forgotten him? But he's willing to risk his life to protect the corpse of Jon on the off chance Mel can resurrect him, when he really shouldn't have any clue as to the Red Priest's resurrection powers in the first place.

I'll be real curious to see how Jon's resurrection is set up in the books since its a bit different there in terms of characters. Again, it just feels like the writers have all the main plot bullet points down but they're struggling to write in the connective tissue and character development for the characters to make these big moments really make sense for the characters.
Mel pointedly didn't say anything to Jon's and Davos' questions about Stannis and Shireen. So even though both know it can't be good, they don't know exactly what happened. Plus even Mel bailed before Stannis fought so even she doesn't know exactly what occurred (though she obviously knew where it was headed when she bailed). This denial is consistent with Davos though since he did the same thing when Stannis ordered him to the wall. He has obviously knew what was inevitably going to happen to Shireen, but choose to be in denial and go to the wall anyway. I doubt Davos will come to terms with what happened until Ramsey sends the letter.

Either way, Davos is a man without purpose now. He has nothing better to do but cling to the last person Stannis seemed to have faith in: Jon Snow's potential.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
When Ramsey was taking about Castle Black being weak, I was almost expecting him bringing up The 20 Good Men.

Maybe they were the guys who Brienne owned last episode. Maybe even they weren't really that good. Their dogs where before they disappeared.

Good ep.

Also, I don't really believe Mannis is dead. GAF, believe.
lol what? How would he be alive? Why would he be alive?


He just waltzes out of the sept with the smuggest smirk on his face like, "That's what I thought."

In reality they'd give somebody a bag of gold and the priest would get knifed next time he walks down the promenade.

Bummed about Roose Bolton. Ramsay is batshit crazy which makes him a convenient writers' crutch since conceivably they can have him do anything and it will "make sense". At least they got their money's worth twice over with the Frey daughter. All that cash and the dogs won't need to eat for a month.


Would it have been too good if we were introduced to Euron the way the books did it, by having this larger-than-life Jarlaxle Blackbeard show up immediately after his brother mysteriously dies and a Kingsmoot is underway?

As impressive as that scene was to give a sense of being in a fucking tempest, it was so on-the-nose. I feel like we could have survived without seeing the death occur.

Furthermore, what a lazy way to get Davos to bring up resurrection. Next episode:

"Have you tried shooting fireballs out of yer arse, m'lady?"
"That is a high level technique, I cannot..."
Didn't GRRM write ASOIAF to be impossible for TV? Well it seems he finally succeeded since the showrunners have a bunch of characters they don't know what to do with so they just kill them all off.
D&D are unbelievable hacks jesuschrist. There is zero chance any of this shit happens in the books.

every major event that happens between now and the final season has been confirmed to D&D by GRRM but the road taken to that point will be different in the books.


Pretty pissed about that ending. Just poor storytelling doing the "leave the room, wake up" cliche. Too easy. I was hoping he'd wake up on/after the pyre.

The ritual involves losing hope, as Thoros described in his first revival attempt. I didn't like the scene because the way Jon just started gasping for air like a spooked out little girl looked too goofy. It would have been better if his eyes just opened.


Yeah, could have sworn some little interview, or rumor, that kind of implied the actor didn't quite like where the story was going, and people took it to mean something like this was happening (and did).

I've seen some post shows bringing up the possibilities of Theon actually going back to Winterfell (perhaps to try to kill Ramsey, or perhaps have a suicide by Ramsey, if he's so beyond wanting forgiveness). Going "Home" for him could easily mean Winterfell, after living there so long, as well as being "Reeks home" if he still had part of that identity left in him.

Suicide by Ramsay? Ramsay would probably invent new ways to torture and maim him, but I doubt he'd ever kill him.


So as the previous theories suggests Jon is freed from his vows right? Because you know, he died.At this point on we all know that Jon will battle Ramsay at some point but i want it to be as a Bolton vs Stark battle, not Night's Watch vs Boltons.
I hope Jon just says '' Screw you guys,you guys stabbed me,I need to save my hometown'' to all those assholes in Castle Black and leave them to be slaughtered by White Walkers.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";202406881]Especially since the show is better anyway.[/QUOTE]

I've enjoyed the past two episodes but liked Feast and Dance's approaches a lot more.


The Hand has traditionally guided the destiny of the king - until Aerys the second anyways, when he turned on Tywin. So I think Tommen turning to Cersei to guide him is foreshadowing of bad things to come.

