I've been slowly catching up on this thread (I haven't seen the new episodes, and just finished Season 5 about a weekend ago), and I noticed some people not liking that Ramsay hasn't taken any losses, and is just steam-rolling his way through characters we like.
But I have to ask, what kind of loss would actually affect Ramsay? I mean, he's a sociopath for sure. He only cares about himself, so what, outside of his imminent demise would really affect him in any meaningful way? Him losing his claim to the North would, but he eliminated the biggest threat this past episode (his father, and his baby brother). Outside of that, what does Ramsay care about enough that losing it would be a "fuck yeah, suck it, Ramsay!" moment of catharsis for viewers? I personally can't think of anything. I guess we could chock that up to the writing of the character, but I enjoy that Ramsay is more of a force of nature compared to Joffrey. There are people as broken and sadistic as Ramsay, so I don't see him as a cartoon villain. He really seemed to have only wanted two things: legitimacy in the eyes of his father, and then a means to exert his power over more people. He's achieved both, and when that was threatened, he did was a psycho like him would do, and kill his father, step mother, and brother.
I don't know. I love Ramsay. He's insufferably evil, but we all know he's going to get his comeuppance. I bet even he expects it deep down, so he's taking out as many people as he can before that happens. He's nuts.