‘The Last Of Us’ Series May Cost HBO More Than ‘Game Of Thrones’

I'll be surprised if it beats The Witcher series in terms of viewership numbers. The last post-apocalyptic show I put serious time into was The Walking Dead but I had to stop after season 4 as it just go too convoluted. Nothing will ever surpass the atmosphere of season 1 IMO.
I agree season 1 was fantastic, but did you watch season 4? as I thought that was better than 2 and 3?
Since The Walking Dead went to shit from around season 6 onwards, and FTWD turned out crap, fans of the genre like myself have been crying out for a zombie series that has a decent budget.

I have been kept entertained by Korean zombie series like All of Us Are Dead, but they are quite different to the Western ones.

I think this will revive the genre, even if it isn't strictly zombie.


Except for foliage that was out of the budget, either that or that's what they meant when they said this is a true video game adaptation.

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