So as the previous theories suggests Jon is freed from his vows right? Because you know, he died.At this point on we all know that Jon will battle Ramsay at some point but i want it to be as a Bolton vs Stark battle, not Night's Watch vs Boltons.
I hope Jon just says '' Screw you guys,you guys stabbed me,I need to save my hometown'' to all those assholes in Castle Black and leave them to be slaughtered by White Walkers.

It seems Ramsay is coming to The Wall, so I don't think Jon will have a choice. My guess is Sansa arrives first, Ramsay learns of it, attempts to play his games with Jon and the Wildlings to trade for her, and it somehow leads to his doom. Azor Ahai Jon isn't going to be so diplomatic from here on out is my guess.


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
My personal thoughts on the episode:

Edge of my seat...the whole time. Also I think I called it of Jon Snow being back by Episode 2.

Not a fan of Theon going back to the Iron Islands, intrigued what will happen with him, hopefully he doesn't die till S7, but his part has been served...I'm guessing a death by episode 10, wish I would have put him in my list. Euron will probably kill him after he takes some islands or attacks the citadel where Sam will be at.

I do hope Sam appears next episode.

I'm glad they are keeping the Arya scenes short this season and not dragging them out like her first episode in season five where she wandered Bravos for like five minuets (might have been two episodes?).

Kings Landing has become a bit dull. Enjoyed what we got but man there's almost no small council meetings anymore. Also was Kevan there last season or not? If he was, where did he go, why is he not a part of anything? At this point if they kill him and Pycelle off it will be like okay, good...but why? Though I'm thinking they might make that at an episode near the end since Varys is still in Meereen.

I mean it's not out of the realm of unordinary for Davos to know about Mel being able to bring him back...but still not a fan of him wanting to be buddy-buddy with Jon Snow all of a sudden.

Great episode, no real serious flaws, though god damn Tyrion stop making jokes about the fact that Varys has no dick (if they had cut the joke from last episode which didn't make no sense, this one would have been much better).

Also curious about Hodor, loved the Bran scene and am glad they made the children of the forest fugly as fuck.


Yeah. That was a true, "Going out with a whimper," scene. To be honest, at first, I thought it was Roose stabbing Ramsey. It would have made more sense.
It's understandable why they're doing it, since recklessness is clearly Ramsay's tragic flaw and Roose was really the only thing keeping him safe in the long run, but the way things went down was just so unbelievable.

I can see the exact opposite happening in the books, with Roose sending Ramsay to his death.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";202406881]Especially since the show is better anyway.[/QUOTE]

I can't say it's better but there are some ups and downs in both sides.
Books go deeper when it comes to characterization but sometimes drags on and on.
Show has much better pace but some beloved people get no love.

I 'm happy with.I don't need to shit on either.
Aside from the Bolton killings and the cliche over the topness of the revival at the end, I think I really liked the episode. But the Bolton situation just overshadows the good massively for me.

But Ramsay being even able to shank Roose and him of course sic'ing his dogs on his stepmother was so telegraphed, like not even by last week's episode, but it's been telegraphed since the season Walda first appeared.

Don't get me wrong, I like the actor playing Ramsay, he does it really well, but man is the character acting stupidly. Even for a mad dog, as Roose described him, he's particularly insane.
I know it's implied that he killed his half-brother in the books too, but there's the difference: They never were able to prove it was Ramsay. In the show there's several witnesses to the murders and Ramsay's jealous madness. One of which is even the head of another fucking Northern house. One of the strongest houses, even.
If I was Lord Karstark, I'd nope the fuck out of Winterfell and immediately get together the Umbers, Manderlys and my own men to root out that moron. Heck I'd even get the weaker Northern houses who obviously aren't happy with the Boltons taking control, and Walder Frey who certainly will not be happy about his daughter, who was supposed to bear the Warden of the North's heir, getting torn to pieces by dogs.

This is the Martell murders all over again, but this time there's not even the excuse of a conspiracy. This is just one idiot.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Finally, our long national nightmare is over, and Snow has returned. Everyone expected it, but I'm glad we didn't have to wait half a season to get to it.


BTW can someone revive Roose Bolton too? He was the coolest character in the show until this episode.
Now that honor belongs to Jaime.
Thing that concerns me about the Tower Of Joy in the preview is I always took Ned to be far more remorseful when he says "And now it ends".


