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Upscalers, CRTs, PVMs & RGB: Retro gaming done right!

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to the guys who have said 1080p for scanlines (im also using FBX profiles)

When i use 4x profiles+scanlines, the scanlines look beautiful, but the display area is TINY on my 50". If i try and increase the image size, i lose scanlines at the top of the image for some reason.

Scanlines in 1080p 5x profile look way, way way too thin.

Any suggestions?

For FBX look into his instructions, you need to set your tv to "display area -1". Of course with 4x on 1080p your total screen won't be covered, but it does look awesome imho.

And definitely make sure zoom is on.
Are your zoom settings correct? I seem to remember the same issue and fixed it by zooming... It was awhile back though to be honest.

Hi, yes, zoom settings are all correct. I do know that loading a profile does not always load the correct zoom settings (leaves zoom off) but it looks like its loading fine. Just the picture is extremely small. Like small, 4:3 (which is perfect) and centered. Just nowhere near as large as it needs to be.
For FBX look into his instructions, you need to set your tv to "display area -1". Of course with 4x on 1080p your total screen won't be covered, but it does look awesome imho.

Yeah, i have that enabled. My equivilent setting on my kuro is "full" instead of "dot by dot.

So your image only takes up a small portion of your display too in 4x? Just want to make sure that it is working as intended for me.


Yeah, i have that enabled. My equivilent setting on my kuro is "full" instead of "dot by dot.

So your image only takes up a small portion of your display too in 4x? Just want to make sure that it is working as intended for me.

No not at all, majority of screen is filled but with some borders above and below.
to xrgb mini owners, do you use scanlines in 720p or 1080p mode? for 240p content i mean.

No scanlines for me.

to the guys who have said 1080p for scanlines (im also using FBX profiles)

When i use 4x profiles+scanlines, the scanlines look beautiful, but the display area is TINY on my 50". If i try and increase the image size, i lose scanlines at the top of the image for some reason.

Scanlines in 1080p 5x profile look way, way way too thin.

Any suggestions?

I'm going to buck the trend again and say give Implant games' profiles a try. He's got a youtube channel and a series called How to XRGB Mini, in that he posts his profiles. For me, his profiles look better, and work better on my TV than FBX's. Plus with his I don't have to try and futz around with my TV's zoom settings. He includes zoom settings for the framemeister on all his profiles.



No scanlines for me.

I'm going to buck the trend again and say give Implant games' profiles a try. He's got a youtube channel and a series called How to XRGB Mini, in that he posts his profiles. For me, his profiles look better, and work better on my TV than FBX's. Plus with his I don't have to try and futz around with my TV's zoom settings. He includes zoom settings for the framemeister on all his profiles.


Would love to try them but I don't see any download links for his profiles. Don't know what you mean with TV zoom settings for FBX's profiles, his profiles only use zoom settings on the framemeister, and only work properly with zoom setting on.
Would love to try them but I don't see any download links for his profiles. Don't know what you mean with TV zoom settings for FBX's profiles, his profiles only use zoom settings on the framemeister, and only work properly with zoom setting on.

You have to set them up yourself. You do a reset of the settings or load the default and then put in the settings for the individual consoles and then save them.

A bunch of FBX's settings require you to change your tv settings and then adjust the Zoom ones on the framemeister as well.


A bunch of FBX's settings require you to change your tv settings and then adjust the Zoom ones on the framemeister as well.

But that's only to ensure perfect geometry, to allow the scanlines to align 100% the right way. They are not used in any way to zoom on the image.

That's exactly what you would do with other sources as well, my Analogue NT for example also needs the TV to be set to -1 pixel ratio in order to achieve perfect scanlines.


What do I need electricity-wise to plug in the Bandridge 5 way manual SCART selector in North America?

Nothing if it's like other manual switches. There's no plug for the power adapter next to the RCA audio like in the automatic version.


