In both the last two episodes Sansa publicly disagrees with him in a way that just
it doesnt make sense. This is the sort of thing Tywin Lannister would never allow. Its not her place to question her brother, the King in the North, in front of all his assembled lords and ladies. These are the sorts of conversations that would take place in the war room, in relative privacy.
The show throws them in there, abundantly, to set up what I believe to be a really awful conflict between Sansa and Jon, with Littlefinger in there stirring the pot. Its not that Sansa is even wrong, its that the show wants so badly to create more courtroom politics that theyre undermining how these characters would actually behave. I think Sansa would be so relieved to be safe for the first time in years, at home with Jon finally and out of the clutches of Ramsay and Joffrey, that shed be less inclined to screw him over in front of his bannermen.
And make no mistake, thats exactly what shes doing. Shes undermining him left and right, when shes the one person who should have his back more than anyone else. This all started with the Battle of the Bastards, when she didnt tell him about the Knights of the Vale, and only brought them to bear when Jon was very nearly dead already.
I dont like it, not because its two of the storys good guys butting heads, but because theres literally no reason for them to do so. Sansa isnt stupid, but the show sure wants us to think she is for some reason.