Hey, VitaGAF. Need some advice.
So my first Vita was one of the early slims and it had some pretty noticeable discoloration on the screen. The piss filter effect basically. Whites erring more towards yellow. It was enough to be distracting to me, so a little while ago I ended up swapping my Vita for a used OLED. It had some scratches that didn't bother me at the time, but are bugging me a bit now (and are making me regret not taking a closer look at it before making the switch).
Anyways, a couple months ago I saw my friend's more recent Japanese Vita Slim, and it didn't have the screen discoloration at all. It wasn't quite as vibrant as the OLED, but it looked more than good enough for me. Has anyone else noticed this? I'm looking into replacing my Vita with a new one and I can't decide whether to go slim and hope they've actually improved or hunt down another OLED.
I'm leaning towards the former because of the various fun OLED model quirks (like when the battery wasn't communicating the charge properly and I had to open it up, disconnect it from the mobo, and reconnect it - or the general issues with the charger), but I'd like to hear some insight first - mostly if anyone else has a recently-ish released Slim model with a decent screen.