So there's a problem with the Ultra HDMI N64 that I'm hoping has been or will be fixed with a new firmware update... the scaling is not 1:1 and looks blurry, which sort of undermines the purpose of all this. There IS a sharp pixels/integer scaling option but it disables scanlines and most of the Ultra HDMI's settings (no idea why, it makes no sense to me). Basically, you can't have all the necessary settings turned on at once that would give the optimal picture quality when that's the point of this mod!

There's no fix for this now, right?


Anybody with an Extron RGB (201) have ringing and weird horizontal bars moving vertically through their picture?

Couldn't capture the lines but it sort of looks like this exaggerated example:

I've tried other sources and cable inputs, it's either the Extron or the BNC>VGA cable I have.


No scanlines for me.

I'm going to buck the trend again and say give Implant games' profiles a try. He's got a youtube channel and a series called How to XRGB Mini, in that he posts his profiles. For me, his profiles look better, and work better on my TV than FBX's. Plus with his I don't have to try and futz around with my TV's zoom settings. He includes zoom settings for the framemeister on all his profiles.


I have tried to watch this video series but his sing song cadence drives me ape shit and I can't get through it. As the videos go on it is less bad but when you first start watching its really jarring.


one day down two days left...

...until I get my bvm! hopefully my Super Famicom Jr comes before then ready for me to rgb mod it!
Yep! I used to have a modded SNES Jr.

I remember it being alright though regardless. I may install it and then see if a resistor is needed or not.


If you check out the "brightness issue" title on this page, this fix sorted out my old SNES Mini before I decided to get a launch Super Famicom instead.

Also the correct titles for the revised hardware are Super Famicom Jr and SNES Mini. Bit of an OCD thing. lol


Has anyone actually got any comparisons of the mini/Jr with and without the resistors installed?

edit: found some. Hm. I'll give the 1.1k resistors a go, but I'll definitely test without them first.

Tell me about it, had a Famicom to AV mod sat in my room for a good 6 months now. LOL

heh well, once my sfc jr turns up this week, it's getting modded immediately!


I'm on my phone so I can't easily find it, but look for phonedorks recent video, mega. He talks about it iirc.

Yup at the 22 minute mark of his 20F1U and Ultra HDMI video. There's no solution at the moment. Scanline options are disabled with the integer scaling settings. It's so dumb. :/


good thing the UltraHDMI devs didn't delay it to make scan lines work with 1:1 modes. i'd have raged!

good thing UltraHDMI can be updated. the fix will come eventually and everyone gets happy by then.


So I got my hands on a PVM-20L4 but can't seem to get it to pick anything up. It starts in 480i/60 but after that I can't seem to access any service menus, toggle sync or even the volume control. Standard button combinations to reach menus doesn't seem to lead me anywhere either. Maybe a sign of it being dead but there's a red light coming from the top of the bezel where the little white strip is.

Any ideas or has anyone ran into something similar?


Everybody is so excited about injecting roms in Wii U VC and I'm over here like "fookin' lag this is of no use to me". :-


It's why I'm going back to good old CRT gaming. Lag? Fuuuuuck offff

But, aside from that, I have to say GBA on the gamepad is absolutely lag free. It's quite simply the best emulation I've encountered in years.
Everybody is so excited about injecting roms in Wii U VC and I'm over here like "fookin' lag this is of no use to me". :-\

Lag whatever, have you looked at the compatibility lists?


These kind of lists also tend to be very optimistic. How much can you trust that any of those greens don't have a long list of their own problems?

Like maybe for N64, where emulators are already trash tier but DS? A system that everyone and their dog already has? With several very good models to choose from, and 100% backwards compatible on every 3DS? With flashcarts everywhere and cheap as dirt? Yeah no thanks!
Like maybe for N64, where emulators are already trash tier but DS? A system that everyone and their dog already has? With several very good models to choose from, and 100% backwards compatible on every 3DS? With flashcarts everywhere and cheap as dirt? Yeah no thanks!

I bought the GBA SMB3 with all the e-Reader levels on Wii U, but then I got a patch file that let me patch the real ROM with the same levels. Playing it on an original GBA with an AGS-101 backlit screen upgrade. :)
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