Thought I'd post this on Neogaf since info about this is scarce and there might be people in the same situation as I am.
What I'm trying to do: Get an unmodded PAL N64 to work with a HDMI PC Monitor. I typically play it on my CRT in the bedroom but I wanted to get it working on a LCD PC Monitor in the study mostly because I spend more time in there. While modding the system would be ideal, I simply couldn't justify spending that much plus I'd need to ship my childhood console to the US and I'd be distraught if it got lost. So I decided to go down the cheap-ass route and find a simple/quick easy solution. I tested both PAL and NTSC games (using a region converter). There wasn't much info about these video converters to go by apart from a couple of paragraphs on other forums and some youtube/amazon comments.
So for my first test I decided to buy a
cheap AV to HDMI converter to start things off. Outcome? It's AV Composite so I wasn't expecting a fantastic picture quality. PAL games worked fine on it. Picture looks about the same as you'd get on a normal CRT using composite. Slightly darker perhaps but it's passable. NTSC games were horrible. Picture quality looked worse. muddy colours. a bit more blurry. and the screen was mis-aligned to the far right. Half the picture was missing. Some games allowed you to align the screen but - let's be honest - that's a pain in the ass to do everytime and other games don't have this option. Horrible stuff. Mind you, this could be just my PC monitor. Didn't bother to try it on anything else. Verdict: If all you're interested in is playing PAL games with composite cables then you can't go wrong with this. Don't expect anything great with the picture aside from the fact that your games will appear on an lcd screen.
After that, I figured that I could perhaps try another converter and invest in a S-Video cable since you guys say it's worth it. I managed to find an ebay seller from Sweden that made decent
PAL N64 S-video cables for a reasonable price so I went with it. HOLY SHIT, S-Video on a CRT looks unbelievably great. I refuse to go back to shitty AV cable now. Colour so vibrant! Picture so crisp! It's definitely worth the money ppl. Alongside the S-Video cable, I purchased my
second converter (This time an S-Video to HDMI). Outcome? The previous NTSC games issue has been resolved...sadly using the composite cables

This thing was able to handle NTSC and PAL games on composite without any issues. However, S-Video on this thing is a fucking joke! Both PAL and NTSC games showed grainy/blurry picture quality and there's this horrible white ghosting/smudge effect. Being that it could've been many factors to this, I took the liberty of trying this thing on the LCD TV in the living room which had a native S-Video port. With the S-Video cable plugged straight into the TV worked like a charm. ha, still can't get over how great it looks in S-Video. The converter though still looked like shit and that horrible smudge/ghosting issue was present.
I've included pictures here just for comparison's sake. Please excuse the dust particles:
So crisp. So vibrant. Thank you Swedish dude on ebay for this! I'll now remember Sweden for hot chicks and premium N64 analogue video cables.
Looks at the stars. That ghosting... Ugh, just...yuck!
Verdict: If you got a sweet S-Video and you want to use that bad boy on a LCD monitor/TV that doesn't have an S-Video port then avoid this like the fucking plague. If you want a converter that handles NTSC and PAL games on a PAL console using AV composite then this should do the trick but it's not worth it to be honest.
So where do I go from here? I've picked up
one last converter that I've heard (from one youtube video) that might actually work on an N64 using S Video but I'm highly doubtful. I'll let you guys know how I get along if anyone is interested. Like I said, I struggled to find any info about this so hopefully this'll come in use to someone out there. If this third attempt turns out to be a dud too then I'll just have to move the heavy CRT to the study and learn my lesson haha.
Moral to the story? Stick to CRT or invest in modding your N64. At least these two options will eradicate any headaches and disappointments

Oh, and invest in a good S-video cable. Best decision you'll ever make.