Jon coming back lacked emotional punch it deserved. It may be because of all of the theories I've read online already convinced me that he was coming back, but man...I wasn't feeling it.

I'm soooooooooooooo tired of Ramsay. I'm ready for the story to move on from him. Also I'm a bit bummed that Roose didn't have any other moment on the show. He did next to nothing after the red wedding.

I thought the Sansa stuff was well done, but why didn't Brienne tell her that Arya was with the Hound. Like she didn't mention him by name. I thought that was odd. Another thing is how does Theon think he's going to make it to the Iron Islands? He has no money, no food and he's a wanted man. Why would he think that traveling alone is going to work?

The Bran segment was cool, but I think his plot deserves a Hardhome length segment on the show. These nibbles of awsomeness aren't really satisfying me.

I thought Arya was ok, but I would have liked to see her warg into the cat and overcome the trial on her own instead of Jacqen coming to the rescue suddenly.

Cercei's segment was well acted I thought, but Jamie's interaction with the High Sparrow was a little off putting because none of the men, backing up the HS, were armored or well armed. The books set this up in a fairly believable way, but in the show, neither the Lannister or Tyrell armies are distracted with other conflicts. What's stopping them from storming the sept?

The Ironborn stuff was alright, but I'm not a big fan of that plot really. So meh.


Ned Stark looks like a teenager. That just makes no sense.

every major event that happens between now and the final season has been confirmed to D&D by GRRM but the road taken to that point will be different in the books.

We heard this bullshit back in 2011 and I never subscribed to it. Case in point, the Iron Islands. D&D ignored it completely, but now that they ran out of material, they brought this plotline back. So now it's a major event?

What won't happen? Jon back to life? Ramsey killing Roose and Walda?

Mostly the whole Ramsey beezwax, or Tyrion purposely doing something incredibly moronic. In any case, my comment was more on the line that this is too awful to actually be book material. The resurrection scene was also, you know, garbage. This is a really shitty way of seeing that event, as people had predicted when Book 6 was delayed indefinitely. I guess I'm officially hatewatching this show now.


Aside from the Bolton killings and the cliche over the topness of the revival at the end, I think I really liked the episode.

But Ramsay being even able to shank Roose and him of course sic'ing his dogs on his stepmother was so telegraphed, like not even by last week's episode, but it's been telegraphed since the season Walda first appeared.

Don't get me wrong, I like the actor playing Ramsay, he does it really well, but man is the character acting stupidly. Even for a mad dog, as Roose described him, he's particularly insane.
I know it's implied that he killed his half-brother in the books too, but there's the difference: They never were able to prove it was Ramsay. In the show there's several witnesses to the murders and Ramsay's jealous madness. One of which is even the head of another fucking Northern house. One of the strongest houses, even.
If I was Lord Karstark, I'd nope the fuck out of Winterfell and immediately get together the Umbers, Manderlys and my own men to root out that moron. Heck I'd even get the weaker Northern houses who obviously aren't happy with the Boltons taking control, and Walder Frey who certainly will not be happy about his daughter, who was supposed to bear the Warden of the North's heir, getting torn to pieces by dogs.

This is the Martell murders all over again, but this time there's not even the excuse of a conspiracy. This is just one idiot.

That Karstark is pissed that his father was beheaded by Robb for killing Lannisters. This was all telegraphed way back when, when Robb was warned against his planned execution. He only wants the Starks to fall and the North to change (my opinion). I think it's fitting he didn't care that Roose Bolton was killed by his own bastard - I mean, the North had no love for the Boltons to begin with.

The Boltons were very loyal to Roose, true, but in the context of the show they have no idea Ramsay murdered him. But the entirety of House Bolton is rather ruthless, with their flaying and gleeful betrayal. They've also long been a thorn in the side of the Starks.

I dunno. I think it all works out in the show. If things go down even remotely like they do in the books I'm sure GRRM will flesh it all out a lot more. Like 50 pages worth of story more.
That Karstark is pissed that his father was beheaded by Robb for killing Lannisters. This was all telegraphed way back when, when Robb was warned against his planned execution. He only wants the Starks to fall and the North to change (my opinion). I think it's fitting he didn't care that Roose Bolton was killed by his own bastard - I mean, the North had no love for the Boltons to begin with.

The Boltons were very loyal to Roose, true, but in the context of the show they have no idea Ramsay murdered him. But the entirety of House Bolton is rather ruthless, with their flaying and gleeful betrayal. They've also long been a thorn in the side of the Starks.

