Hey gaf- maybe you can help me out.
Last night, I went to mess around with my Saturn, which is hooked up to a Bandridge 6 way scart adapter that goes to my XRGB mini, and all I got was a messed up screen. Its blurry with weird colors and you can only vaguely make out what is going on. The weirder part is that I would only get that screen if my headphones were plugged into the Bandridge adapter. If they weren't, the mini would say "no input". The other ting I notice is that the little red led on the Bandridge adapter doesn't come on with the Saturn, but every other system it does. I checked that nothing was loose and that all the connections were good and everything seemed solid. I tried out all my other systems that are connected to the adapter, and they all worked perfectly fine. Unfortunately, The adapter is in a place that makes it difficult to swap sockets, but Ill try that tonight. However, I did connect the Saturn directly to the XRGB and it worked fine.
I've never had this issue before and was wondering if anyone has an idea? Given that every other socket works fine, I can only assume the socket the Saturn is connected to is the culprit, however I wont really know until I try switching out sockets between systems. Could the 5v line on that socket be messed up, hence the led on the Bandridge not coming on and also causing the Saturn not to sync correctly?