I dunno. I think it all works out in the show. If things go down even remotely like they do in the books I'm sure GRRM will flesh it all out a lot more. Like 50 pages worth of story more.

I'm well aware why the Karstarks are pissed, the guy even mentions that outright during their conversation, and it's shown in the preview. I'm not daft. But revenge against the Starks or not - would you really want that guy lead the charge? Would you really want that guy to be your liege lord, the man you answer to, especially considering that right now the Boltons are spent and overextended, and Winterfell is still in reparations, thus very easy to take? And to top it off, the Boltons have made themselves an enemy of the Iron Throne by marrying Sansa to Ramsay. And as icing on the cake, Ramsay wants to attack the specifically neutral Night's Watch, based on nothing more but an assumption, which should be an insane outrage to the Karstarks, even if a Stark bastard is Lord Commander.

My point is, ruthless and treacherous or not, you can't just go around and murder anyone you like if you are to be the leader of a noble house, especially one in a massively powerful position such as Warden of the North. Or rather if you do, make damn sure nobody fucking sees it.
Joffrey was ruthless too, and even he was a lot smarter about his blatant attempts at the lives of people he didn't like than Ramsay. The show makes Ramsay appear to be a blathering, drooling fool who has absolutely no understanding of how power works.

As with the Martell murders, there should be a massive political fallout - but unlike a civil war breaking out in the North, this right here should lead to a completely united North, standing together in order to take back Winterfell and install either Sansa as a puppet, or just find a new Warden of the North.

In other words, I'm just sick of nobody having any direct consequences for the blatant disregard of political dynamics by just murdering liege lords and family members. Everyone there sees them, but no one gives a single fuck. I know that the world of GoT is brutal and unforgiving, but there's being brutal and unforgiving, and being just downright daft and being brutal for the sake of brutality. Pragmatism only goes so far, even in this universe. I would think Joffrey amply displayed that.

I know Ramsay will get a reckoning, but I believe that this reckoning will not happen by him getting betrayed by his own people and allies. It will happen by a relief force made of Jon and the Wildlings and probably the soldiers of the Vale.



The "gift" for Ramsay in the preview has gotta be Rickon.... wtf Umbers.

edit: Really enjoyed that episode though. Though I would have preferred Bolt-On


I'm well aware why the Karstarks are pissed, the guy even mentions that outright during their conversation, and it's shown in the preview. I'm not daft. But revenge against the Starks or not - would you really want that guy lead the charge? Would you really want that guy to be your liege lord, the man you answer to, especially considering that right now the Boltons are spent and overextended, and Winterfell is still in reparations, thus very easy to take? And to top it off, the Boltons have made themselves an enemy of the Iron Throne by marrying Sansa to Ramsay. And as icing on the cake, Ramsay wants to attack the specifically neutral Night's Watch, based on nothing more but an assumption, which should be an insane outrage to the Karstarks, even if a Stark bastard is Lord Commander.

My point is, ruthless and treacherous or not, you can't just go around and murder anyone you like if you are to be the leader of a noble house, especially one in a massively powerful position such as Warden of the North. Or rather if you do, make damn sure nobody fucking sees it.
Joffrey was ruthless too, and even he was a lot smarter about his blatant attempts at the lives of people he didn't like than Ramsay. The show makes Ramsay appear to be a blathering, drooling fool who has absolutely no understanding of how power works.

As with the Martell murders, there should be a massive political fallout - but unlike a civil war breaking out in the North, this right here should lead to a completely united North, standing together in order to take back Winterfell and install either Sansa as a puppet, or just find a new Warden of the North.

I know Ramsay will get a reckoning, but I believe that this reckoning will not happen by him getting betrayed by his own people and allies. It will happen by a relief force made of Jon and the Wildlings and probably the soldiers of the Vale.

I didn't mean to suggest you're daft or otherwise insult you. I'm just trying to look at things through the lens of these characters. They're not omnipotent, able to see events and circumstances from on high like we readers and viewers are. He's a guy from House Karstark who wants revenge and now no longer has love for the Starks. He obviously agrees with Ramsay that their forces are adequate to the challenge. That's all.
I didn't mean to suggest you're daft or otherwise insult you. I'm just trying to look at things through the lens of these characters. They're not omnipotent, able to see events and circumstances from on high like we readers and viewers are. He's a guy from House Karstark who wants revenge and now no longer has love for the Starks. He obviously agrees with Ramsay that their forces are adequate to the challenge. That's all.

I added an edit to my post, btw.

And believe me, I'm trying to understand the actions of characters myself. But in the case of this (and the Martell murders), I see nothing but stupidity.
Again - pragmatism goes only so far. The desire for revenge only goes so far. If Karstark truly was a pragmatic leader, he'd immediately plot to take out Ramsay. He's not a reliable ally. He has proven to turn on his own father out of jealousy. In front of several witnesses whose loyalty aren't even sure. You don't have to be smart to figure out Ramsay is gonna fuck you and your lands up if you don't get rid of him ASAP.
Ned Stark looks like a teenager. That just makes no sense.

In the books
Ned was 20
at the time. I haven't seen the preview but as long as he looks young adult-ish it's fine.

We heard this bullshit back in 2011 and I never subscribed to it. Case in point, the Iron Islands. D&D ignored it completely, but now that they ran out of material, they brought this plotline back. So now it's a major event?

I think there's a major difference between resolving it when it makes sense and dragging it out and driving up production costs. It's not important enough to drag out for 3 seasons but works when you cram all the events into a single season.


That was great.

Why didn't they put some stitches in Jon before reviving him he's just going to bleed out on the slab, lol.

This episode was written by someone who has some unresolved issues re heads tho.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
So in the preview:
Is the Tower of Joy going to be a 6 on 2 fight? What, they couldn't spring for a two more actors to fight? I really want them to take the dialogue preceding the fight from the book almost word-for-word.


Nothing feels earned on the show. The show is so concerned with moving the plot forward it ignores characterization, explanation, and suspense. Seriously annoyed but how sloppy the scenes with Jon, Roose, and Ramsey were handled. Especially because the first half of the episode was great! It's like one person wrote those scenes, someone else complained they were boring, and then injected shocks and twists in the second half. I'm just bummed out.

I'd love to see them go an episode without killing anyone. It's just lazy and predictable now.
Why didn't they put some stitches in Jon before reviving him he's just going to bleed out on the slab, lol.

No need. Berric Dondarrion was cleaved in half basically--cut from the collar bone to the belly button essentially--and all they really did was bind him loosely and he was good to go. It's implied as long as the wounds aren't too crazy--missing an arm here!--that they naturally heal, and Jon was just stabbed a bunch of times.
Jon's resurrection was a lot cooler in the speculation and I imagine it still will be in the book, when it didn't work right away I half expected that they'd end up burning his body in the next episode and then he'll resurrect, guess my original assumption that he'd be revived in this episode is what I should've stuck with though having Davos go to Mel and be all like "hey, ya got sum of dat magic to revive mah boy" just before was just... Yeah. Bran's vision was cool with finally showing Lyanna as was seeing Young Hodor before being Hodor. Wish we could see the tourney at Harrenhal
but it looks like they're skipping that and viewers will just have to remember the talk about it
. Their doing absolutely nothing with the appearance of TER is still really disappointing. He's still just a creepy old guy who sits on a chair with some roots he pokes his head through and lives in a cave for some reason.

Ramsay, if they're trying to make him the new Joffrey in terms of being hated they've failed miserably at it, people love to hate that little shit. The Ram man they just try way too hard to make him a threat. Could've done without Kings Landing scenes and gave us more of the Wall and LOL NOW they fucking kill Balon, dude should've been dead two seasons ago but they need content so they had to go back and make the Iron Born relevant again.

I was expecting them to somehow imply that Ghost was possessed by Jon. Was kinda surprised that he woke up after all. Had to be one of these two options though.

That's how I took it with how Ghost seemed to be like, falling asleep just before Jon revived.


Nothing feels earned on the show. The show is so concerned with moving the plot forward it ignores characterization, explanation, and suspense. Seriously annoyed but how sloppy the scenes with Jon, Roose, and Ramsey were handled. Especially because the first half of the episode was great! It's like one person wrote those scenes, someone else complained they were boring, and then injected shocks and twists in the second half. I'm just bummed out.

I'd love to see them go an episode without killing anyone. It's just lazy and predictable now.

That's what happens when you take material that's not written for TV and put on TV, and also tell a writer "oh and by the way also you have 8 months to write your way out of situations that that guy's been struggling with for for 5 years". If this stuff really bothers you then you should reconsider watching the show in the first place, it's only going to spoil the books and make you angry.
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